Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2908: Keeping a dog from the heart

The latest website: The dog was pointed at by Xiao Lan and lowered its head into the nest. A small milk dog ran out and pulled it in with its paws.

"It turns out that there is a baby, no wonder you are so vigilant."

Xiaolan chooses to forgive the other party, but the little milk dog has not opened his eyes yet.

In my childhood days, the side of Ba Shui was cold, it had snowed, and it was frozen. I could skate and take ice cubes.

The kennel is in the yard, and the owner takes care of it. The kennel is slightly larger and has two floors.

The inner layer is wood, the outer layer is mud and grass, and the two layers are stuffed with straw.

There is also straw in the kennel, bricks on the ground, and straw under the bricks.

In the summer, the outer layer is removed, and the bricks are also taken away.

This is the greatest favor, because there are cubs, otherwise there will be no outer layer.

It is even more impossible to let the dog into the house and give the dog whatever food, the dog will eat whatever, and the feces will be eaten.

This is how a housekeeping dog should be raised, not a pet dog.

Of course, it's not a hunting dog. There is another way to raise a hunting dog, and a mountain dog can be raised any way. It's too smart.

"Our Zhuangzili is training companion dogs and assistance dogs, especially guide dogs.

Rescue dogs are actually hounds, which give instructions and know how to rescue.

Don't always deliberately provoke with your eyes, it will kill the dog and force the owner to strangle it? "

Li Yi first introduced the dog, and finally said Xiaolan, you take the initiative to stare, what about the dog you bring with you?

"I'll give it two pieces of jerky?" Xiaolan flipped through her bag.

"Old Nine." Li Yi shouted.

The dog looked up again, the door opened, and a man came out: "Master, come in quickly."

"Don't go in, your dog milk child, feed less salt, grab the jerky."

Li Yi grabbed a large amount of beef jerky from Xiao Lan's bag, which was actually too salty for a dog.

"Proprietor, I just finished cooking porridge for it, and the rice with worms was eaten by humans before, but now it is eaten by dogs.

I put the jerky in, you gave me a problem, how will I feed it next time?

If you still haven't come, thank the owner. I'll give you meat to eat. Come here. "

This old ninth turned his head and shouted at the dog, the dog came out, turned around and pushed the little milk dog in, ran to the front and wagged his tail.

"After the New Year, the puppy should be given injections, and the nutrition should keep up with it. If the puppy grows well, it may become a mountain guard dog.

You raise your own dog and are reluctant to eat it. When you have money at home, your heart sometimes becomes soft.

What about the male dog? Oh! Got it, scared away by the bitch, put it in the backyard, right? "

Li Yi said that he found that there was one less dog. Obviously, the female dog was breastfeeding, and the male dog was not allowed to eat with him.

But the **** bites the male dog, but doesn't dare to bark at the owner, even if the owner picks up a puppy, it has to watch.

Lao Jiu smiled and said, "Okay, add food, eat well, and let the puppy grow strong."

"If your kennel has a depth, you can put a curtain in the middle. The temperature of different curtains is naturally different, and the big dog will choose."

After Li Yi finished speaking, he put down his hand and continued to walk forward.

Not long after, Lao Jiu brought over the porridge with jerky: "Eat it, remember! You can't bite the proprietor and the people around the proprietor, if you scream, you will hurt me, I can only You stew, with tofu and dried vegetables."

He was talking about cleaning the kennel and putting up the curtains.

The **** purred and ate, and from time to time pushed the puppies that ran out, one after another, very busy.

"These dogs look pitiful." Princess Yongmu walked and found that dogs were kept like this in the village.

"At least there are hot meals to eat, and the kennel is good, not tied, and some..."

Li Yi said and stopped, thinking of unhappy things.

He is not a dog lover, he doesn't like keeping dogs, and he doesn't eat dog meat because he hates it.

But he was really dissatisfied with some dog owners. In the northeast winter, it was more than 20 degrees below zero.

When he went to buy wood to make things, the market was by the river, and the firewood market also collected old wood window frames and so on.

The puppy is always on a leash, and the dog feces are all around the puppy. It can't walk, just in that range.

The food in the basin was frozen hard, and it could only eat a little bit.

Sleeping at night, isn't that selling wood? If there is a gap, it burrows in, there is no straw.

He walks around, if he doesn't buy it, he can't step on the **** to pick wood.

A cat with a mouse in its mouth passed by, turned to look at Li Yi and the others, and quickly disappeared.

"So, with heating, all the mice suffer. And when it's snowing, you shouldn't always go out."

Li Yi guessed how the mouse was caught. The cat is afraid of heat, and there is heating in the house, so the cat doesn't want to stay in the house all the time.

They would go out to cool off, and after it snowed, no matter how much food the mice had stocked up, they wanted to get more.

The footprints on the snow are too obvious, the cat who is afraid of heat is strolling outside, just look, oops! Go wild!

The mouse is small, and the cat has no choice but to stay at the entrance of the hole.

Once the mice are big and there are many big mice in a litter, measure the cat's whiskers, no problem, go in and catch it.

The mouse was not small just now. It is estimated that the litter is gone. The remaining one should be brought home by the cat for the owner to eat, and the owner will not eat it any more.

"There are no cats in our village. Can cats write a sixteen-character order?"

Princess Yongmu first explained the situation, and then made a request.

"Cat, lazy day and night. Looking at the photo, what is the life of the mouse. The house does not allow cats to be afraid of cats entering the workshop."

Li Yi didn't delay for a second, this is simple, but also has a meaning.

"Li Lang, that person named Li Bai also wrote the first sixteen-character order two days ago. It was snowing over there. He said: Bai, there is a lot of snow and a thousand mountains to fish for Weihuai. Pity Jiang Shang, waiting for Ji to come at an old age."

Princess Yongmu suddenly changed the subject and talked about Li Bai.

Li Yi was stunned for a while, then smiled: "The assistant village chief of Xiaoluonan Village made him unhappy?"

"That's right! He thinks that he is a talented person. He shouldn't do that job. He finds someone to write poetry all day long. He also imitates your rhythm, as if he wants to beat you."

Princess Yongmu is just blowing the pillow wind, someone else will get Li Bai down in a fit of anger.

Li Yi knew who Li Bai was, and Li Bai really wanted to compare himself with others.

For example, Cui Hao wrote: People in the past have already taken the Yellow Crane to go, and the Yellow Crane Tower is vacant here... The Yanbo River makes people sad.

Li Bai said at the beginning, if you write like this, how will others write in the future?

Later, he imitated and wrote Jinlingtai: Phoenix travels on the Phoenix platform, Feng goes to the Taikong River Artesian... The absence of Chang'an makes people sad.

He said before that Cui Hao writes well, not only is Cui Hao good in literary talent, but the key is that Cui Hao is from Boling Cui.

Now it's useless for any clan, Li Jiazhuangzi and a group of people who have been admitted to the jinshi, don't they still have to work!

Li Yancheng continued to build engines, and he did the best work on valve bodies.

The previous Song De, the first place in the Jinshi Division, could he just leave the job and not do it?

New students, after the exam, learn first, and then throw away the place to be the assistant of the village chief.

Li Bai was thrown to Xiaoluonan already gave him face, that village was not ordinary, opposite was Zuixianju and Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion.

What Li Bai meant was that he shouldn't wait until he was sixty or seventy years old to become Zaisuke.

Similar to Zhang Jiazhen, Zhang Jiazhen told Li Longji that if you want me to be the prime minister, hurry up! That who... oh, the one called Ma Zhou, he became prime minister when he was so old, and he died a few years later.

In fact, Li Longji really didn't take it seriously, but Bi Gou died in history, and Li Longji wanted Bi Gou to be the prime minister.

He thought of Zhang Jiazhen, so he packed up Song Jing and Su Ting, and let Zhang Jiazhen come up.

------off topic-----

No more today! Tomorrow, the farmer will write character cards for Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan, but the book will be over, and neither of them will be awarded. Thanks to the support of brothers and sisters, the farmer bows!


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