Break Into Another World

Chapter 366: , just ask you to say a word

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Don't care about me?

Quan Dang has never had a contradiction?

Xu Ming was accidentally frightened by the thickness of Xing Li's face! - From the very beginning, wasn't the whole thing because of this conspiracy that Xing Li designed by himself? Why does Xing Li now feel as if I'm deliberately looking for their fault?

Xu Ming understood that in the eyes of people like Xing Li, it was right for him to bully others, and others should bear it silently. Le + Wen + Novel www.し And if others dare to resist, it is "looking for a ballast"!

"This thick-skinned..." Xu Ming couldn't help but want to scold him.

But right away, Xu Ming found out that he couldn't scold Xing Li.

You must know that Xing Liyuan was on the island in the heart of the lake and contacted Xu Ming through the high-end communication treasure such as the Causal Communication Stone.

But... Xu Ming didn't have a message!

Moreover, Xing Li was not a servant controlled by Wan Sha Soul Orb, so Xu Ming naturally couldn't send a message to Xing Li like he did to Liu Mang.

In other words, now, Xu Ming has no way to contact Xing Li!

"I'm going, but I can't scold if I want to?"

Since he couldn't scold, Xu Ming had no choice but to put Xing Li aside and concentrate on his wedding.

And Xu Ming's release made Xing Li anxious—his son Xing Tianyun was in Xu Ming's hands, and his life might be in danger at any time; as a father, can he not be in a hurry?

"Huh? Why haven't you heard back?"

Xing Li paced back and forth in the main hall of Huxin Island, and he couldn't hide his anxiety.

"Xu Ming, you have to say something!" Xing Li couldn't help but message again.

"Xu Ming, I know you must have received my summons. Don't you pretend to be dumb? Just say something, we can talk about what conditions you have!"

"Xu Ming, I warn you, if you dare to touch my son, I will make your entire Wilderness Sect die!"

"You haven't spoken yet, have you?"

"Did you not dare to speak when you saw my summons?"

"Are you talking or not?"

"You really don't speak?"

"Xu Ming, don't force me!"

After a lot of beeping, Xingli finally served it!

Yes, he did!

He found that no matter how intimidating he was, Xu Ming didn't say a word.

"It seems that Xu Ming is planning to fight me to the death?"

Thinking that Xu Ming might have to fight to the death, Xing Li couldn't help but be afraid!

No matter how wasteful Xing Tianyun is, he is Xing Li's flesh and blood no matter what!

Moreover, with such a good background, Xing Tianyun can still be so trashy, doesn't it also prove in disguise: How much do Xing Li spoil Xing Tianyun?

So now, Xing Li is really convinced, and really anxious!


What Xing Li did not expect was that Xu Ming ignored him, not for any other reason, but entirely because there was no causal communication stone!

Without hardware equipment, what do you call me?

Xing Li didn't expect this, he thought that Xu Ming was deliberately showing his face.

"Okay, I've taken it!" Xing Li had to communicate, "One hundred low-grade Dao stones, redeem my son Xing Tianyun!"

One hundred low-grade Dao stones...

To be honest, Xing Li's condition is really sincere!

What is Dao Stone?

Dao Shi is formed by the purest energy between heaven and earth!

Inside the Dao Stone, there is even a trace of Heavenly Dao! -Although it is only a very small trace, it is also the way of heaven!

Every Dao stone is formed, and there is bound to be a huge spiritual stone vein around it! - This is because, when cultivating Dao stones, it is inevitable that some energy residues will overflow; and these energy residues are enough to cultivate spiritual stone veins!

On the Endless Continent, the exchange ratio of low-grade Dao stones and top-grade spiritual stones is usually around one to one thousand; sometimes it is high, sometimes it is low, but the fluctuation is not very large.

In other words, the hundred low-grade Dao stones that Xing Li was willing to pay for were worth as much as 100,000 top-grade spiritual stones, or... 100 million low-grade spiritual stones!

To Xu Ming, it was a 100 million level 4 hanging point!

It is much more than Xu Ming's current possessions!

And the lord of the Martial God Kingdom, the reason why he sent a low-grade Dao stone as a gift is not to say that he is very generous, but... the lord of the Martial God Kingdom is only at the condensing pill realm cultivation base, and a warrior of his level does not know the low-grade at all. The true value of Dao Shi!

If the Lord of the Martial God Kingdom knew that he gave out a thousand top-grade spirit stones, I am afraid that he would cry and faint in the toilet.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Martial God Kingdom does not know the true value of the low-grade Dao Stone, so there is no need to cry.

"I'm so sincere, so Xu Ming should have a reaction, right?" Xing Li thought to himself.

However, after Xing Li walked back and forth for half a column of incense...

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Xing Li has been very careful with his words and deeds since he took power on the island in the heart of the lake, and he rarely swears; "This Xu Ming has not responded yet!"

After thinking for a while: "Two hundred low-grade stones, I have given enough sincerity! Whether you agree or not, just say a word!"

It's half incense time again...

"I'm so **** convinced! It's just a word, it's so difficult? - Three hundred low-grade Dao stones!"

Then, after another half a column of incense time...

"Xu Ming! Don't challenge my patience! - Five hundred low-grade stones, this is my limit!"

Still no response...

"Me, me, me, me..." An angry Xing Li just happened to be pacing past the blue dragon statue that was over a hundred feet tall (over three or four hundred meters) on the island.

This Qinglong statue is from the hands of a stone carving master in the Taoist realm; it is said that this stone carving master saw the power of the mythical beast Qinglong from a distance in the Eternal Demon Pit, and came back with a sudden inspiration.

This Qinglong statue is many times smaller than the real beast Qinglong; however, it is also a rare stone sculpture collection.

Xing Li also spent a lot of money to buy this statue and erect it on the island in the center of the lake. On weekdays, he is often complacent about this precious collection.

But today, when Xing Li saw this statue, for some unknown reason, he felt unhappy how he looked at it.

boom! !

Xing Li blasted out with a fist, and the Qinglong statue of ordinary material was directly smashed into powder!

"What's wrong?"

"what happened!?"

On the island in the heart of the lake, all the figures were disturbed, and they rushed over one by one.

"Island What's wrong with this Qinglong statue?"

Everyone looked at their island owner suspiciously - it seems that the island owner bombed it by himself?

But why did the island owner do this? This is his favorite collection!

"Get out of here!" Xing Li shouted angrily.

The island owner was furious, and the surrounding disciples, all of them naturally silent, quickly dispersed.

Several elders who rushed to this place did not leave.

"Island owner?" Liu Mang stepped forward and asked, "What happened, why are you so angry?"

Xing Li took a deep breath, did not speak, but took out the communication stone again, and sent a message to Xu Ming: "Five hundred low-grade Dao stone! It is not a redemption, just please say a word! - You say a word, five hundred low-grade Dao Shibai to you!"

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