Broad World

Chapter 486: Successful attack

The terrifying scream of killing immediately stunned Deshalik, who had just landed ashore. He had no idea that he would suffer such a fierce attack in his lair. `Top`point`novel``x`Because it is night, it is impossible to tell how many enemies there are, but judging from the density of arrows, it should not exceed three hundred.

However, the battle is obviously not necessarily a victory if there are more people, especially if the opponent has a **** ballista. Before many pirates had time to rush over, they were pierced by thick arrows and died on the spot. Everyone is now hiding behind the cargo box, not daring to show their heads at all.

"Boss! Hurry up and find a way, otherwise we will all die here today." A pirate leader yelled at the pirate king. His shoulder had been penetrated by the crossbow bolt, and the blood was slowly flowing out along the bleeding trough.

You must know that in order to ensure that they will not sink to the bottom after falling into the water, most of the guys who float on the sea rarely wear any armor, at most a piece of leather armor. Up. After all, what they are good at is jumping gangs, and they are particular about flexibility, but this set will not work on land.

Seeing his own men being shot down one by one, Deshalik suddenly felt a surge of anger, and for the first time since becoming a pirate king, he was so embarrassed. He knows very well that the only way out now is to rush over by relying on the superiority of numbers, otherwise he will be wiped out by hiding here sooner or later. Because the insidious Suli burned the sails with rockets, the huge battleship could not even move, let alone leave the port.

Just when Deshalik was about to make a desperate move, suddenly, a slender figure fell from the sky. A thunderbolt is too late to cover one's ears. Pick up the opponent's long sword. Immediately after he placed a long sword glowing with emerald green light on the pirate king's neck, a blood stain was drawn along the way. She didn't stop for a moment, and directly grabbed Deshalik who had been paralyzed by the poison and jumped into the sea.

This person is Fide who has been lurking for a long time. She took advantage of the chaotic situation and succeeded in capturing the Pirate King alive. All the pirates were shocked. After losing the leader, they had no idea what to do next. I don’t know who yelled: "Hide in the cabin! Lethal arrows can be avoided there!"

"Yes! Go to the cabin!" The pirates immediately woke up and swarmed toward the entrance of the deck.

Seeing this group of mindless fools, Viconia sneered and said to Su Li: "I see it. It's a mob. Just keep the exit for a while, and then smoke it slowly, none of them can escape. "

"Isn't this better? Enemies like pigs are always the best helpers on the battlefield. It seems that the overall situation is set now, let's meet the Pirate King himself." Su Li, who had been nervous all the time, finally breathed a sigh of relief. .

The battle situation was not as bad as imagined. Although the opponent had two mages, they had been suppressed by arrows at all. After all, the three-level magic of "protective long-range weapons" can only last for two minutes at most, and when faced with a powerful ballista, it really may not be able to stop it. As we all know, the mages are very pitiful. So I found a safe place to hide long ago.

The next battle was much simpler, under the leadership of Bloodthirsty Kogen. Those guys whose memories have been tampered with by the group's "suggestion technique" screamed and rushed to the dock. Viconia also blessed them with magic skills. In just a few minutes, these wolf-like pirates chopped down all the enemies who had not had time to hide in the cabin.

The dragon scale armor on Korgan's body had been stained red, and the viscous plasma slowly slipped from the axe and fell to the ground ticking. In the assault just now, he hacked to death more than 30 enemies alone, and most of the corpses were broken and unrecognizable, and their brutality was horrible.

"Hahahahaha! It's great! I think killing is simply the most beautiful thing in this world, and blood is the most beautiful color." The dwarf shouted with a wild laugh, his face full of intoxication.

The captives abandoned by the pirates and the two wizards hiding behind the cargo were almost scared to death. They felt that the guy in front of them was a demon. Even the children were covering their mouths tightly. Although their eyes were still crying, they didn't dare to make a sound for fear of causing a murder.

But being silent doesn't mean you can hide. Kogen quickly noticed the two shivering wizards. He shook the blood on his axe, smiled and pretended to walk over, leaving a crimson footprint every step of the way, looking hideous and terrifying.

Seeing the brutal dwarves approaching, one of the wizards instantly collapsed. He screamed, "No! You can't kill me! I'm a member of the Masked Mage Guild! Otherwise, the people in the Forbidden City will not let you go!"

"Really? I don't think so. You have to know that no one cares about the life and death of a small character like you, so...Go and die!" Kogen waved two axes and slashed down fiercely. Everyone only heard two sounds of "puff" and "puff", and the mage's head was chopped off.

Obviously, their spellcasting level is not high, at least not good at level 4 magic "Stoneskin Spell" and other protective spells, and they are not the opponent of powerful dwarf warriors at such close range.

The death of the two wizards obviously did not satisfy Korgan's bloodthirsty desires, and he turned his attention to the prisoners. In his eyes, the weak have no value in existence, which is strikingly similar to Viconia's view. After all, evil neutrality is not far from evil chaos. The former considers one's own interests more when doing things, while the latter mostly depends on the mood. To put it bluntly, Lao Tzu sees you not pleasing to your eyes, so go to death.

The captives were so scared that they backed away again and again. A mother with her baby in her arms could hardly stop herself. She knelt down and begged with a puff: "Let us go! Please! We can be slaves! Can help you make money! "

"Make money? No, ma'am, I just want to kill happily now." Kogen walked forward unmoved. Just as he raised his axe and was about to slaughter the captives, Feder's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Asshole! You still have time to kill innocent people here! Come and help, Deshalik is dead again. Up."

"Damn! What a wonderful feeling was disrupted by you, I plan to relive this feeling. Then I will write another poem." The dwarf murmured. Come to the side of the plank road. He put up his hand and dragged the paralyzed Pirate King up.

After climbing up, Fide glanced at the frightened young mother, curled his lips in disdain and asked: "As a soldier, you actually want to kill a group of women and children who are unable to fight back?"

"I'm just for their good. You must know that this world is so cruel that the weak can't survive well. Rather than endure the suffering and live, it is better to go to the kingdom of God and enjoy the blessing early." Kogen opened his mouth with a series of fallacies. But this kind of argument is still very marketable in Faerun, at least many evil people, evil spirits, demons and demons like it.

But Feder is obviously not one of them. She gently lifted up the young mother, and also whispered a few words of comfort. See this situation. Knowing that his massacre was impossible, the dwarf pretended to walk towards the deck. Under the command of Su Li, the pirates had thrown down a large amount of inadequately burned hay, thick black smoke filled the lower cabin, and the sound of violent coughing was endless.

Soon, a large number of enemies couldn't help but start to rush out, and the people who had been waiting around came out and hacked to death one by one, without the slightest intention of leaving prisoners. Viconia had given orders a long time ago, except for Deshalik on this ship, leaving no one on board. After experiencing the "fierce" political movement of the dark elves. She deeply understands a truth, that is, she must not stay behind.

I think so. Those who can be arranged by the Pirate King on his ship must be the most loyal subordinates, and the chances of traitors appearing are very low, so killing them all is the best choice.

In fact, fewer than a hundred people were actually killed. Most of the others were blocked because they couldn't get up. As a result, they were smoked to death alive. Seeing the corpses being carried out, Su Li nodded in satisfaction. He knew that now there was no power on this island that could stop him, and the next step was to torture Desharik, believing that Viconia would be able to complete this task.

After throwing all the corpses into the sea, Korgan led a group of pirates and quickly took the house of the Pirate King, as well as his mistress (wife) Kaiya. On the other hand, Fide led another group of pirates to completely blockade the pier and prohibit all ships from leaving the port. It can be said that now the entire Brinluo Island has been completely sealed off, and the outside world cannot know any intelligence at all.

At midnight, an interrogation was about to begin in the basement of the tallest building in the port town. Deshalik and Kaiya were fixed to two door panels, and could not move. The paralytic toxins on their bodies have just been relieved, although they are still a little inflexible for the time being, they do not affect their speech.

Viconia took a nail that was shining with cold light, stood in front of the two of them, and asked with a smile: "How does it feel to be paralyzed? It won't be very comfortable, right? But don't worry, it's even appetizing. Small dishes are not counted as small dishes. Tell me, how many secret bases do you have on this island, and which bosses are your confidants? Otherwise..."

"I don't know! I'm just a poor woman! Please let me go!" Kaiya cried out. As an ordinary woman, she had never seen this kind of battle at all, and she was frightened (banned) when she came up.

But the pirate king Deshalik was much more calm. He sneered first, and then threatened loudly: "Dark Elf, you better let me go now, otherwise it won’t be long before my men will come here and take you all. Kill it all."

"Wow! It's horrible, but you obviously haven't realized the seriousness of the But it doesn't matter, I believe the situation will change after this nail." Said Viconia picked up a handful The hammer turned fiercely, and smashed the steel nail into the opponent's palm in a few strokes. In order to prevent the other party from losing too much blood and causing death, she also performed a healing magic technique to let the wound heal quickly.

Deshalik's pig-killing cry resounded across the entire basement instantly, and even Kaiya was so scared that he stopped crying. The dark elf's torture technology is well-known on the mainland, and no one has been able to stand it so far.

Viconia picked up a steel nail again, and asked with a sneer: "How do you feel, do you think of something?"

Bitch)! (Bitch)! I want to smash you into pieces!" The Pirate King yelled frantically. Both of his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked very hideous.

"Hey, it seems that it needs to be stimulated a little bit more. Maybe it's better to have the spirit and **** together. What do you think?" Viconia turned her head and asked Su Li.

The latter smirked and bowed. "I am very happy to help."

After speaking, he walked to Kaiya, tugged with both hands, and directly tore the lady's dress to pieces, and then rushed forward... (to be continued...)

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