Brother Dao Committed Evil Again

Chapter 42: Messy old man in the wind

Ren Yi forgot his previous fear and walked towards the big beast.

The old man was behind him, calling him anxiously, "Little brother, danger! Come back quickly!"

Without pausing, Ren Ren walked up to Ren Tu firmly, lifted it up high, and said frankly to the big beast: "It is my partner, it must come with me, sorry, I can't keep it. With you!"


I don't know if I understood or didn't understand, the big beast roared in the sky, and a huge teardrop fell down, chilling Ren Ren and Ren Tu.

Different from the stench in its mouth, there is actually a fragrance in the tears. Either one felt that his soul had been thoroughly washed, and his whole body was so comfortable that he almost hummed.

"Ahhhh~~ It's actually the tears of the big beast, this thing really exists. The ancients honestly don't deceive me ah ah ah!!"

The old man was so excited that the wind was messed up, "Unbelievable, this imbecile can actually cry? I must be hallucinating with presbyopia!"

He rubbed his eyes fiercely, but he still looked wet.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I didn't read it wrong, this little brother is a man of good fortune. Envy, very envious, very envious!"

It is recorded in ancient books that the big beast is eight feet tall, with low intelligence, strong defense and good attack. In ancient times, he was driven by the power of the secret method, as a vanguard attack force, as the main force in the battle of the heavens and the world.

In addition to being a meat shield and a sharp sword, it also has an unknown function. Its tears are fragrant, which can wash the impurities in the soul, enhance people's talents, and make them closer to the origin of the Dao.

However, there is still a ray of hope for killing the big beast, making it cry, which no one has been able to do since ancient times.

The old man said that it was impossible not to be greedy, but the tears came unexpectedly, and it was a disposable product.

"Oh~~~ what a pity, why can't my little brother cultivate? What a good chance!"

If this is replaced by any person in the cultivation world, it can instantly make people break through a small realm, or even a large realm. The old man kept shaking his head and sighing.

The big beast was immersed in sadness, took a deep look at Ren Tu, turned and left.

Its back is so silent, when you see it, you almost want to say, "If you don't dislike it, please come with me!"

However, the big beast is really too big, and it will be inconvenient for him to take it with him. He was a poor beggar with no ability, but he couldn't support such a huge beast. Just a day's food, with such a large size, can eat a rich man into a pauper, right?

He reluctantly hugged Ren Tu and left. The old man stepped forward and gave him a hammer on the shoulder, "Good boy, congratulations!"

"Uh~~~ it's time to congratulate, you have escaped from nowhere!"

Either cheered up and smiled happily.

"That's not what the old man meant, but... Forget it, you don't understand it."

"Let's go, get out of this ghost place, there are still many treasures waiting for us to collect."

The old man finally remembered his original intention, and hurried on the road. This time he found a way far away from the big beast, and he never wanted to meet this big guy again.

The Bone Spirit Treasure in his hand was about to be licked, and he couldn't stand it again.

Unlike the stone forest scenery, here is an endless wasteland. The grass on the ground seems to be lacking the moisture of rain, dry and yellow, and when you step on it, there is a crisp sound.

It seems that a fire can start a prairie fire.

The old man bent over and rummaged in the hay, and any bored squatted aside, "Master, what are you looking for?"

"A splendens splendens, a kind of grass that can be eaten as food. It looks very similar to this hay root, but it is bright yellow."

"Ah? Uncle, are you hungry? I'm not hungry, I've been in for a long time."

"This is a death star world. Time runs very slowly. People are inside for a day, and it's only an hour outside. It's normal for you not to feel hungry."

"Then... how long have you been in here? How did you think of looking for something to eat?"

The old man pinched his fingers and seemed a little surprised, "I did the math just now. It's probably more than 3,000 days, almost ten years."

Yi Yi also stretched out his fingers, and tugged with words in his mouth, "Twelve hours in a day, one hour here is equal to one day outside, that is, twelve hours and twelve days, and conversely, it is twelve hours here. A day is equal to a day outside."

"Yes, your brain is not confused yet, you are right." The old man nodded with satisfaction, "Continue to count!"

Ren Yi also exposed his toes with a headache, and continued to tug at it, "Well, if you calculate it like this, the more than three thousand days here are outside... Thirty-six thousand days, which is... a hundred years."

"My mother, you actually stayed here for a hundred years, is it true?"

Either one was shocked, and the old man in front of him, although his hair and beard were all white, looked like an old man, but it was unimaginable to convince him that he was over a hundred years old.

What is the maximum number of years an ordinary person can live? He couldn't help but think of those elders who died suddenly when he stayed at home in the past. The one who lived the longest was only 87 years old. In this way, he has been called longevity, and he is rarely seen.

"Ha, what a fuss! One hundred years old, pediatrics, the old man, I am nine hundred years old this year." The old man proudly compared nine words with his hands.

Yi Yi opened his mouth wide in shock, and stepped forward to tear his face, "Old man, are you still human?"

The old man slapped his hand and slapped his hand away, but he didn't let him succeed. "Bah, bah, bah! Brat, do you talk to your elders like this? You are not human."

"I'm definitely a human being. Whether you are human or not remains to be verified! Maybe some demons and monsters have conjured up to confuse people."

"Aren't those ghost stories all like this? A struggling scholar, who came to the wilderness, met a beautiful woman with painted skin, and was sucked out of blood and so on."

Ren Yi touched his chin and guessed randomly. In short, I don't believe that there are people who live so long in this world.

"Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff." The old man was so amused that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Stinky boy, I'm a bad old man, what can I do to confuse you? If you want to confuse you, you have to become a big girl!"

"Uh~~~ maybe you want to learn from that demon, **** the flesh and blood of young people, and achieve the purpose of rejuvenation."

Speaking of humans and demons, Ren Yi couldn't help shivering.

That is a well-known devil in Lingyin Continent. He acts very cruelly. Every time his life is near, he will arrest a large number of young people, make their flesh and blood into longevity pills and swallow them, and then achieve the purpose of longevity.

Of course, this is just a legend, no one knows the truth, and no one will try it, after all, it is against the sky. Once such a thing is spread out, it will be hunted and killed by people in the entire cultivation world, and no one dares to commit this taboo.

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