They are placed on both sides of the hall, covered with a layer of high-quality white cloth. Crystal clear and near-transparent glass cups are all very expensive, right? And the drinks of various colors in that cup are beyond their cognition. Even some people who think they are rich in the five carts do not know how to call them at this moment?

There is also the rhythmic light music. Although it is the first time I have heard it, everyone has the same appreciation of beauty. What makes people hesitate is that I just heard the music but didn’t see the band appearing, this…what the hell is that?

It seems that every person who enters will first be a face of doubt, then be surprised, surprised, and finally numb. Many people even showed a very cautious expression on their faces. No wonder the Five Star Army was so powerful and occupied the entire Joseon Dynasty nation in such a short period of time. There are so many unknown things in their hands. These, how can I ask which country is the enemy today, even the Great Ming Dynasty, which has always been high in their eyes, is far from it.

In Tianyang Palace, there are some waitresses wearing white novelty shirts walking back and forth. All of them are in good shape and look Zhou Zheng. They are the service staff of the prom event this time, and several of them are agents belonging to the Central Intelligence Bureau. Sometimes their eyes will randomly scan the audience, but they are actually screening out people of all colors. For a while The Sixth Young Master is coming. This is the God in their hearts. The safety of that God is that there must not be a single mistake, otherwise their immediate boss, Madam, will impose an addition on them. It will be regretful. A punishment to Human World.

Just after all the people attending the prom arrived, a group of soldiers in military uniforms walked in. All of them were tall and showed a boundless killing intent. The little Noble Son Young Lady showed fear on their faces.

After these soldiers appeared, they once again carefully inspected the entire Tianyang Palace large and small corners, and only after confirming that there was no danger, they were hidden in the darkness. Everyone knows by watching this scene, I am afraid that the Great Ming Duke of Zhongdan is about to appear.

Sure enough, less than ten minutes later, Yang Chendong appeared. As if to match the atmosphere of the reception, he not at all came here wearing a Tsing Yi, but put on a pure white Chinese tunic suit, looking handsome and upright against his heroic body.

The one who appeared with Yang Chendong was Luan Xiaoyu walking aside in a red evening gown.

This red dress tailored specifically for her makes her more beautiful. Luan Xiaoyu’s skin with light makeup also looks much fairer against the red dress, adding the design of that dress. Make her figure more graceful. As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of many men.

In contrast, the seemingly well-dressed Joseon Dynasty girls will be inferior. There is no other way. They don’t have the best advisers like Yang Chendong, and they don’t know how to show their strengths when they are conservative. How can they mention on equal terms?

Yang Chendong and Luan Xiaoyu, a pair of golden boys and jade maidens, appeared, and the bet drew bursts of applause in the field. Then Yang Chendong took it from a female server wandering in the field I took a goblet, raised the glass of red wine, and gestured to the people one after another nodded.

At this moment, Yang Chendong seems to have returned to the moment when he attended the reception to complete the task in the previous life. The only difference is that he is now doing a dangerous task without assassination. The difference is that he is attending the meeting. Everyone’s costumes are various, but after all, it seems to be incompatible with the environment of the ball.

Naturally, this feeling is also felt by Yang Chendong. He has seen too many so-called successful people wearing suits and neck ties, and too many people who should be exposed, even for Lululu’s women, after seeing each of the officers and the men and women of the Joseon Dynasty who are wrapped tightly, they will inevitably feel a sense of disharmony.

Yang Chendong raised his glass, shocked that the officers and Joseon Dynasty officials also found the glass and raised their hands quickly. During this process, some people almost didn’t fall to the ground because they walked too quickly, which also attracted bursts of laughter. However, Yang Chendong didn’t care about it, and instead he almost made a fool of them. People laughed, and the meaning of encouragement is very obvious. Just this look does not know how much loyalty he has gained.

Everyone held up the cups, Yang Chendong’s left hand was gently raised, the music stopped, and the audience became quiet. His vigorous baritone appeared at the right moment. “Everyone, thank you for taking the time to participate in this prom.”

“Duke of Zhongdan, you are polite.”

“Where is this? Can you come to the prom? It’s an honor for me to wait.”

“That’s right, this is Duke of Zhongdan’s face to us. We thank you for not making it.”

The following voices came, no With one exception, they all came to show their favor, and it seemed that they couldn’t express their excitement at the moment without saying something.

In this regard, Yang Chendong smiled and continued to say gently nodded: “Everyone, the former Kingdom of Joseon no longer exists. It will be replaced by Joseon Province. Next Zhang Ye will be the first governor of Joseon Province. Zhang Ye is a man of outstanding ability. I believe that with his leadership, Joseon Dynasty will soon become powerful and prosperous.”

hua hua Wow, amidst another round of applause, Zhang Ye in the crowd walked out and thanked everyone nodded.

“Zhang Ye is indeed a good leader. I asked him to come here and ask him if he has any requirements. The first thing he said is that the people regard food as their heaven and demand to lower food prices. The stomach problem of the 2,000,000 Joseon Dynasty people is solved. Now that he is allowed to come here to preside over the overall situation, then he must be supported. If nothing is said, the food will be sold at the 20% off price before the war, so I believe that the people’s food will be It’s not the problem, right.”

Yang Chendong said with a smile, but these words were shocked to the Joseon Dynasty officials who attended the meeting.

Joseon Dynasty was originally an agricultural country. Although it relies on the sea, hundreds of people still live by farming, so the price of food has not been very high. In other words, there has been a war recently and the Joseon Dynasty has changed. For fear that something might happen, the people began to hoard food continuously to ensure safety. But now, Yang Chendong not only stabilizes food prices, but also sells them at the 20% off price before the war. How low the price will be, it is not much different from the country’s food price.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that once this policy comes out, the situation in Joseon Province will quickly settle down. After all, the problem of people’s food and clothing is solved, which is equivalent to solving the most unstable factor. What will happen next? Things will be much easier. This decision was made because of the development path of the Yang Family in recent years.

Always believe in walking on multiple legs. While Chihkan City vigorously develops industry and commerce, agriculture has not fallen behind either. Just like in places like Vietnam, Laos, and most of the small Ryukyu Islands, all the land that can be developed is planted with food, and taxes are paid in proportion to the harvest of the fields, which greatly increases the enthusiasm of the farmers. The income is directly linked to the output, rather than the long-dead land tax. Whoever grows the higher grain yield will get more.

It is not farming for the country, but farming for themselves. The enthusiasm of the people is unprecedentedly high, and a lot of wasteland has been reclaimed. In addition, all farmers can apply for loans to the local government to borrow cattle to borrow farming tools. In the past two or three years, the gods have been beautiful, the farmers have gained a lot of old places, and the granaries in several provinces have become full. Now is the time to show the results. It is easy to transfer part of the food there to Joseon Dynasty, but it is real for the people.

There is a saying among the folks that there is food at home, so don’t panic when things happen. As long as the basic lives of the people are guaranteed, the hearts of the people will be stable and will not be easily overwhelmed by certain things. The establishment of the Joseon Province government will also be more stable. It will naturally be easier to implement other measures.

Once the Rise Newspaper is successful and the people enjoy sufficient influence, the legal system will become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After the people are not bullied, people are determined that it will not take long for Joseon Province to display his energy. , Exuding its unique spring.

The reforms in the small Ryukyu Islands, Laos and Vietnam have proven everything. As long as they follow their steps, it is only a matter of time before they become prosperous. This is a clear path that Yang Chendong pointed out to the development area, and the success that descendants has verified with facts.

After announcing the food issue in public today, the situation of Joseon Dynasty will soon be stabilized. This is already a fact that can be seen. Yang Chendong has a confident smile at the corner of his mouth. Under the influence of, so the people participating in the dance party became more happy. “Well, there are the next development issues of the former Joseon Province. Governor Zhang Ye will bring the provincial government and you together to work hard. Then we will toast to a better tomorrow.”

Yang Chendong raises a glass At the same time, all the military uniforms who are currently participating in the ball will raise the goblet in their hands. They must give the Sixth Young Master’s face. Next came the local representatives of Joseon Dynasty, who raised their glasses with joy.

Yang Chendong poured all the red wine into his mouth, then smiled and said, “Okay, next is the time for dancing, let’s jump up.” He finished. First, the very gentleman made an inviting pose towards the dancing partner Luan Xiaoyu on the side.

Luan Xiaoyu’s cheeks are slightly red, with an intoxicating smile in his eyes, he gently put his palm on Yang Chendong’s hand, and then the music rang, and the two dancing lightly and gracefully, as if Two butterflies generally walked into the field.

The ballroom ball began, and a group of officers also walked into the field. They had also received special news for a short time before, and they also learned a little about ballroom dancing. Now it is their performance and acceptance results. It’s time.

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