Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 674: It's a success by just a few hundred million points!


This time it was Ye Xiaohe's turn to be confused.

But who is Ye Xiaohe, she immediately came back to her senses, with an expression of I understand, and her smile became presumptuous——

So boss, you like this kind of tune? No problem, leave it to me!


Of course Lin You could not accept this slander: What nonsense are you talking about?

Is this for me? This is for the players!

Think about it, spend so much effort to touch all cats and dogs, and in the end you only get an inexplicable achievement of [Rolling all over the world]. Unless you are a fan of cats, cats and dogs, who would do this kind of achievement? ?”

But if you give a cat that will turn into a cat-eared girl after completing all the collections! Just say, will the players put their lives to it for this achievement?

You must know it! After listening to Lin You's description, Ye Xiaohe suddenly realized and became excited, As expected of the boss, I really understand it!

Inspired by Lin You, Ye Xiaohe suddenly felt that the door to a new world was suddenly opened in front of her——

Why don't you separate cats and dogs? Let's have another dog boy! It's more fair for both male and female players to fight!

No. Lin You shook his head, It's too unreasonable for you to think so.

? Ye Xiaohe was taken aback.

Lin You immediately pointed out: Male players also like dog girls, and female players also like cat-eared boys... right?

The latter Lin You is not very sure, because he himself has no feelings for the boy with cat ears at all, and even thinks of that scene, which makes his skin crawl a little.

But Ye Xiaohe's eyes glowed, she nodded vigorously, and used body language to fully express her approval of Lin You's theory.

So Lin You continued confidently: Then why don't you make cat-eared boys and girls and dog-eared boys and girls?

But if that's the case, isn't it too much? If all the achievements are included, how difficult is the achievement to be worthy of this 'reward'? Ye Xiaohe hesitated.

You don't need to put it all, you can use it as other rewards, design a fun task line or something, just use it as a practice! Lin You suggested.

It makes sense! Ye Xiaohe was instantly persuaded and nodded excitedly.

Lin You also smiled and nodded, yes, yes, children can be taught.

Come on.

After leaving a word of encouragement at the end, Lin You planned to leave.

And Ye Xiaohe enthusiastically began to plan the afternoon's work: Today I will start designing the image of the milkshake's dog demon girl! Well, let's start designing from the color matching and personality...

? Lin You, who was planning to leave, abruptly stopped, and turned back——

Wait, wait! Why a milkshake?

Because the little milkshake is the most famous! Everyone has developed a relationship in John Wick, wouldn't it be appropriate to directly personify it? Ye Xiaohe said confidently.

But Lin You didn't think so!

He just thought it was some crazy idea!

Also inexplicably have the illusion that a hard-raised cabbage is about to be pouted?

This can't work...

Just let Milkshake be an ordinary, innocent puppy!

Change another one. Everyone has been raising them for so long. If they suddenly change people, they will feel that the object of their affection before is fake. This is not a good thing.

Besides, if they really want to do this, how should they treat their dogs in Night City?

Hmm... Ye Xiaohe was lost in thought, It that so?

She felt like her brain was overloaded.

Of course it is! Don't think about it, just let it be.

Lin You interrupted Ye Xiaohe's thinking and quickly finalized the matter.

Afterwards, without further ado, he just walked away and ran to find Fan Rui to do business.


On the player side, after eating melons and short-term choice phobia, they also entered the two newly released modules one after another, and began to try new ways to play.

However, they soon discovered that the two mods played completely different ways.

Moreover, they are all outrageous!

The gameplay of Terraria, at least at the beginning, is quite similar to My World.

It's all about tree rolling, building, mining, and forging ore into corresponding weapons and armor. Later, as the game progresses, it becomes more and more outrageous until it becomes two completely different games.

This is completely different from mods made by other players and studios.

This behavior of [using new games as modules] is further amplified in The Witch and Fortnite.

The game The Witch is still a bit of a fan.

Terraria at least has a guide, who will give you a bunch of advice, tell you the progress of the game and the goals.

And The Witch doesn't even have that.

There are two magic wands at the beginning, and the stone sculpture tells you that you can kick the objects hard, and then there is a downhill, directly entering the first underground layer [Mine].

Games start.

This is the only guide, nothing else.

what is this?

A real man only goes down 100 floors?

The players complained one after another.

The problem is that we are witches!

Speaking of this, the players are also full of complaints: I have never seen such a fool, sending two wands is a witch?

The usage of the wand is also outrageous, a large list of complex attributes: [disorder], [number of spells], [release delay], [recharge time], [maximum mana value], [capacity], [scatter]... It hurts to see.

——Although I don't understand it, it doesn't hinder me from rushing into the underground cave, and just shoot randomly at the monster biubiubiu.

Half of the surface is a cliff that cannot be climbed, and the other half is a magnificent world tree that is even more outrageous than the cliff. These two terrains block the possibility of players exploring far away, and they seem to be the border of the map.

The players could only run into the ground in a daze, and began to figure out how to play the game.

In contrast, Fortress Night is much more friendly to the people.

Enter the game, tap materials, pick up guns, and start working.

Simple and rude.

There is no threshold.

As long as you have played Minecraft and any Yunmeng gunfight game, you can instantly get started with this game.

However, apart from building, this game has nothing to do with Minecraft.

On the contrary, it has a lot to do with Paradise!

[Dinosaur Island] is not a strange place for players.

When you open the map and look at the shape of the island, everyone recognizes it immediately.

——Even now, there are not a few players who squat on Dinosaur Island every day, waiting for the large dinosaurs to spawn.

After all, Yunmeng already has hundreds of millions of users, every week Mirage is attacking cities overseas, and new players are constantly coming in.

Therefore, players who want to achieve [Glory of the Ancestors] and get dinosaur pets are in an endless stream.

After running a lot, I am very familiar with the terrain, and I don't even need to adapt to the environment.

And many players have been to [Jurassic Park] with their friends and family before, and they have visited and played in it as tourists.

Now I can actually hold a hot weapon and fire wildly in the familiar park, this feeling is simply not too good!

The difference in the threshold of getting started between the two games is so obvious that the number of players has quickly opened up a huge gap.

When Lin You finished his work in the Chang'an project team, remembered this incident before leaving get off work, and went to the operation team to watch the real-time data, the number of online players in Fortnite was already 20% of that of The Witch. multiple times!

When seeing Lin You, every employee looked at him with very complicated eyes.

Naturally, there is admiration, but more of it is to doubt life——

The boss and the three of them made a game in a week, which is more popular than dozens of us in a month, and the gap is more than 20 times...

'Can you live this day? '

Lin You noticed this and quickly comforted everyone: It's okay, it's all about the genre of the game. One focuses on depth, exploration and creation, which is relatively slow to heat up, and the other focuses on short, flat and fast games. It doesn't require much thinking, and the start is naturally fast. , there is a gap is normal.

Don't worry, don't worry, it's just a small problem.


But the consolation is consolation, facing the questions of the employees: When will The Witch be completely popular and keep pace with Fortnite?

Lin You could only smile awkwardly and change the subject.

How does he know this?


It was also at this time that in Terraria, the Cannon Sect [Artillery Team], which had been busy for two days, finally finished the work in hand.

Now in their world, there is a majestic and spectacular scenery——

The muzzles of 100,000 cannons are facing the sky, neatly and densely arranged on the surface, forming a daunting artillery position.

And these 100,000 cannons are all connected together by thin red wires. You only need to press a small button, and all the cannons will be fired!

Like a torrent, drowning all targets.

Under such power and influence, a single individual is as insignificant as an ant.

But there are 10 players standing opposite this terrible artillery array, with their arms spread out without fear, in a gesture of welcoming the sun, welcoming the arrival of 100,000 shells!

Under the watchful eyes of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, the [quarter-second trigger] was activated.

In an instant, there was a thunderous explosion in my ears!

Within one second, 400,000 rounds were ejected from the chamber!

They formed an iron wall in the air, pressing down on the 10 players below with a devastating attitude.

Even the audience across the screen had the illusion of the end is coming at this moment.

But the next moment, the live broadcast room went dark and the signal was disconnected.

All the power and influence also disappeared.

Faced with this accident, the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were not surprised at all, but all of them were very excited——


It's done!

The game crashed! Congratulations! You guys did it!!


This means their efforts were not in vain!

After Shi Lei, they really crashed the server again!

But this time, not only did they witness the whole process with their own eyes, but many of them even contributed their own efforts. Naturally, the sense of participation was overwhelming at this moment, and they were so excited that they almost got carried away!

But this joy only lasted for a very short time, not even half a minute.

Because everyone quickly discovered a problem——

Only the Cannon Sect and their live broadcast room went dark.

The other live studios broadcasting Terraria are still fine, nothing happened.

This is a bit embarrassing...

The third update is over, -1 is owed, and there are 3 chapters left, keep working hard!

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