alternative right wing

“It suits you well.”

“right? A bit old, but not bad nonetheless. huh.”

In the Oval Office, located in the West Wing of the White House, Trump was smiling happily.

The day after the inauguration ceremony, Eugene visited the Oval Office at the invitation of Donald and had a brief time to get to know each other.

“After all, you never fail. Your investment in Donald Trump will be the victory of a lifetime for you.”

As usual, this day was even more helpful.

“Sure. Being friends with Donald would be my greatest luck.”

Eugene can talk to anyone to get what she wants.

“okay. Thank you so much for always supporting me during that difficult time.”

“I just knew that Donald was the only person who deserved this seat. I will work hard to make America great over the next eight years.”

Eugene seldom lies, but if necessary, she can spit it out without changing the color of her face.

“Sure. We are already looking forward to the re-election.”

Trump does not have a vision of how to lead the superpower of the United States.

I wanted to be president, and I just chose the most appropriate strategy to take the place.

“A lot of things will happen. The highest positions are always dangerous and lonely. But I think Donald will win it all.”

“her! is it dangerous? No problem.”

This victory was, in fact, something Donald himself could not be sure of.

And to win the election by breaking everyone’s expectations, it was a lot of fun.

Well, if you’re the president of the United States, maybe that’s the case.

Eugene expressed condolences inwardly for the suffering America will have to endure in the years to come.

“In the next few days, I will give you orders and sign your U.S. citizenship. It must have been inconvenient because I was a foreigner, but if you have any problems in the future, feel free to tell me.”

“thank you. I am delighted to be Donald’s great American citizen. But I don’t want to bother Donald about what’s going to happen in the future. It is not your attitude as a friend that bothers your busy friend. Isn’t that what a true friend is?”

“haha. Yes, I see.”

But Trump doesn’t seem to believe Eugene’s words.

Because he is that kind of person. People who do not hesitate to engage in any illegal or unethical behavior if they have a profit will believe that others are just like them.

Eugene had a brief chat with Trump, then called a photographer to take some pictures and left the office.

But there were still more people to meet at the White House.

“You look busy. Jared.”

Upon leaving the Oval Office, a secretary escorted him to Trump’s son-in-law, who had assumed the daunting post of senior adviser to the White House.

“I am very restless. It’s just the beginning, so there’s a lot to do.”

Jared Kushner welcomed Eugene.

“Everyone has a lot to say and a lot to want. There are people who make all sorts of miscellaneous demands, and there are people who make outrageous claims without thinking.”:

Kushner didn’t hide his contemptuous expression, but instead let out a dissatisfaction.

“It will not be an easy place. Still, no one can trust Donald as much as Jared, so that’s a heavy burden on his shoulders.”

“If a father-in-law becomes a successful president, he can do anything.”

“But looking at your face, you look tired already.”

Eugene already knew for what reason he was doing this.

“Hey, Bannon… … Bannon… … It’s going to give me a headache because that damn bastard keeps crossing the line.”

As I thought, it was because of his affair with Steve Bannon.

Immediately after his election, Donald Trump had provoked competition among those who had helped him, all of whom were fighting desperately to form factions to win Trump’s confidence.

In particular, the four people, called Trump’s henchmen, each show their abilities to Trump and fight close to war for influence over Trump.

It started right after the election, before entering the White House.

Vice President Mike Pence, Steve Bannon, who was in charge of Trump’s election, Rhinese Priebus, who declared Trump’s unusual support as a Washington politician and stood by him, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

These four people came from different backgrounds, and each tried to expand their ideals with different ideas.

In particular, the rivalry between Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, who served as the CEO of Brightbart News, an alternative-right spokesperson, and helped Trump, was already serious.

“The ban on Muslim entry was for an election campaign. You really shouldn’t do that.”

After mentioning Bannon’s name, Jared spit out his anger like a dam broke.

“The abolition of Obamacare has to be done step by step with a strategy, and it cannot be solved by rushing right away. Because the damn bastard is acting like he’s a king.”

Jared told Eugene about Bannon’s actions one by one, like a student telling his teacher.

Steve Bannon is close to the ideological background of the Alternative Right.

And, frankly, there are many parts that are difficult to accept for people with common sense in the thinking of the alternative right in the United States.

Surprisingly, Jared Kushner was a savvy man in the Trump camp.

In fact, Jared was a Democrat until he married Trump’s daughter, and Kushner, like many Jews in New York, is quite liberal.

Steve Bannon, who pushes such a nonsensical policy to Kushner, is inevitably displeased.

“They are saying that we should issue at least 100 executive orders right away, but I don’t know how much it will jeopardize the government.”

Executive orders, which are the authority of the President of the United States, refer to laws that are equivalent to laws set by the National Assembly.

Considering that an average of about 200 executive orders are enacted during a president’s tenure, you can see just how radical Steve Bannon is.

Moreover, every executive order he claims is radical enough to cause people’s concern.

Steve Bannon was plotting to inflict a huge blow to the existing politicians in Washington.

The term “alternative right” sounds plausible, but in reality, it is nothing more than an anti-intellectualism movement, which consists of hatred of people of color and hatred of existing politicians.

They find all the misery of their lives from outside, and they are full of resentment against the political correctness imposed through the media.

Even the knowledge learned in school is denied.

It is even more strange that the policy of Bannon, one of the leaders of the alt-right, is common sense.

“Everyone knows Bannon is a very radical person. But I believe Jared will have enough control over him.”

“Because I have no one to control him. We have to stop it somehow.”

“Of course Jared is the one who will make it happen. But I don’t understand. Even if Steve Bannon is the chief strategist of the White House, does he have the authority to make that decision? Can Donald just let Ahn Ha-mu-in act like that? I think it’s too much of an action.”

“Hmm… … .”

At Eugene’s words, Jared fell into thought. In fact, the person who knows Donald better than anyone is Jared himself.

Donald is a man of good use, but he is not the type of person to put anyone ahead of him.

“You are right.”

Jared laughed.

“For the past few days, the media has been saying that Bannon was the one who got Trump elected. It’s a very worrisome situation. Donald is in control right now. No one should come forward except Donald.”

Eugene gives another hint.

Donald Trump wants everyone’s attention to be on him.

If someone else in the White House gets the media attention, he’s never going to be jealous.

“Bannon is definitely going to cross the line now. No one should do anything beyond the fraction. The chief strategist cannot control the president.”

Jared is one of the few people who can speak directly to Donald.

And I was crazy about trying to provoke Trump’s resonance by saying that Bannon was crossing the line, so I was ready to use it right away.

“Thanks for clearing my mind.”

“Then you are lucky.”

“You are right, Eugene. No one can put their name in front of Trump. haha.”

“Everyone in the White House should keep that in mind.”

“no. I wish I was the only one who knew.”

Kushner looked happy again. He seems to have realized that if he can arouse Trump’s jealousy, he can get rid of anyone.

That’s what people with narrow-minded leaders should be most careful about.

They never like the fact that the person below is capable or popular.

“Oh yeah. This time, I wanted to let you know that Ivanka Trump’s fashion group China was successfully launched.”

“Five! That’s lucky.”

Jared is delighted with the good news.

“We launched a large store in the center of 12 major cities in China. And ads are popping up every day. You’ll probably be surprised by the sales at the end of this quarter. China has a population of 1.4 billion people.”

Eugene also conveyed it with a happy expression.

“That’s great.”

It seems that Kushner is busy calculating how much money he can earn from the Chinese fashion business.

“I think so. Ivanka wears those clothes to visit the Chinese embassy… … .”

“Or going to visit President Xi… … .”

Kushner is more of a businessman than a politician. I immediately understood the meaning of what Eugene was saying.

“I wish I could be in the White House and always be with Donald.”

“Of course. It’s rare to get as much media coverage as that. Even if you don’t, you’re talking to the craftsman. Ivanka thinks she’ll have a role in the White House too. It’s just the fucking media.”

There were already a lot of media who were walking nonstop just because of Jared’s tenure.

If even Ivanka enters the White House in this situation, there will be a riot.

“But there are some things that have to be done now.”

Of course, the time when the president’s powers are greatest is right now. If it is pushed back here, it will be impossible in the future.

“You must have a lot to talk about with Donald.”

Jared nodded and replied.

“Jared and Ivanka are the only people dedicated to Donald. Isn’t family the best?”

“Right. Family is the best. haha. ah! Eugene is like family to us.”

Hagi would be better than any other family, considering what Eugene has given them so far.

Of course, from now on, Eugene was going to receive a sufficient price for it.

“I hope to see you more often in the future.”

After taking the world’s busiest man for over an hour and saying goodbye, Jared said with regret.

“I’m here to celebrate now, but I don’t think it would look very good for a Wall Street businessman to visit the White House too often.”

“Then let me go to New York to meet you.”

“If you come to my hometown, you are always welcome.”

“Then I’ll see you soon.”

It seemed like he would meet Kushner more often in the future.

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