In recent years, the entire city has never encountered such a grand funeral, almost everyone is talking about Professor Zhao now. And more people know this news, they envy that young people who have got a professor heritage.

A hundred billion ... this doesn't send it!

When Zhao Yongan's body was pushed into the fire, the cry of the cries, the staff of the crematorium was a bit shaking, did not dare to go too fast, and did not dare to go too slow.

Fast, I am afraid that they are slow, they are too slow, and I am afraid that they are being jealous.

When they curated the body, they didn't dare to have a mistake, and I was birken for a long time, and I sent my ashes.

The ashes, is Deng Ronghua who bought a fragrant wood bought by high prices, worthy of money.

According to Zhao Yongan's personality, I don't like too extra extravagant things. Although he has collected a lot of antique play, he is all based on appreciation, not self-use. After death, it also basically donate to the country.

If you stay, you are the baby you have passed down.

In the conversation with Deng Ronghua, Huo has determined that he guess is not wrong.

From the old house, it is burned to the students, and the old man is self-directed.

To put it up, such a thing is actually allegedly illegal, even if you are your own home, it is easy to cause serious consequences.

This may be that Zhao Yongan has the greatest lie, but people are dead, who can hold him?

No matter what I don't know, I have a eye.

The ashes did not store in the funeral home, and did not sprinkle the big river, the hopes of the old man. It was lying in the ancestral with the ancestors.

It is a pity that the shabby ancestors have also burned. After a business negotiation, the last Huo retreated the original site, including the cultivation of the small museum, handed over to Fang Changsheng.

According to the market, such a living code takes hundreds of millions.

But Fang Chang will see this situation, which will have money, big hands, announce the free.

However, he wants to free, Deng Ronghua is not happy.

We are not can't afford this money, what is your personal love?

Finally, under the mediation of Huo, Fangchang has received cost price and more than 4 million.

Zhao Yongan's ashes, buried in the ancestral position of the ancestors, there is no monument, only a spirit card. This is what the ancestralization has been placed, and the ancestral spirit is placed. Before this, I can only be wronged.

Strictly speaking, there is not allowed to be so ash, but Zhao Yongan is high, and it is his ancestral house. It belongs to private land. What people want to be buried, no one can manage.

Furthermore, even if there is a tube, who dares to manage?

A funeral, thousands of people come over, such people, who is fighting.

Until this moment, many talents really realized that Zhao Yongan's prestige has high.

At this point, the funeral of the father is basically completed, but Deng Ronghua has not left immediately, but it is intended to stay here.

Head is a more important day in the domestic funeral. The ancients believe that the soul of the deceased will return home in the head and seven, and the family should prepare a meal for the deceased, then burn a ladder. The soul is finished, and it will be on the ladder.

Of course, now, the head seven has become relatively simple, and it is generally a burning paper money.

Huo is not too many studies on the funeral ceremonies, but he can understand people's values ​​of these customs.

After the funeral is over, Huo is extraordinary, whether you get to, people who are familiar with him will use a strange gaze.

Basically, I am envious and embarrassing, the media is exaggerated to the heritage figures, so that Huo has formed an image of a dog in people's heart.

Don't say those ordinary people, even Ji Changming, after seeing Huo, and pulling him with an envious and hate, asking if he has inherited billions of heritage.

You know, the whole Ji family, is only a billion asset. If Huo is unable to inherit so much, it is equal to the industry in the hand, it's a harmonious industry!

In this regard, Huo is naturally denied.

He didn't avoid himself to get Zhao Yongan's legacy, but it won't explain that he did not have these things.

Some good things can't be reserved, not because of the high, but because there is no meaning.

Huo is not wanting to add anything to yourself, he just wants to have a good day and complete his goals.

It is only one of the relationship between heritage, Deng Ronghua, Miao Yi, etc. in addition to money.

This, makes more people to transition to Huo.

Among them, Ji Chuanhai represented by Ji Chuanhai is an example.

Ji Chuanhai did not come to participate in the funeral, but in the second day of the feast, I came to see Huo. He is representative of the Ji Family, and he also instead of the high-rise of Ji Town and Zhenxiong, to explain to Huo.

That passionate attitude, I can't help but laugh.

In the past, although Ji Chuanhai is very polite, it is based on the ability to value this person, but now, Ji Chuanhai shows the gesture, it is equal, and even the meaning of a bit of bar.

About this, Huo doesn't think there is anything bad.

The lower the gesture of the Ji family, the easier if he wants to do.

Although Huo doesn't want to use Zhao Yong'an's death, it is really interested in one person, it is really trying to find a law, and you will dig it.

Assistant of General Manager of the Ji Home Branch, the new hopes of the company's legal representative, the initiator of the national weight loss activities ...

These titles, in the publicity of the media, known many people.

Perhaps many people have no more interest to Huo, but when there is a funeral of thousands of people, it is still very attractive.

In this way, there is a large number of onlookers to the Taobao shop.

In the next few days, Taobao shop's daily visit was doubled, and sales also officially broke through 500,000 mark!

People who come to see the excitement may not want to buy weight loss products, but the national distribution fade in twelve hours, it is easy to make them curious.

Especially more than tens of thousands of evaluations, almost there is almost no bad review, all of which are all kinds of pravages.

The live broadcast of the kitchen, as well as Ning Xueqing in the middle, and people are amazing the boss, and these are one of the attractive factors.

So, when I made a hero, some people didn't want to be famous, but they were forced to have a lot, and they could only say that even luck stood on this side.

Seeing the weight loss product, the reduction of the reduction is rising in the trend of gratifying, and Mu Shijie is happy.

The reduction of the fat beverage has been developed and the initial path test is underway.

The so-called road test is to stop the passers-by on the road, one person drinks, and ask the evaluation.

At present, the evaluation is not bad, most people are very interested in this taste, and will not increase how much hot cards are very interested.

After waiting for the road test, find a regular drink factory processing, you can go public sales.

This time, roughly limited in the two weeks, from time to time, it is still urgent.

The people of the entire Jia subsidiary are busy, but no one is shouting.

Everyone now saw the company's potential, even the shareholders who were going to go before, now they are honest.

One day is 500,000 sales, and the growth momentum does not weaken, no one knows what kind of grades can be achieved in this Taobao shop. Do not say anything else, the light of this event gives the company's name, is invaluable!

If the armor is now willing to transfer the company name, some is willing to spend billions to buy!

All in all, Huo's forever initially lets people of this company realize that they will leave a wise choice.

On the other hand, Wang Changxin is now a focus, but it is different from Mu Shijie, which is a man who is an international drug raw material trade, is a big fleet hurts for his company's share price.

Three days ago, a big capital suddenly entered, bought a $ 100 million stock, which also made the stock price rose more than a dozen points.

Originally Wang Changxin is quite happy, no matter why this fund is coming in, it is a good thing.

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