absolute influence

“As a result, it seems that Koreans have both expectations and fears about bosses.”

Monica, who watched the series of commotions taking place in Korea, said her feelings.

“Because the boss wants to increase investment in Korea, on the one hand, he is afraid that the boss will change his mind.”

“This is because, until now, Koreans have been forced to think that it is not good for their lives to take policies or legal measures unfavorable to large enterprises because large corporations are contributing to the national economy through the media.”

“In most countries except the United States, the proportion of large conglomerates in the national economy is gradually increasing, which is similar in fact. In Korea, it is true that dependence on conglomerates is important and that the number of conglomerates is generous.”

“In Korea, the proportion of conservative media is much higher, and economic magazines have as much weight as general media, which is partly because they publish a lot of generous articles on large corporations.”

Decades ago, the media mainly played the role of mass-producing articles suited to the taste of power, and after the military dictatorship ended, they changed their role to mainly publishing articles representing the position of large corporations.

And because of the size of Eugene’s wealth, today’s media are working hard not to offend Eugene.

This may be influenced by the Cheil Group and Dasan Group, which joined hands with Eugene, but also because Eugene spends a lot of money on publicity to promote the hundreds of companies it is investing in in Korea.

Since the Korean media thoroughly pays for itself with advertising expenses, it was natural to publish articles that fit the tastes of those who spend more on publicity expenses.

Moreover, since Eugene said an absurd investment of $500 billion, it is not necessary to calculate how much influence Eugene will have in the Korean economy in the future.

The marketing expenses spent by Cheil Group and Dasan Group, which already have an absolute influence on the Korean media industry, have already exceeded 14 trillion won last year.

With Eugene’s investment, the publicity costs that these two groups will spend every year are sure to increase.

For the media, if they do not pay attention to the attention of two large corporations and one world-renowned wealthy who have an absolute stake in domestic advertising expenses, their survival has come to a point of danger.

As a result, Eugene was drawing overwhelming support from the media without a single word from the current situation.

Most media outlets are no longer blaming Eugene for gaining US citizenship.

Every day, we only report on how positively the $500 billion Eugene will invest will have on the Korean economy.

“The popularity of the boss is no less than that of a celebrity. It would be natural to do it. How common is it for an individual to invest $500 billion in a country? It’s like a promise to raise GDP by 50% in a short period of time. Even if you are like me, I will support you.”

It is an era when celebrities can draw great support just by being successful abroad.

It’s not like Korea at all. Even in most countries except the United States, natives are equally enthusiastic about gaining global fame.

Much more than just a reputation like Eugene, taking the place of the world’s richest person gave Koreans great pride.

That is why Eugene reacted so sensitively to the words that he might give up his Korean citizenship.

The news that Eugene will acquire US citizenship can be interpreted as meaning that he will no longer be proud of Koreans.

However, the $500 billion investment plan has had enough repercussions to allay such criticisms in an instant.

“However, Chairman Kang does not necessarily have to completely renounce his Korean citizenship.”

Even at the moment when Eugene was watching the controversy about herself in Korea as interestingly as someone else’s story, there was a very intense discussion about Eugene’s nationality in Korean politics.

“By default, dual citizenship is not allowed in Korea, but there are a few exceptions. Such is the case, for example, in the case of special naturalized persons.”

“What is a special naturalized person?”

Not all lawmakers are versed in the law. In particular, in the case of the Nationality Act, most of them are not interested, but there are many lawmakers who are meeting for the first time.

“A person who is descended from a person of national merit, a foreigner who has made a special contribution to the Korean people, or a person who possesses specific abilities such as specialized knowledge and skills and can contribute to the national interest of the Republic of Korea. Exceptions are allowed, for example, for athletes and scientists.”

“Athletes and scientists with special talents and skills are understandable, but Kang Yu-jin doesn’t have that kind of talent, is it?”

“Foreigners who benefit the national interest include business people and business people. In particular, a person who, like Chairman Kang, has achieved remarkable results while serving as the head of an investment institution, can restore his or her citizenship without any problem. After this system was implemented, three people have been awarded Korean citizenship so far.”

A member of the National Assembly made a plausible opinion, but a backlash ensued immediately.

“Is that the case for foreigners? But what if Chairman Kang was a Korean and then becomes an American?”

“Actually, in this case, legally, more than 5 years of experience is required, so if Chairman Kang obtains US citizenship and applies for it two years later, he will regain his Korean citizenship.”

“a! That’s not it. It’s a problem right now, so what’s the use of being able to apply in two years?”

“Why don’t our party propose a special law that allows Kang Yu-jin to have multiple nationalities?”

Opposition parties were equally enthusiastic about granting Eugene dual citizenship.

It was because if Eugene could come up with a way to not have to give up his Korean citizenship, he could win the support of the people.

Even if it doesn’t, Kang Yu-jin’s investment plan is making a positive impact on the ruling party.

At this rate, it is certain that the ruling party will be defeated in the upcoming National Assembly election and the presidential election.

For Eugene, it was a natural procedure that he had to go through at any time, but for the opposition party, Eugene’s acquisition of US citizenship was a golden opportunity.

“Is it sane to make a special law to grant dual citizenship to a person?”

Of course, there is also opposition from within the party.

“Is it something that can be dismissed as just one person? Assemblyman Oh, are you saying that it is not a big deal for Chairman Kang to renounce his Korean citizenship?”

“Isn’t that obvious? How much does Chairman Kang’s remaining Korean or not having a great influence on national dignity? We need to revise the Constitution, not a special law, so that we can remain as Koreans!”

The first-time lawmaker who brought out common-sense remarks had no choice but to bow his head at the accusations of other lawmakers around him.

As such, in the Korean political circles, discussions about the enactment of a special law for Eugene Han were being seriously considered.

* * *

“Special law? Are you crazy?”

Eugene, who received a call from the opposition party in Korea, had no choice but to be a flagship.

He was well aware that the issue of his nationality was a social issue in Korea, but he did not think that he would try to prevent renunciation of his nationality until a special law was enacted.

“It’s fun. That means the expectations for the boss are high.”

“Of course it is, but the special law seems to have gone too far.”

“What are you going to do? Will you accept it? Well, on the American side, it doesn’t matter.”

The United States has a social climate that does not significantly affect the dual citizenship of its citizens.

In fact, most Americans are of immigrant origin if we go back a couple of generations, and even in Europe, where it is based, it is not uncommon to have multiple nationalities.

Few people would be offended by Eugene being a US citizen and an original Korean citizen at the same time.

“It doesn’t matter if you have multiple Korean and American citizenships, but that doesn’t make it difficult to enact a special law and remain there.”

Eugene did not like the proposal of the opposition party. To enact a special law for Eugene alone means to give him preferential treatment.

There is no problem right now, but there is a strong possibility that any preference that is not normal in any way will become problematic at any time.

“I have to refuse.”

The worries didn’t last long. Eugene immediately sent a message of rejection to the opposition party.

I know that even if I give up my Korean citizenship, I can recover it in a normal way, but I didn’t want to get involved in a favoritism for nothing.

“It would be better to try to restore nationality in about two years according to the current law.”

“In that case, we will do our utmost to ensure that there are no problems in the process of restoring President Kang’s nationality in our party.”

“If you do that, I would be grateful. If you come to New York any time, I would like to say hello to you for your help in this situation.”

Eugene did not forget to congratulate others for their consideration.

It was a meaningless event for Eugene, but he knew well that it was a very urgent matter for the opposition party.

“ah! Thank you very much. Even if not, our party representative has a plan to visit the US soon for a meeting between the US and South Korean lawmakers. May I visit you in New York then?”

The lawmaker who contacted Eugene tried to make an appointment for Eugene’s greetings.

“Of course. We welcome you to visit us at any time. The legislator will come with you.”

Eugene could tell that the opponent was a pretty clever person.

There is no way to know if there really is such a thing as a parliamentary meeting. However, he is a person with a very promising future when he sees him not missing an opportunity and looking for money while putting his face aside.

After the $500 billion investment plan was announced, Eugene’s influence was now absolute in Korea.

There is no need to calculate what will be helpful in many ways if you meet Eugene and take a picture at a time like this.

* * *

“You should make a plan to visit the US right away.”

The lawmaker who contacted Eugene was a second-class member of the opposition party, and was a person belonging to the faction of the opposition leader.

As soon as he heard that Eugene was going to have a chat, he immediately contacted the CEO and urged him to go to the United States.

“It is regrettable that the proposal of the special law has been canceled.”

As a representative who is aiming for the next presidential election, the result of efforts to maintain Eugene’s nationality was necessary.

If a special law is introduced, it is no problem to pass the vote. Even if the opposition party proposed it, there is no reason for the ruling party to oppose it.

Rather, he would have regretted that he did not propose first. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I also had hopes that I would be able to take the initiative in Jeongguk right away with such a small thing.

However, you cannot pursue such a thing until it goes against the will of the person concerned.

“Still, if we can achieve something from the meeting with Chairman Kang during our visit to the US, it will be much better than the special law.”

“It is. He’s still young, but he’s very clever. When you see us calling, they seem to be ready to take care of anything.”

The evaluation of Eugene in the political circles was surprisingly favorable.

The opposition leader was already drinking kimchi soup, imagining the gift he would receive from Eugene.

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