
“What is Congressman Hong doing? What if I rob the stock at this point?”

Daeyang Motors CEO Ryu Geun-ho asked, unable to hide his angry expression.

As soon as they heard that people from the Financial Supervisory Service were conducting due diligence on Daeyang Securities’ data, they called Oh Kyung-deok, chief of staff, and asked about measures, but there is no such thing as a sharp solution.

“It seems that there is no way on the part of Assemblyman Hong. All the politicians are showing signs of trying to distance themselves from us.”

“Isn’t Congressman Hong the only one who received money from us? When everyone puts you in the stomach, you take it like that, and now you come here and pretend you don’t know?”

“The current wave is too high. Recently, the group’s image has not been very good, so they seem to think that getting tangled up will cause serious political damage.”

“Is it enough to leave me alone because I don’t want to be entangled? How much money we’ve been donating over the past 40 years! If we fall, will you guys be okay?”

At the center of the network that the Daeyang Group has built up over decades of relationship is a huge amount of money.

And, as it has been the case with large chaebol groups, of course, countless evidences remain.

The Daeyang Group also hid a ledger of money brought to politicians.

“You all know what happens if you blow it, right?”

Ryu Geun-ho said with a laugh.

“It’s a last resort… … No, it should not be used. They know it, and we know it.”

“So, are you saying that we are the only ones to die like this?”

“no. It is said that the worst moments can be avoided.”

The current image of the Daeyang Group is the worst, so even the politicians can’t raise their hand in haste, but it will only prevent the Daeyang Group from sinking.


“It seems that we will have to prepare a way out soon.”


“Securities are unavoidable. And heavy industry. I think we need to organize the things we need to organize and take a boudoir.”

Chief of Staff Oh Kyung-duk came up with a realistic plan.

“Can it be heavy industry and securities?”

Ryu Geun-Ho-Ro-Sun, president of Daeyang Motors, has no regrets about Heavy Industries.

Since it is just one axis of circular shareholding, the problem is that if it is taken away, it will immediately affect the automobile.

“I’m going to make the most of my time. It would be better to take out the stake in the affiliates owned by Daeyang Heavy Industries and put the heavy industry on the market. The same goes for securities. It’s worse to keep it because it’s insolvent anyway. It would be better to just clear up the stake and close the door.”

“Well… … .”

“Rep. Hong also said he would help with that. Politicians will also try to close the situation in moderation. No matter how bad the image is, it’s better than the entire group sinking.”

“great. Then push it there.”

“And in the automotive and electronics sectors, we need to have someone in charge. Heavy industry is also a problem, but the image of the group has deteriorated due to the acquisition of Freescale and Maxwell Griffiths, so someone needs to enter.”

The fact that Daeyang Electronics was trying to make tens of trillions of profits from the acquisition of Freescale and that Daeyang Motors was also trying to collect large sums of money from the acquisition of Maxwell Griffiths is already receiving irreparable glare from the public.

“Then we’ll be Vice President Ham.”

Ryu Geun-ho chose a person to go to prison for him without even thinking about it.

“The former will take care of it as a suitable person.”

“In both companies, the person with the weight must be held accountable. The former is particularly serious. The amount is different. People believe they tried to swallow 20 trillion won.”

“Does 20 trillion won make sense?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. It’s important that people believe that way.”


“If you give an awkward greeting, the arrow may point upward.”

“Waah… … Are you talking about the past?”

Ryu Geun-ho mentioned his younger brother.

“In the worst case, it could be.”

“Hmm… … .”

Ryu Geun-ho’s worries grew longer.

“Are you sure the amount is large?”

Then he smiled and asked.

“If it’s 20 trillion won, it’s bigger than any other incident that has happened in Korea so far.”

“okay. I mean, it’s a near job… … What do you think? If you take responsibility for the next few days, will it end in moderation?”

“I don’t know if the boss will understand.”

“Of course I don’t understand. How greedy is that child? So… … Just leave it alone.”

While saying that, Ryu Geun-ho was smiling.

* * *

“It is said that the Financial Supervisory Service has entered into a detailed audit of Daeyang Securities. It is likely that the prosecution will take action soon.”

Hwan Kim has informed us of what is happening in Korea.

“The only thing left to do is collapse Daeyang Securities. Daeyang Heavy Industries also has a problem of insolvency again.”

“How many shares have SS Partners secured?”

“Daeyang Heavy Industries is 14%, and Daeyang Securities 11%.”

Even in Korea, Eugene has no knowledge of Daeyang Group’s stake held through an overseas investment institution.

“Is that enough to stop us from disposing of our stake in group affiliates?”

“of course.”

“okay. Take care of it more than anything else. We will take this opportunity to sell our stake in the group at a bargain price and adjust the circulation structure.”

Eugene had secured enough shares to take Daeyang Heavy Industries away at any time, but he did not disclose it.

I plan to make the opponent watch out until the very last moment.

“And he said that he could see a subtle conflict between the president of Daeyang Motors and the president of Daeyang Electronics.”

“If it’s subtle? Is this a family fight?”

“right. It looks like the president has collapsed and is out of his mind. So it’s natural for the brothers to fight over who gets the group.”

“Certainly, it’s a mess when that inspiration goes down. You are mine in this situation.”

“It’s not like this is the case. Fortunately, all the slush funds that were hidden abroad were blown away, so the value of the group grew even more. Moreover, the third one also fell off. You two will be crazy for a while. We have to protect the company and keep our brothers in check.”

It is quite common for internal divisions to occur during national or family crises.

If things are going well, you can get a big share of it by sharing it, but when you are in a crisis, the greed to take care of what is leftover is bound to raise your head.

“We should pay attention to the stakes within the Daeyang Group. If the heads of state do that, everyone will be busy watching internally as well.”

“I will. By the way, you’re doing a good job there. There are already over fifty places.”

Eugene praised the hard work while examining the investment status of SS Partners and SS Ventures.

“Viva’s performance is better.”

“Yes? I never expected that the simple remittance service would be so well-received. After all, there is a bank application, but it is cumbersome to download an additional application and connect the bank again. But what is this! People love it.”

“Because the banking app has been so inconvenient.”

“Right. When creating an app, everyone prioritized the company’s circumstances, not the customer’s convenience. Does it make sense that I have to take out the security card even if I want to send money once in the app?”

Banks are always afraid of accidents, so when something happens that forces customers to feel uncomfortable, they don’t even think about fixing it.

In addition, they were busy stating that they were not responsible if there was a problem with the customer’s account.

He didn’t take any action, and he often blamed the customer even when all of his fortune had disappeared from his account.

It is the result of people working in financial institutions being conservative and disliked to take responsibility.

The Bobby Republic app, which Eugene invested in, scratched the itch of such customers.

It sends remittance with the push of a button without a public certificate, and does not impose excessive responsibility.

Naturally, it was well-received. Moreover, thanks to Eugene’s heavy investment, the desired functions are added one by one, and there is no difficulty in marketing.

“In addition to remittance, new markets are emerging in various financial fields.”

The growth of the so-called fintech sector is just beginning. And Eugene intends to preoccupy such fintech regardless of whether it is Korea or the United States.

“There are a lot of hardships.”

Of course, it is the venture company that is doing business well, but the effort to support it is also commendable.

“Honestly, is there anything difficult? If you confirm the companies we upload and send them down, all we do is do it.”

“It is the most difficult thing to do. is not it?”

Even if he had a lot of knowledge about the future, it was more important than ever to have someone who could properly carry out the instructions in order to turn it into money.

As in the United States, in Korea, the greatest effort was put into securing talented people.

Although the Korean startup market is not of a remarkable size in terms of global scale, what Eugene knows best is the situation in Korea as well as the United States.

Therefore, investment in Korea’s industry is inevitably the second largest after investment in the United States.

Fortunately, the correct answer was to attract talented colleagues from the past, including Kim Hwan, from the beginning.

Since they were already in agreement with each other, they were able to return to the newly formed organization without any major problems and were able to carry out Eugene’s instructions quickly.

Thanks to this, the number of companies that have invested in Korea is greater than that of companies that have invested in the United States.

“haha. Indeed, it is. Everyone is working hard. It’s not because it’s what I do, it’s that everyone does twice as much as they do for fame.”

“Don’t work too hard. You have to look at it for a long time.”

The work of elite employees working in large Korean conglomerates, investment firms on Wall Street, or IT companies is truly beyond imagination.

Not because of pressure from above, but also voluntarily and competitively.

And if you are an employee who is not willing to voluntarily devote yourself like that, you are likely to leave early.

If you look at their work, it is understandable that their salary is three or four times that of office workers at other companies.

In fact, Eugene also worked like that for decades.

Because of that, Eugene had no choice but to admit that such people were just born.

Only those who are crazy about their work and who are genuinely happy with the results of their work are likely to stand out in such work.

“Still, everyone is taking care of their health.”

Such people tend to invest more time for physical fitness than other people.

“It’s not about health, it’s about quality of life. I have a lot of work to do for a very long time.”

The information about the future that Eugene knows is only the beginning. The next few decades are full of businesses that will take precedence over others.

And Eugene has no intention of running such businesses by herself.

There are people who are good at business and there are people who are good at investing.

Because of this, Eugene has no intention of changing the management of the successful companies she knows or interfering with the direction of the management’s business.

They are simply investing heavy money and helping them in the direction they want.

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