The fund manager quickly turned to see, and I saw that Sichuan Mogen was rising in a straight line. Just five seconds less than five seconds, I have already pulled the daily limit, and the large number of eight thousand hands will be completely blocked.

He looked at the time, only three minutes left closed, but these three minutes can no longer carry free transactions. Usually this time is a closed price of the overall transaction, rushing at this time point to pull, indicating that it is not willing to give retail households to drink soup.

In other words, this stock also has a lot of probability to continue to rise tomorrow!

After all, this is not a stock that often fluctuates. It has fallen continuously for nearly half a year. There is no special situation, how can it pull the daily limit.

What is the big man of 81,000 hands, this shows that some people have low-priced suction, now start to control!

"How could ..." Looking at the last closing time to the total daily limit, the two fund managers were stupid.

A whole day, the up and down fluctuations have no more than six cents, and now the first five seconds of the bidding, but rose a daily limit!

Miao Yi did not smoke the snow, he was also surprised to look at the screen, and did not expect such a thing. This let him look at Huo, I want to know if this is very lucky, or because of other?

However, when he looked at Huo, he found that this young man did not show how excited, but the brow is slightly frown, like anything is very dissatisfied.

If it is someone else, the Miao Schola will think that the man is in the decoration.

Your choice has a daily limit, and what else is not satisfied.

But I'm going to think about it, this is the candidate of the teacher, naturally can't be the same as ordinary people. This also makes the seedlings are shameful for their own ideas. If you can't afford this young person, you should believe that the teacher is right.

So many years, the teachers did not pick up the disciples inherited in the clothes, now it is difficult to choose one, and how will it be ordinary people.

Still your own eyes, you can't keep up with the teacher's rhythm!

Including the secretary Feng Yaqiu, the pair of beauty is also between the computer screen and Huo.

One minute ago, she was still very dissatisfied with this man who was a small man than her own, and even shouted the security guard to go out.

However, now, Feng Yaqiu is amazed at Huo's "good luck", and even if he is doing.

The same problem, in the hearts of a few people, making them unlikely at this moment.

Just now, ridiculousness, and you can also come.

Huo is unfolded, not dissatisfied with the stock gains, but because the opportunity to rise is not good.

The collection bidding first five seconds instantly rose, and the retail operators are usually the reaction.

He didn't know how much low-cost chips were collected, but at least more than 100 million, after all, the 150,000-handed sealing is 8 million. More than 12 pieces, eight million shares are 90 million.

Like this long-term traveler, usually don't need too much chips, as long as you have a big capital into the scene, naturally, there is a retail. And the rising resistance will be very small, because the latch is waiting to solve the sleeve, will not sell easily, no set, I want to look at the scenery, and will not sell easily.

As long as the dead seal is dead, a billion is pushed up to twelve tens of billions of disk.

However, when Huo is doing this, he will always leave ten minutes to the retail.

No matter what you want to drink soup, you still want to leave, there is enough consideration.

And Wang Hao's practice is different from him.

Such a rising, only don't go, you can say that the hopes of the retail household will be died.

When he opened the rising limit board, it was actually ready to ship slowly, let the retail take away.

At that time, there is no second big money followed by the pickup, stocks will continue to fall, and the distributor will be launched in the top of the mountain as the seniors.

This kid, how can I be so embarrassed now!

The dissatisfaction in Huo is aimed at Wang Yunxing, but he doesn't have the contact information of the apprentice. Hever is the most important thing to first solve the matter of Professor Zhao, rather than care about those retail

If you dare to enter this market, you have to have awareness of the leeks.

Looking up and look at the Miao, Huo is said: "Miao Chairman, I chose this stock has been left, should you wait until tomorrow?"

The Miao Yi did not speak immediately. He looked at Huo, and Huo was very calm and pair.

After the meeting, the Miao Yi is suddenly asked: "Don't pick the snow?"

"My wife doesn't like tobacco." Huo replied.

Feng Yaqiu frowned, although the stock of Huo's unauthorized shares will rise in the lathelet, but this does not mean that you are eligible to talk to the chairman.

However, it is not angry with a temper, but it is not angry, but laugh. He put down the cigar in his hand and stood up while applauding.

The first time didn't talk to Huo, but looked at the two fund managers, said: "Now, you are really a rice bowl!"

The two fund managers have a blue red alternating, and a sentence can't say it. It can only be pulled with the head to stand.

Just now they ridicule, but I didn't expect much to have high mountains and more water. How many words I have said, I have to have more embarrassment now.

But the two people are somewhat not to serve, and I feel that Huo is purely. It is very good.

Sichuan Union, who is not good news, how can it be seen by him to have a daily limit? What is this?

But now they don't dare to say this, otherwise, in the character of Miao, I can't say it.

The most often said this chairman is: "If you lose, do so many reasons?"

After the end of the fund manager, Miao Yi is watching Huo, asking: "This stock, are you through some kind of analysis, or intuitive?"

"Intuition tells me that you have an answer in your heart." Huo replied.

Miao Shuyi, then laughed again, pointed to Huo: "Your kid is temper, I like it! Yes, good! Feng secretary, take my check this!"

Feng Yaqiu quickly took a check book, Miao Yi touched a cigar, threw it to Huo, said: "Your wife is not like smoke, and I have nothing to do, it is not my wife. But I like you, you Get it. "

Huo's unfarer caught the cigar, looked at this voice, and very arrogant man, passed the meeting, said: "When you go to school, it is often?"

Miao Yi, I laughed and laughed. I strongly patted Huo's ounce shoulders: "Well, kids have a kind! I really fight often, but usually I am others, so many years, you are the first A dare to talk to me. I will give you more than two million. After going back, tell Zhao's old man, this money, I look at your face, I haven't need to do it. In addition, no matter what you are now Which thing, come to the Personnel Department tomorrow, I will guarantee that you can make a few million in a year! "

"Sorry, my current work is very good, the chairman of the seedlings will leave the position to more needed." Huo.

At this time, Feng Yaqiu has brought the check book. He heard the words of Huo, can't read him both eyes.

For Huo, Feng Yaqiu can now say hate and admire.

I hate that he speaks arrogant in front of the chairman and admires him to speak like this.

You must know that hundreds of billionaires who have been caught by Miao No, there are conflicts that have had a conflict with him in the circle. But he has such a personality charm, fighting, drinking wine, and falling into a good friend.

However, since the Miao Shu likes to do it, no one dares to talk to him, this guy that does not scrap the image is simply a madman!

Miao Yi took a check book and wrote two.

One is Zhao Yongan's seven million equity, one is two million he just promised.

All torn, one shot of Huo, Miao Yishang: "Yes, don't want to pull down, go!"

If you say something, he doesn't matter what to do, you will go back to your seat, pick up your cigar, turn back the computer screen back.

Huo is always I want to persuade two words he and Zhao Yongan, but I don't want to talk again, I don't want to talk again. As for these two checks, he did not have the right to return to two million.

Others are willing to send money, why don't you pay?

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