
“I understand that your brother has a significant stake in the global cryptocurrency trading market.”

“yes. you’re right.”

Yoosung has an absolute stake in coin exchanges that account for the majority of US cryptocurrency trading volume, such as BitMEX, Coinbase, and Bittrex.

In addition, most of the coin exchanges leading the market in Asia and Europe had shares.

“And I think your brother’s business has a lot to do with Eugene.”

“Given a little help.”

They provided advice and necessary funds for the establishment, investment, and development direction of a cryptocurrency exchange, so it cannot be called a little help.

However, after the initial investment, it was almost left in Yooseong’s hands and not involved at all.

“You seem to be very interested in cryptocurrency.”

“Of course. Bitcoin’s price is getting closer to its 2013 high. And unlike before, the growth of other altcoins is also noticeable. To be honest, I can’t imagine how far cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, will rise in the future.”

“Then, wouldn’t it be better to invest in cryptocurrency itself? As a cryptocurrency exchange, it is still not making much profit, and we do not know what the future will be like.”

Peter Thiel shook his head and replied in a firm tone.

“In any industry, it is the people who control the platform who end up making money. In terms of stock trading, like stock exchanges and brokers. Cryptocurrency seems to be the same. Investing in individual cryptocurrencies has to bear a lot of risk depending on the fluctuations, but if it is a cryptocurrency exchange, you can earn stable profits.”

A person of considerable insight. Hagi would have been able to show amazing results from PayPal to Palantir.

“Actually, the reason I thought so was because of Eugene.”

Peter Thiel smiled.

“If you were looking for someone with the most accurate eyes for the future at this point, it would be Eugene.”

“Thank you for looking at me that way.”

Peter Thiel’s evaluation of Eugene is actually not much different from that of many people.

“Most of all, I am impressed that Eugene is investing in Donald.”

However, what Peter Thiel sympathized with Eugene was not Eugene’s investment performance, but the fact that he was close with Trump.

“Donald has the greatest vision of any candidate in this election, and he must be elected president.”

Eugene knew that Peter Thiel was a conservative republican and a rare Trump supporter in Silicon Valley.

In fact, there were very few people who supported Trump not only in Silicon Valley but also on Wall Street.

Anyone with any degree of success knew enough that Donald was a bluff with no substance and incapable of leading the great nation of the United States.

Now, Trump’s supporters are mostly just a small minority of those who ideologically change America, like Peter Thiel and the Coke brothers in Eugene’s eyes.

“The United States must stop looking outside and wasting national power needlessly. If Trump is elected, he will immediately withdraw U.S. troops from the Middle East. That alone will improve the U.S. economy.”

Suddenly, the story was moving towards the upcoming US elections.

Peter Thiel fervently spoke about the need for Donald Trump to become president.

“Honestly, I don’t think Trump is the perfect person. But no one can deny that there is no one better than Donald to fix America, which is going wrong.”

“That’s an interesting comment.”

Eugene had no intention of arguing with anyone about politics. Especially with a thinker like Peter Thiel, who has been trying to promote the superiority of libertarianism from a young age.

Peter Thiel has been arguing with progressive ideological motives since his college days, and has been active enough to publish a college newspaper to effectively promote his views.

“It is very clear that Donald will win this election.”

Eugene’s response was just that.

“So that’s it. Obviously, Eugene is a person of foresight. It was the same last time about Brexit. I know exactly what the demands of the times are. Of course, so will this one. My friends at our meetings often say the same thing. Just looking at Eugene’s support, Trump’s election is 100% certain.”

What Peter Thiel calls our group is undoubtedly the PayPal Mafia.

In the PayPal Mafia, there were also some people who had been involved in the publication of a newspaper with Peter during his college days.

Many of Peter’s college friends, as well as many of his PayPal counterparts, are Republican supporters and libertarians like Peter.

So it was only natural that they would have a crush on Eugene, who has already shown support for Trump for a long time.

“When we first started PayPal, our ultimate goal was to create a monetary system that was not controlled by any one country.”

“You have an astonishingly forward insight.”

In fact, the libertarian ideal is the perfection of the individual free from all governments.

And since it is an economic system based on money that governs each individual’s life, it is impossible to achieve its ultimate purpose without departing from the money that the government issues and promises to pay.

“But at that time, I didn’t have a good foundation, both technically and theoretically. Almost 20 years have passed since then, and finally, the way out of government-issued currency has been opened. Cryptocurrency is a groundbreaking attempt in which each individual can become the subject of issuance and distribution, free from the control of the government. I never intend to miss this opportunity.”

“Yes. That’s the biggest advantage of cryptocurrency.”

But on the other hand, it is also the biggest drawback. Because there is no one who promises to pay the currency, cryptocurrency is not guaranteed an appropriate value and is bound to fluctuate constantly.

How can we call money the value of one apple yesterday, 100 apples today, and 20 apples tomorrow?

“I have been thinking very seriously about the success potential of cryptocurrencies for several years. And, in fact, they own quite a few cryptocurrencies. However, it is also an institution that relays cryptocurrency transactions. So, for a while, I was trying to start a new job there. But what!”

Peter Thiel smiled and looked at Eugene.

“There are people who have already dominated the cryptocurrency trading market. He was none other than Eugene’s younger brother. ah!”

Peter slammed his hand against his thigh and let out a sigh.

“It was also Eugene.”

Peter raised his hands and looked at Eugene, smiling brightly.

“It was not just about entering the market first. At least 20 exchanges around the world are under the influence of Yooseong. After all, you were a business person. It completely monopolized the market. There is no way I can compete with Yoosung.”

Although a German-American who was born and immigrated to Germany, Peter Thiel is the blood of traditional American capitalists.

At the beginning of the 20th century, American industrial sectors were being united by a few monopolists into one giant corporation in each sector.

Cornelius Vanderbilt tried to monopolize rail and shipping, and John Davidson Rockefeller monopolized the oil market. Andrew Carnegie got his hands on the steel industry, John Pierpont Morgan got his hands on Wall Street.

Peter Thiel is also a person who loves such monopoly too much. In fact, not only that, but the other PayPal mafia would also like to create a similar situation if possible.

Anti-monopoly is only regarded as an evil law that interferes with the free contract between individuals.

Their greatest goal is a perfect competition where they can freely display their free will and their abilities.

In fact, it is quite natural that they are favorable to Trump and Eugene.

Donald Trump’s United States would, in effect, give up control of the world because of its inability, and Eugene’s ability to accomplish in a short period of time no one has ever achieved before.

“As cryptocurrencies become more powerful, perhaps the state will try to control them as well.”

No matter what kind of thoughts he has, he cannot help but admire his forward-looking vision.

When the crisis of cryptocurrency arrives with less than a year left, most countries try to find a way to control the cryptocurrency by the state.

“The fact that Eugene is the one who will dominate the cryptocurrency market at that time is reassuring. In this day and age, only Eugene will be able to stand up to the pressures of the state as an individual.”

“That’s a huge compliment. To be honest, I’m not quite sure I’m that great.”

Returning to the past, for the first time, Eugene had to show a humble attitude.

Even so, the word “opposing the state” is not a word that can never come out of the mouth at any place. At least it is now.

Moreover, Eugene is still an outsider. Right now, it is not enough to be careful one step at a time. It is only outside the United States that causes problems.

“So our opinions were gathered.”

Peter has now revealed that he has come to see Eugene as the head of the PayPal Mafia.

“I want to be with Eugene. It’s a good thing, isn’t it? The person who made the biggest investment in my company is Eugene.”

He also talks about Palantir technology.

“Max wants to see you, too.”

Max Lebchin, one of the two founders of PayPal, founded a big data company called Kaggle, and Eugene also owns a stake in the company.

“We have about $4 billion of money we can raise for investment right now.”

It is too much money to be considered as money that can be easily extracted from one meeting.

“With that amount of money, it would be better to create a new exchange.”

Eugene laughed and said. So far, Yoosung has been involved in dozens of exchanges and has used less than half of that money.

No, even if you add up all the amounts Eugene has used for cryptocurrency so far, it is not that much.

“As I said before, we are not interested in competition. It is important to choose a certain item to have an edge. And you’re taking that place, Eugene. It is pointless to come and jump into the cryptocurrency market now.”

“Then why do I have to accept Peter’s investment?”

The PayPal Mafia is undoubtedly a group of innovative greats who left a huge mark on the American economy as well as Silicon Valley.

But that doesn’t mean they are Silicon Valley conquerors.

Still the conquerors are Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Apple.

This is especially true now, when Elon Musk, one of the richest people in the PayPal Mafia, has yet to show concrete results.

There is nothing wrong with Eugene to join hands with great innovators who have led an era.

But for that to happen, it needed at least something on par.

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