Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 712 The Final Battle!

Don't use the gun, play cold weapons?

Ivan was a little confused, because this conclusion is really a bit against common sense.

But when the trap is almost ineffective, the murderer's weapon is more advanced than himself, can be invisible, and has bulletproof armor, it seems that only melee is the only hope.

Although the opponent is also very burly, at least his stomach is exposed.

If you have a weakness, you can kill it!

Thinking of this, Ivan firmly believed, closed the forum, and prepared to fight again.

This time, he did not forget to take the hunting spear from the wall of the wooden house and carry it on his back.

After the last update, there are three more cold weapons in the game store: hunting knives, hunting spears and hunting axes.

But very few people use it.

——You often can’t catch up with your prey with a gun, so take a knife to catch up? what dream

As for those large prey that can't run, if you use hunting knives and spears to fight, it's really hard to say who will die at that time.

Anyway, Ivan used a hunting spear to hunt bears, and the winning rate was 50-50.

As for the hunting axe, Ivan has always used it as a tool for cutting trees, at least replacing the stone ax he made himself.

In fact, most of the time, hunting knives are used to cut branches and shrubs. No one really uses these things for hunting.

But now, the importance of this thing is immediately highlighted——

This game is not good for hunting, but it is good for beating people!

In this way, with an ax hanging on his waist, a hunting spear on his back, and a hunting knife in his hand, Ivan walked out of the wooden house and walked again to the forest where the murderer disappeared, starting the journey of suffering.


Ivan's conclusion is: The opponent's hot weapon is stronger than mine, so I will use cold weapon.

Based on the same information, many players in Daxia came to the conclusion: The opponent's thermal weapons are stronger than mine, so I will get more thermal weapons. Can one of the 8 guns be afraid?

As for being broken by each one?

That's the question of teamwork and tactical literacy.

To put it more bluntly: don't blame your opponent for being strong.

Zhuifeng led his team to play like this, and even brought in his old acquaintance Cangniao.

Of course, he was leading the team in name, but in fact it was Kuratori who was in command.

At first they actually played [Extraordinary Battlefield], but after seeing the Numbered Medal reward in [Cross-Border Pursuit], they changed places without saying a word.

All of them were holding shotguns, placed 25 meters apart from each other, and then alternated in pairs, firing at random.

——This distance is also the experience gained by sacrificing their lives. In order to obtain this accurate data, they were wiped out by the shoulder artillery 3 times.

As for random firing, it is purely a lottery.

What if you get caught?

It's okay if you don't get caught, as long as you keep moving, the murderer will follow suit, and sooner or later his feet will be revealed.

At that time, the firepower will be covered as soon as possible.


A Yi and Yelang also accepted the task of Cross-Border Chasing Murder to join in the fun.

However, they didn't think about going head-to-head at all, and directly started a show routine:

After 8 people are assembled, let 2 people enter the game world first, and then send invitations to the other 6 people. After receiving the invitation, the teammates will not accept or reject it, just wait.

The two of them wandered around like this while sending invitations to their teammates every minute.

Until Ah Yi was suddenly stabbed through the heart!

Yelang immediately shouted on the team channel: Come on!

The 6 teammates accepted the invitation instantly, entered the game world, raised their guns and shot!

Bang bang bang!

Dang Dang Dang!

Gunshots and metal clashes rang out.

Sparks splattered, green blood splattered, and—

A two-meter-long double-edged spear suddenly appeared in the air.

Accompanied by an inhuman and terrifying roar, the murderer swung his spear round and slashed in a circle, and a ring of blood burst open in the middle of the densely gathered squad!

At the same time that Ah Yi disappeared, seven teammates flew upside down at the same time, and the guns in their hands shattered instantly and scattered all over the place.

In the middle of the ring paved with blood, only the mysterious murderer with green blood was left standing.

The rest is to make up the knife one by one.

This trick only worked once, and the second time they repeated the same trick, the murderer wiped A Yi's neck with a knife and didn't stop at all.

When the teammates teleported over, there was no one there.

Holding the idea of ​​​​there are only three things to do, they tried again, and after failing again, they resolutely withdraw their troops and slip away.


The number of times Ivan died was far more than that of A Yi and Yelang who joined in the fun.

He rushed into the forest again and again, but failed every time.

The murderer fell from the sky and stabbed a knife into the Tianling Cap.

His throat was slashed silently by the murderer.

Nailed to a tree by a spear piercing through the air.

He was lifted up and stoned to death.


He died again and again, until the audience couldn't watch it anymore, and he never thought of giving up even once.

It's just that in the middle of the continuous death, he came up with a slightly jumping idea:

Perhaps, we should find a big summer kung fu master in the virtual world and learn kung fu.

Relying on a burly and strong body to overwhelm people, this trick is very useful in reality, but in the virtual world, it is meaningless - it can be seen from the fact that he is being brutally abused by his opponent now.

Skills and knowledge are the key to widening the gap between players.

The more you fight this murderer, the more obvious this feeling becomes.

If you don't want to lag behind the top players in the future, you must find ways to strengthen these aspects.

It's best to learn the skills of cold weapons, but in Daxia, it seems that cold weapons fighting will not be spread easily?

I don't know if there is a chance.

It is a pity that the development of sambo that can be learned in Russia is focused on sports.

Although it has a dominant influence in Eastern Europe, its development in the direction of actual combat has been relatively lagging behind, obviously lagging behind America's mixed martial arts and Daxia's martial arts.

However, there is no matching cold weapon in mixed martial arts, and Daxia's martial arts are closely related to cold weapons. Learn in one step, and directly find a master in Daxia.

These thoughts are only in the mind for the time being, and it does not help the current situation.

He fought again and again, died again and again, indomitable.

From dawn to night, from night to dawn.

From cloudless, to changing winds and clouds, rain clouds pile up.

——One day and night in the game world is much shorter than in reality, and the weather changes more frequently.

Ivan didn't care about these things at all, he just threw himself into the battle after battle with all his heart.

In this constant death in battle, gradually, he felt that something had changed.

He is no longer nervous, and he will die when he meets him.

He is no longer powerless to resist, and can only be beaten like luck.

He no longer collapsed at the first touch, and was crushed every time.

He became so calm that he could even predict in advance that his opponent was going to attack.

He has become nimble and sharp, knowing how to dodge, how to block, and how to counterattack.

He can even fight a dozen moves without losing sight of his opponent!

This feeling made him a little familiar, like...

A weakened version of [Battle Induction].

Probably only 5% effect?

Although it is still inevitable to die, there is a fight.

Ivan was even more relentless.

Until the unknown number of times, the clouds gathered and the rain was coming, and he stepped into the forest again.

This time, he didn't need to look for it, and he didn't need to wait for the murderer to show up.

Because, the mysterious murderer was standing on a rock, condescending, waiting for him silently.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky in the distance, and thunder rolled in.

The lightning illuminated the world for a split second, allowing Ivan to see the whole picture of this opponent clearly——

Tall and strong body, beige skin, crocodile-like horny webs on the surface of the skin, sharp claws protruding from the end of the fingers, thick metal wrist guards, and the bowl blade that popped out of the wrist guards gleamed coldly.

The breastplate and shoulder armor are obviously made of some kind of alloy, but their shape resembles huge animal bones.

Behind the metal helmet, the dense tubular long hair flutters in the wind, like a living thing!

This... this... this is not human at all! !

This sudden appearance, coupled with the oppressive appearance, made Ivan stop breathing.

He always thought that this cruel serial killer, the mysterious murderer who could hide himself, was a man of burly stature and infinite strength.

As for the green fluorescent blood, it was most likely due to some kind of mutation, and it was this mutation that gave him the ability to be invisible.

Misled by the information on the forum, he even wondered if the murderer was a black man.


He couldn't think of it, this **** is not a person at all!

As if the shock it brought him was not enough, when the next lightning came, that terrifying monster took off his helmet again and threw it at his feet.

In an instant, there was lightning, thunder and torrential rain!

With the light of lightning, Ivan could see his face clearly——

What an ugly face it was!

Protruding frontal bones, deep-set eye sockets, dense spots, natural cracked jaw, and double-layered fangs on the inside and outside are hideous and disgusting, making it impossible to look directly at!

Four large characters as bright as blood appeared on the monster's shoulder——


This mysterious murderer finally has a name.

With this terrifying face on his face, the Predator raised his spear, bathed in thunder and heavy rain, jumped off the boulder, and went straight to Ivan!

Without giving in, Ivan raised his hunting spear, strode forward with both legs, and headed towards him!

He had a strong premonition in his heart——

This will be... the final battle!

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