Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 290 The Man Who Changed the Game

In the children's arena, most of the young players who wear the initial appearance and look like capsules are still in the stage of growing their bodies, and the height difference is easy to notice.

There is no need to wait until the start of the run. When they stand at the starting line and wait for the countdown, they can clearly see that the size of the capsules is quite inconsistent.

Twenty-three is still running around, let alone under 16 years old.

The age difference is two years old, and the height can be a head difference.

This still doesn't take into account the issue of fat and thin...

On the track where the gravity is weakened by Lin You, a fat man who is only 12 years old but weighs as much as 200 jins is terrifying!

This is especially true when his opponents are just a group of players weighing less than 100 catties!

Not to mention that in the virtual game, the negative effects in reality such as excessive physical exertion and inability to run were removed for him.

As a result, when he ran on the track, he was almost like a heavy tank, pushing flat all the way, unstoppable!

Lin You saw with his own eyes that the five or six little girls in front of him couldn't dodge and were directly hit by him.

When I got up, my little face was wrinkled into a ball, and I felt like I was about to cry...

The 1.95m player that Xia Yi met was not the kind of tall and thin bamboo pole figure. His physique was so strong that Lin You even doubted his occupation in reality.

——Football is not popular in Daxia, is it?

Even on the standard track full of adults over the age of 16, the effect of this burly man is similar to that of the little fat man on the children's track.

The players standing in front of him were easily bumped into a mess by him.

The only thing that makes Lin You feel lucky is that the proportion of players with such outrageous physiques is still very small among the tens of millions of players.

As for the problem-prone [Children's Track], he and Xiaomeng have already divided into three age groups in advance, at least avoiding the most extreme situation of a player who has just turned 10 and meets a player who is 16 years old. Condition……

Although it is still impossible to completely avoid the problems caused by the height gap, at least players can still play.

In addition, the track is still dominated by entertainment racing, and the atmosphere of confrontation is not strong, and it will not cause serious harm in a short time.

However, it is necessary to solve it as soon as possible.

In the studio's group chat, the members who were assigned to the operation team of Paradise also noticed this problem by paying attention to the dynamics of Lingxi and the player forum. At this time, they have already discussed countermeasures in the group.

——Although Lin You stipulates to leave work at 5 pm, the employees are also used to leaving get off work at that time, and then they either develop hobbies or learn to improve their skills.

But whenever there is a new game released, or a relatively important time such as a game development sprint, the employees will really work overtime on their own initiative.

After all, Yunmeng not only has a high bonus after the project is successful, but also has considerable overtime wages, matching meal subsidies and transportation subsidies.

Employees, if not chanting overtime makes me happy, at least willingly.

The first method they discussed was: how about dividing the players into different weight classes?

[The heavyweight division of competitive competition] is a very mature system that has been tested in real-world competitions and can be directly copied to the game.

But Lin You just thought about it for a while, and felt that it was too cumbersome and difficult to implement.

It's not that the arena grading system is complicated to design.

——If necessary, the design is still very simple. All it takes is for Lin You to touch his upper and lower lips, and then Xiao Meng snaps his fingers, and the work is almost done.

At most, some fine-tuning will be carried out based on big data in the future.

But the collection of player weight data is another issue.

In the current game, the player's body and appearance are all highly in line with reality, but careful players have long discovered that the appearance is not a complete replica of reality, but a replica of the self-perception image.

Weight is the same.

It's not that the mirage mainframe is strong enough to measure the player's precise weight based on brain waves—that's impossible...

Instead, the mirage host captured the player's self-awareness of weight, and then reproduced it in the virtual world.

And this captured cognition is actually a vague cognition.

The mirage can only capture the player's superficial and vague cognition, and cannot directly read the precise memory.

Lin You became a special case among special cases because he took over the gift that he hadn't figured out what it was until now, and because of the existence of Xiao Meng.

Therefore, this re-engraved image will even change synchronously according to the changes in the player's own cognition.

For example, a player who is losing weight will find that as the weight in reality becomes lighter and lighter, the figure in the game is getting better and better.

And if the player is careful enough, he will find an even more interesting thing: the body in the virtual world changes faster than in reality!

This is because the self-confidence growth brought about by weight loss and the subconscious beautification of exercise effects lead to more obvious changes in the image of the virtual world than in reality.

Having said so much, it is just to explain: Yunmeng actually does not have accurate height and weight data for players, and there is still a certain amount of fuzzy space in these two data, which will change with changes in players' cognition.

If you want to classify according to the player's weight, you need the player to fill in their own weight.

This again involves the issue of player privacy.

Will players resist asking about private body data?

Most likely.

And the player fills in a little heavier or lighter, how do you verify it?

If it is difficult to say that it is completely impossible, then it is not possible.

In the underlying algorithm for constructing the virtual world, there is a set of special algorithms, which are used to anchor the player's height and weight data in a blurred state - otherwise, many interactions between the player and the virtual world would not be possible at all.

But this algorithm is run in packets.

If you are not afraid of trouble, it is indeed possible to make a separate copy, and then make targeted adjustments and embed it into the system of Paradise.

But unfortunately, Lin You hates trouble the most.

So he prefers simple and rough methods, such as: give everyone the same weight!

Each arena is given a standard virtual weight.

This virtual weight does not allow players to really feel this false weight in the virtual world.

The player's own feeling is still the weight in cognition. Only when a collision occurs, the collision effect will be calculated according to this virtual weight.

At that time, the scene may be a bit uncommon sense-for example, a child who weighs 70 pounds and a child who weighs 200 pounds collide head-on, and the result will be a draw...

But fairness problem solved!

The same idea can be used for the height problem: all give players the same stride!

Moreover, the average stride length of the players is not given—Lin You is very generous about this point. He plans to share the maximum stride length data recorded from the server launch of Paradise to all players.

The player who left this record is quite tall, a full 2 ​​meters 26!

In every game he appeared in, he stood out from the crowd, completely like a little giant.

The top of other players' heads can only reach his waist!

With the plan established, Lin You did not delay, and directly prepared for the online hot repair.

All the players in the match will be canceled directly, and the players in the match will also receive a notification and wait for the update after the end.

After waiting for a few minutes and suspending all games, the hotfix begins!

From the moment they received the prompt, the audience in the Super Tomato live room immediately became excited:

Yaoshou! Lin You's words don't count, you still need to fix it!

Hahaha, even being caught on the spot, he still doesn't restrain himself, and keeps stealing chickens, can Lin You not become angry from embarrassment?

If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be higher!

Maybe Lin You didn't leave at all, and has been peeping in the live broadcast room! Seeing you doing all kinds of chores, can't bear it anymore?

The Husband's Current Offender

Translation, translation, what is a man who changes the game!

By the way, the anchor, don't you perform an apology?/Dog head


The viewers in the live broadcast room were unanimous in saying that Super Tomato was a little uncertain.

He said unconfidently: Yeah, it should...not be so?

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