Break Into Another World

Chapter 379: , you would actually like a man

"Come on..." The Lord of Soul Tiangong said with a look of sigh, "It's been a long time since I came to ask the banquet, let's take a look at the children now!"

For Palace Master Soul Heaven, all the people present are actually children, even Elder Xuanqing is no exception!

Before the old man Xuanqing was born, Po Tian had already served as the master of the Asking Palace for millions of years...

"Palace Master Soul Heaven is here!"

"This time, the questioning banquet is too exciting, even the palace master-level masters are present in person!"

"I heard that the master of Soul Tian Palace's unique skill "Destroy the Heavens" has not yet found a suitable successor; I wonder if there will be any lucky little guy in this battle of dao fate, who has this opportunity!"

"Don't think about it! If "Destroy the Heavens" is so easy to learn, then the Palace Master Soul Heaven won't be able to find a suitable successor for tens of millions of years!"

"Without the imposing aura of the Lord of the Heavens that destroys the heavens, it is impossible to even get started with "The Extermination of the Heavens"!"

"I don't know what the strength of Palace Master Soul Tian has now reached!"

"For hundreds of thousands of years, Palace Master Soul Tian has been practicing in seclusion, and he must be more domineering and invincible!"

The Palace Master Soul Heaven chose to sleep, which is a secret in the human race.

When the normal lifespan of Palace Master Potian arrives, Daoist Palace will announce to the public that Palace Master Soul Heaven has passed away. In fact, the Palace Master Soul Tian will hide in the "Human Divine Kingdom" and sleep for a long time!

If the human race is in great danger, the Palace Master Soul Heaven will appear again.

And if the human race has been safe and sound, Palace Master Soul Tian will die quietly in a deep sleep!

Shortly after the arrival of Palace Master Potian, the auspicious time for the banquet was also opened.

The miniature teleportation arrays on the stone tables all shone; one after another, teleportation appeared.

The masters of the human race began to eat and drink, and they began to walk.

After drinking for a while on their own table, many masters started to "stop" at nearby tables - masters from all sides rarely meet each other on weekdays, of course, they should take advantage of the opportunity of the banquet to exchange feelings.

"Sect Master Yao, my old bear toasts you!"

Near Xu Ming, the leaders of two ordinary prefecture-level forces that belonged to the territory of Huxin Island sat together and drank enthusiastically.

The same scene is still happening everywhere in the whole questioning banquet.

"Brother Shulanluo, I respect you!"

"Sect Master Mo, come, let's go!"

"Take one?" Sect Master Mo snorted disdainfully, "Ten ten!"

"Brother Ma, what nonsense are you talking about, drink it!"

"Oh, brother Niu, I can't drink it, I have to participate in the battle of Taoism later! Drinking is a mistake!"

"Fate of the road has nothing to do with it! Drink some wine to strengthen your courage, it can't be better!"

"I really can't drink..."

"Come on! We brothers haven't seen each other for more than ten years. You don't give me this face? Drink!"

"Okay then... just one cup!"

"Okay, just one cup!"

There are also some who drink more elegantly, and do not get up and walk around, but sit quietly in their seats, transmit voices to friends in the distance, and raise a glass from the air.

The banquet scene was a lively scene.

In this area where the six major forces such as Huxin Island are located, the most lively area is undoubtedly the Piaoxuecheng area.

A number of masters and talents, like male dogs in spring, surrounded the table in Piaoxuecheng with shameless faces, refusing to leave.

Among them, the city owner of Piaoxue City, Tang Chengxue, and Chi Xue, the male dogs around them are undoubtedly the most.

The people around Tang Chengxue were mostly bigwigs from one side—most of them were prefecture-level forces, and there were also weaker heaven-level forces such as Thousand Changes Sect.

Tang Chengxue has long been accustomed to dealing with such scenes in her long life. Every male dog around her was itchy, but in fact, it didn't take any substantial advantage at all.

Chi Xue, on the other hand, seemed at a loss.

The people around Chi Xue are all "little male dogs", that is, the geniuses of the younger generation.

"Miss Chi, at the Sacred Fire Gate Li Qingfeng, can you give the girl a cup?" A gentle young man, holding a wine glass in both hands, smiled.

"My fellow Wen Zhe, can I help Miss Chi to pour the tea from the cup?" This young man was more polite and smiling.

"Xiaosheng Ma Junhao..."

A mountain is still a mountain high, and one is more disgusting than the other.

Chi Xue secretly glanced at the well-dressed young people beside her, but every one of them made her feel only dangerous, but not at all safe.

At this time, Chi Xue couldn't help but think of Xu Ming.

"Brother Xu Ming's eyes will never look like these people..." Chi Xue felt a little sad.

Suddenly, Chi Xue gathered up his courage.

"Brother Xu Ming!" Chi Xue looked at Xu Ming and said directly.

Xu Ming was dealing with a cat and a dog who appeared out of nowhere when suddenly a familiar voice entered his mind.

"Chi Xue?" Xu Ming's eyes did not change, and he also looked in the direction of Chi Xue.

Four eyes facing each other.

What Xu Ming saw was a pair of eyes that were like clear springs, but with many complex emotions.

What Chi Xue saw was a pair of calm and normal eyes.

Although Chi Xue had expected this look in her eyes, but when she saw it, she couldn't help but feel a strong bitterness.


Are you unwilling?

Can't tell.

But Chi Xue knew that brother Xu Ming was no longer the old brother Xu Ming!

"Brother Xu Ming, I'll give you a cup of tea instead of wine!" Chi Xue smiled bitterly, holding the wine glass in both hands.

Chi Xue's action immediately caught the attention of the group of little male dogs around her.

All the little male dogs turned their heads in unison in the direction Chi Xue was looking. Dozens of jealous eyes shot at Xu Ming fiercely.

"Damn it! Who is this person?"

The little male dogs are all sound transmission to each other.

"We were like dogs, walking around Chi Xue for a long time, but Chi Xue didn't even pay any attention to us! And now, Chi Xue is actually toasting this person?"

"I'm so **** off! Listen up, everyone, I'm going to let out an angry wolf howl!!—Wow, woof!"

Sure enough...very...angry...

"Who knows who this person is?"

Xu Ming's reputation outside the territory of Huxin Island is actually not that great. Many people may have heard of the name Xu Ming; however, there are very few people who can match the name with the person.

"The face is very good! - Seeing him sitting there alone, no one pays attention to him, it should be a small force, or a loose cultivator!"

"Damn! The small forces dare to be so crazy!?"

Xu Ming naturally didn't care about the jealous eyes of a group of cats and dogs. What surprised him was Chi Xue's performance - Chi Xue actually took the initiative to respect herself.

It's just a bit of an accident, but it's not too surprising.

They are all old friends, it's just a toast, Xu Ming certainly won't lose He raised his glass slightly, and then drank it directly.

Chi Xue put down the teacup, and continued to transmit the voice as if there was no one else around: "Brother Xu Ming, I haven't seen you for many years, can you tell me a little about you now?"

"Well..." Xu Ming pondered slightly, "Okay!"

Chi Xue's big eyes like clear springs couldn't help but light up.

Xu Ming sat in his seat, and said through voice transmission, "Now, I'm with Gu Hanmo..."


Chi Xue almost sprayed out the tea that he hadn't swallowed: "What? You are with Palace Master Gu!?"

"What's the problem?"

"Brother Xu Ming..." Chi Xue's eyes were extremely strange, "Even if you don't like me anymore, I really didn't expect that you would... like men..."

Chi Xue clearly remembered that Gu Hanmo, the head of the Feiyun Country's wild Martial House, was a man!

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