Buddhist Group Pet

Chapter 80: Five orc ex-boyfriends (5)

    The eagle eats the snake, which is a food chain.

    At that moment, Cheng Ningjiu thought he was going to get cold, but after the eagle took himself into the nest, he instantly turned into a human shape. There is no doubt that this guy is the leader of the Eagle Clan, and the Eagle Clan leader is not the same as the Bear Clan leader. He put on a feather coat almost immediately?


    "The stupid bear can't tell that you are Cheng Ningjiu, but I can tell." Ying, the leader of the eagle clan, directly named Cheng Ningjiu's name overnight, so that she didn't even have the chance to disguise.

    Cheng Ningjiu, “…”

    "If you don't want to be eaten by me, turn me into a human shape, get dressed and come out." While speaking, the Eagle Clan leader Ying threw Cheng Ningjiu aside overnight.

    Cheng Ningjiu looked at it, it was a suit of white feathers.

    The Eagles live on the edge of the cliff, overlooking everything around them. Whenever there is an enemy attack, the Eagles will fight back as soon as possible. They can be regarded as the orcs with the strongest anti-reconnaissance combat ability .

    The one who accepted his fate changed back into a human form, and when she sat in front of Ying Lianye, Cheng Ningjiu knew how she was exposed.

    It turns out that the Eagle's eyes are very useful. As early as when it flew away, it saw the little snake Cheng Ningjiu hiding in the grass. Although the body shape was different, he was absolutely will be wrong.

    The size of the snake is different, but the lines on the body are the same.

    But Cheng Ningjiu's criminal record is serious, which can be called bad deeds, so the eagle clan leader did not choose to arrest Cheng Ningjiu, but first observed.

    As a result, Cheng Ningjiu was taken away by the bear clan leader Xiong Luotian.

    Knowing where Cheng Ningjiu was, Eagle relied on his good eyes all night, so he came to watch Cheng Ningjiu every day over the bear territory. Watching Cheng Ningjiu shamelessly disguised as a cub among the females, Xiong Luotian ignored it.

    Ying Lian night originally planned to watch the fun, just waiting for their bear tribe female to give birth to a snake egg, Xiong Luotian's face collapsed.

    Although the five orc tribes are neck and neck, they all have conflicts with each other.

    Especially the bear tribe and the eagle tribe like to live in the mountains and forests, and occasionally there will be competition when hunting. The worst thing is that big stupid bear. Even their eagles can't peck in their mouths, and their claws can't catch them.

    That brainless guy, but it was the Eagle who couldn't win the night no matter what, and the crushing strength made the Eagle very depressed. This is also the reason why Ying didn't take Cheng Ningjiu away overnight after Cheng Ningjiu was taken away.

    Until the males of the bear tribe went out to celebrate and Cheng Ningjiu slipped away, the eagle took advantage of the situation and took him away overnight.

    Not a single bite of Cheng Ningjiu's heart came out, also because she saw that Cheng Ningjiu saved the females.

    And he also saw that after Cheng Ningjiu fed the females some green grass, the bear tribe that claims to have the highest mortality rate, this time, none of the females died.

    Although Cheng Ningjiu, the self-proclaimed high priest of the snake tribe, is not very good, he does have some skills.

    Cheng Ningjiu was caught because Cheng Ningjiu was useful.

    The high priest is the messenger of the beast **** and knows many miraculous things, so he stopped thinking of killing Cheng Ningjiu after seeing that Cheng Ningjiu was really the high priest.


    Everything she did was revealed, Cheng Ningjiu was a little surprised.

    Who says orcs are stupid?

    The bear clan leader Xiong Luotian is a little stupid, but this eagle is smart all night. He actually observed himself for so long that he couldn't even hide anything from him.

    "What do you want me to do?" Cheng Ningjiu looked at Ying Lianye and didn't think he would be able to ask for anything from him.

    The Eagles are also egg-laying, and it can be said that the females are the most successful orcs in the entire Orcs, so what I do in the Bears tribe is useless to the Eagles.

    "Let the females of our entire eagle race look good."

    Cheng Ningjiu, "???"

    She is just a Chinese medicine doctor, do you want to use her as a cosmetic doctor?

    The big brother who is not professional!

    Cheng Ningjiu looked at Yinglianye speechlessly, but Yinglianye arrogantly gave her the back of her head, "In three months, if none of those females can see, then I will I chopped up your skin and stewed the snake soup!"


    Cheng Ningjiu wanted to struggle, but she reached out and didn't keep anyone, but grabbed the hat on the head of the eagle clan leader. But seeing that, the feather hat on the head of the handsome Eagle Clan leader fell to the ground, revealing a bare head.

    It's over.

    Cheng Ningjiu closed her eyes, and the reason why the original owner harmed the eagle clan leader also popped into her mind. How should I put it, this eagle clan leader is a real face control, and loves his own feathers very much.

    The original owner was able to get into the eyes of Eagle Lianye, mainly because of his good looks.

    Don't look at the eagle as a black eagle all night, but the more this man lacks, the more he likes, so he saw Cheng Ningjiu, who was white from head to toe, and fell in love at first sight.

    The love of the orc world is so simple and rude. As for not liking females, it is also very simple, because he is a face control. In his opinion, those females are not worthy of the beautiful leader of the Eagle Clan, so he would rather be single than find someone who is not good-looking. And Cheng Ningjiu was the most beautiful orc he had ever seen.

    And the original owner was also a bad guy. He shaved the head of the eagle clan leader and gave it to the transmigration girl. Okay, cut off the tail of the chief of the bear clan and shaved the head of the chief of the eagle clan.


    What now? Cheng Ningjiu took the feather hat, and then silently put it on the eagle overnight.

    The Eagle Clan leader Ying gritted his teeth and ruthlessly dropped a sentence, "You only have one month left."

    As Eagle left overnight, Cheng Ningjiu silently opened the Raiders progress page.

    [Task 1: Raiders favorability. (processing)

    It belongs to the favorability task objective 1: Obtain the favorability of the leader of the tiger tribe.

    It belongs to the favorability task objective 2: Gain favorability of the leader of the Eagle Tribe. Current favorability 1%

     (Note: When the favorability is below 0, the blackening value mode will be turned on, and the host will be hunted down by the mission target.)

    It belongs to the favorability task objective 3: Gain favorability of the leader of the wolf tribe.

    It belongs to the favorability task objective 4: Obtain favorability of the bear tribe leader. 100% (completed)

    It belongs to the favorability task objective 5: Obtain favorability of the leader of the grassland tribe. 】

    Except for the leader of the bear tribe and the leader of the eagle tribe, the remaining three boxes are all gray, indicating that the side quest has not been opened for the time being.

    Eagle's precarious 1% favorability in the night is completely at the critical point of killing himself.

    Alas, the favorability here is not easy to brush.

    But this Eagle tribe also has an advantage, as long as it can make those females look good, Cheng Ningjiu has a goal to work hard for.

    So, under the observation of the entire Eagle Race orcs, Cheng Ningjiu continued to pick herbs.

    It's just that here, those herbs are used to apply to the face, not to be eaten, and even Cheng Ningjiu asked them to raise a kind of bug! Eagle was very confused about this overnight. However, Cheng Ningjiu could only sigh.

    Fortunately, Ouyang Yue is a perfect tool person. In the previous world, in order to make her mother happy, she told Ouyang Yue a lot of face masks and beauty makeup. Through hard work, Ouyang Yue finally succeeded in making a mask and rouge gouache. Fortunately, Cheng Ningjiu followed Ouyang Yue to study the whole process in order to avoid problems.

    Unexpectedly, it is still used in this orc world.

    Holding her big pot of things, Cheng Ningjiu missed Ouyang Yue very much. If possible, how wonderful it would be to bring a tool person in the mission world?

    Under the attention of Ying, the leader of the Eagle Clan, Cheng Ningjiu made a set of beauty and skin care cosmetics.

    If it weren't for the lack of materials, Cheng Ningjiu could even come up with a set of disguise equipment, that's right, Ouyang Yue's unique stunt is the disguise technique.

    Relying on the disguise technique, he became prosperous in the rivers and lakes, and Cheng Ningjiu naturally learned it. Cheng Ningjiu felt that the skills she learned in the previous world could probably be used in this world.

    It's not that Cheng Ningjiu is smart and eager to learn, but the ancient times without any entertainment activities are too boring, so she can study this research and research that when she has nothing to do, and she has what she wants as a prince , but researched everything.

    So even if I am alone here, it is not too difficult for Cheng Ningjiu.


    The female name is Rose, which is a romantic name like fire.

    Cheng Ningjiu decided to customize her according to her name.

    First, I applied a non-additive herbal essence mask to the female orc, and the female's skin was improved to the extent visible to the naked eye.

    The so-called ninety-nine products must be top-quality!

    The females in this world have no concept of skin care at all. Cheng Ningjiu uses a mild pure drug mask, so the effect is obvious.

    Of course, this mask just makes the female's skin look hydrated, and it takes a long time to get better.

    However, this is a temporary solution.

    Next, it's time for you to experience the magic of Chinese makeup!

    Healthy wheat complexion, with hot tiger skin skirt, wild half tube top, **** red lips, charming electric eyes, maroon big wavy long hair, plus painting Chic high boots.

    Dangdang, the hot and wild beauty created by Ningjiu's hands is freshly baked.

    Cheng Ningjiu let the female rose bite a rose in her mouth, and then walked out confidently. How to put it, the females are all about the same length, and they are well taken care of by their males whether they are good-looking or not, so there is absolutely no shortage of self-confidence.

    Hot Rose appears **** and charming!

    All the male orcs returning from hunting will lose their eyes.


    Is this a female?

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