He said this, the people in the property have nothing to say.

It is also a big professor in the world, even if the old fame and fortune, no denial of his previous contribution.

People like this, if there is no one after a business, it is too sad, which can't see it.

Therefore, Huo is waiting for this head, and the property is also happy.

As for the things that the item is sealed, you can find a special person like Huo.

Subsequently, under the lead in the community and the property, the doctor did not say many words and put the body down.

After the low temperature crystal lacuna, the body of the old man was put in, and the funeral home also sent people to help set up a hinge.

In the room, I found a old photo of Zhao Yongan and made a look after zooming.

Everything seems to be in order, many people living in the community come to see the lively, or see if there is anything to help.

Regardless of Zhao Yongan is not a professor, at least he live in this community, an old man died, even a child delivered, it is easy to arouse the sympathy of others.

Huo is unless to piety, because he has not been eligible to replace Zhao Yongan's children.

Before standing in the spiritual hall, Huo was in the first three scent, burned two papers.

After Ning Xueqing got a message, it was also coming with sugar sugar.

Huo's extraordinarily led the little girl before going to the hook, said: "Give your grandfather, three heads."

Sugar sugar is obedient, she walked to the pot, looked at the legs on the table, not afraid.

Huo is standing next to it, the body of the crystal coffin: "Lao Ge, my daughter is going to be a step late, I can't let you see it. I let her give you three heads, shouting a grandfather, right as a sin You can rest assured that I will not forget it. "

Ning Xueqing stood around him and looked at the husband's appearance. She slowly reached out and holding Huo's fist.

When speaking, Huo's hand is very tight, showing his inner heart, not the surface looks so calm.

There is no more comfort, Ning Xueqing knows that Huo is very respectful, and the old man died, he is inevitable.

Don't say others, even if she is, there is no traffic with Zhao Yongan, but I can watch such a respectable elderly, but no one is, I still feel very sad.

People who come to burn paper are basically the residents of the community.

When they came, they always glanced next to it, looked at the legs on the ground, carefully grinding a few pieces of trees.

They all know that this person is very good and the end of the old professor, his first active should be responsible for the operation. Such a friendship is admirable.

Everyone who comes to the paper, Huo will be slightly bent, and then continue to put into the rest of the wood.

At this time yesterday, he just wants to get out of the wooden box, and work is not very good. But now, he has a lot of time, I want to come, the old man will not be too anxious.

So, he wants to do his best, make the wooden box more perfect.

The third hour of the hinges, a middle-aged man wearing a suit, a middle-aged man wearing eyes.

He looked extraordinary, and then asked: "Is you responsible for managing Professor Zhao?"

Huo watched him at a glance, "What is it?"

"Hello, my name is Dong Liangcai. It is a lawyer hired by Professor Zhao." The middle-aged man said, take a document from the handbag, said: "I have a will here, and the professor left. The special idea is taken by the first person to handle the behind him. It is simple to operate these things for the professor, is his heir. "

The middle-aged man handed over the documents, but Huo did not even looked.

He did this, not to inherit Zhao Yongan's legacy, just in order to let the heart of the heart to alleviate some.

Huo is too late, so that middle-aged men are slightly embarrassed, he has to take the document back, said: "You don't have the relationship, the content of the will be confirmed by the professor, and has a notarized, legally effective. According to the content of the will, the professors will be inherited by you, including this house, an old house of the homestead, stored in the national bank safe, the total value of about 400 million antique literature. In addition, In the will, all cash must be given to the hoping project through legal procedures. Finally, Professor Zhao deliberately gave me two days ago, saying that if you are doing his behind, He turned into it. "

When this middle-aged lawyer mentioned those heritage, Huo didn't look up, even the movements in his hand stopped.

Unlike Ning Xueqing, people are a bit stupid, this set of houses in the community is nothing, but also worth 15 million, Old House of house, that is expensive.

It has a large area of ​​land, and it is the main city. It is said that there have been developers to spend three billion purchases, and the father is not sold.

Is there a total value about four billion antique?

It's not all of his antiques, all as the old house is burned?

This is the truceful tart with the sky, and the Ning Xueqing is somewhat.

Huo is always looking at the middle-aged lawyer and asks: "What is the professor let you turn it?"

Middle-aged lawyer Dong Liangchen saw the wood material in his hand, then said: "Professor Zhao let me tell you, I hope you have a day, you can learn how to put this wooden box."

Huo's unfair, this sentence is somewhat blame, it is difficult to understand.

The wood box is filled with water, seemingly strange, is actually not too difficult. There is no iron bucket in ancient times, and it is a wooden barrel.

As long as the process is fine enough, there will be no gaps from water flow.

But Huo knows that Zhao Yongan turns into the words, it is definitely not let him use the wooden box as a bucket.

This sentence should be telling him a philosophy of life.

It's just that the professor is too complicated, making people feel hard to understand.

Dong Liang saw Huo's doubts and shrugged: "Don't ask me, I don't know what Zhao is" what is the meaning. He just let me turn back. "

Huo is silent for a moment, then reach out, said: "Give me a will and all kinds of documents."

Dong Liang did not hesitate. According to the words, the things were handed over to him, then it seems unintentional question: "If you want to change these things into cash, I know a few good auctions, including the homestead of ..."

"I didn't say it." Huo watched him: "Now it will not sell, will not sell later."

"Then these things ..."

"They used to be professor, and later, the old man did not have a descendant, no one inherited, I wouldn't greater this cheap. These things will always be with him. I will build a small museum on the homestead, put all the antique text Play to go in to the view, and let all people who come to remember that this world has survived the old man named Zhao Yongan. "Huo is unfair to cut the cross.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the heartbeat stop is dead.

In the eyes of the doctor, the brain waves disappeared.

In the eyes of the philosopher, only one person is really historical, no longer have any traces to stay in this world, and there will be no one to file his name, that is really dead.

Huo is not a philosian, but he feels that Zhao Yongan is.

So, a philosopher should not want himself to be forgotten.

He wants to build a clean soil for Zhao Yongan, let his name will keep a long period of history in the long river of history.

Money, it is completely unimportant to Hojia Master, which is really important is to find your own survival in this new life.

Ning Xueqing sat next to it, she looked at Huo's eyes, gradually took a strong worship.

This is your husband, a man who is not greedy money.

A person who faces hundreds of millions of money sent to the door, can you say that he is not expensive?

Prior to this, Ning Xueqing had never seen noble people. She saw it around her, and even heard of it.

Huo is extraordinary, beyond this level, she is not seen, he has never heard.

Let her feel lucky, such people are her husband.

The wife who can do this person, she feels that she has lived in their lives, may really save the bank.

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