Break Into Another World

Chapter 362: , Strange Communication

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website address【】

"Haha, Xu Ming really can't hold his breath! He naively wanted Xing Tianyun to apologize...Is this possible?" Haixiang's eyes lit up, "You are a young man, he is too impulsive... His impulsiveness , but just impulsive the Wilderness Sect into it!"

Leader Haixiang was full of schadenfreude at this time.

"Xu Ming, he..." Gu Kongshan was both relieved and a little worried.

However, Gu Kongshan believed that since Xu Ming did this, he must have his reasons, so he continued to watch without saying a word.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

The Wild Wilderness Sect, the Palm God Alliance, and the Blood Thunder Sect did not speak for a while.

The major forces and masters from all sides who came to participate in the forces were also silent; at most, the voice transmission was private, and no one made any sound.

"What did you say?" Xing Tianyun seemed to have heard the funniest joke, "You said, you want me to apologize to you? Hahahahaha...hahahahaha...I want Xingtianyun to apologize to you!?"

"I'm already very tolerant!" Xu Ming said indifferently, "Would you like to apologize? You only have one chance!"

"Hahahaha... There is only one chance to choose?" Xing Tianyun laughed more and more arrogantly, "Then I will tell you now, no apology - what can you do to me? Say, what can you do to me?"

Xu Ming shook his head indifferently: "It's a pity that you missed this opportunity!"

"Hmph! I can really pretend to be an x!" Xing Tianyun sneered, "Do you know that I hate when others pretend to be in front of me!"

"Pretend x?"

A playful, disdainful grin flashed across Xu Ming's face.

Then suddenly, Xu Ming said to everyone in a loud voice: "Everyone, it's a great honor for you to come to my wedding. At the next wedding, I will temporarily join an extra program, so stay tuned!"

"Extra program?"

Everyone was stunned.

"What's the meaning?"

"What kind of show is Xu Ming in the mood to perform at this time!?"

"Could it be that you want to perform on your knees and beg for mercy?" Leader Haixiang thought sinisterly.

The brothers and sisters of the Palm God Alliance saw the wicked smile on Xu Ming's face. All of them were shocked by Qi Qi's body - they seemed to smell a familiar feeling.

This familiar feeling is actually a special temperament emanating from Xu Ming - usually, this kind of temperament will appear in Brother Ming's body involuntarily before pretending to be x.

"Brother Ming, is this going to perform X?" True fans couldn't help thinking.

And the "signature outfit x" of the palm **** Xu Ming, that is naturally...

The brothers and sisters of the Palm God Alliance suddenly realized: "Could it be that the palm of the **** will be presented to us on this special day?"

Sure enough, Xu Ming soon said again: "The next program may be more violent. Please friends with children, cover the children's eyes!"


"Palm God is going to come out again!"

"This is really a feast for our Palm God Alliance!"

"Brother Ming, will it be too impulsive to do this?" There are also brothers who are in charge of the League of Gods worried.

"No matter what Brother Ming does, he must have his reasons! - We are watching the play!"

"That's right! Brother Ming is rare, just watch the show! As for what will happen in the future, this is not something we need to worry about!"

"The water curtain technique has been activated, wait for Brother Ming to come out!"

In the Palm God Alliance, everyone was excited by voice transmission.

"What do you want?" Xing Tianyun sneered and stared at Xu Ming, "Could it be that you want to kill me?"

"I think…"

Snapped! !

The palm of the hand is out of the palm, pay attention to fast, accurate and ruthless!

Before Xing Tianyun could react, Xu Ming told him what he wanted to do with practical actions.

An extremely bright palm print gracefully bloomed on Xing Tianyun's face.

Xing Tianyun was directly slapped by this sudden slap: "I am a dignified Taoist! I was slapped in public!?"

"Really smoked!"

The Palm God Alliance watched with enthusiasm.


"I've wanted to **** this **** for a long time, but it's a pity that my strength is low and I don't have this chance!"

"Brother Ming, pump again! Pump hard!"

Cult Master Haixiang suddenly bulged out: "This lunatic dares to slap Xing Tianyun's palm..."

"You..." Xing Tianyun's eyes were almost blood red.

However, Xu Ming didn't seem to see Xing Tianyun's devouring eyes, so he said to the guests present: "The extra program added today was performed by me—Eighteen Palms of Insects! Now! One palm has passed, and there are still seventeen palms!"

"Go to hell!!" Xing Tianyun's aura exploded completely.

"Ah ah ah ah!!" His whole person was like a raging flame.


This group of flames had just started to burn, and it was as if a basin of ice water had suddenly been poured over and extinguished instantly—because at this time, Xing Tianyun saw in horror that the gun muzzle of the Wuyu Ship was already aimed at him! !

This is the cannon that killed Ao Wanya in one shot!

"Damn, you lunatic, what are you doing!?" Xing Tianyun's face turned blue with fright.

Can he not be nervous when facing such a cannon? If Xu Ming gave himself a shot, or...the cannon went off...

"What I want to do is very simple - come here honestly and cooperate with me to finish the remaining seventeen slaps!" Xu Ming looked at him coldly, with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.


"Brother Ming is so domineering!"

Everyone was amazed at Xu Ming's domineering, but inevitably worried about the fate of the Wilderness Sect - Xu Ming has completely offended Xingtianyun to death, the Wilderness Sect, can withstand the next revenge of the Huxin Island?

Lake Island!

That is the top force that dominates the territory of one party!

Even if you look at the entire endless continent, the island in the heart of the lake is a top-ranked force!

Wilderness Sect, what can you use to bear the wrath of such a terrible force?

"Xu Ming, don't deceive people too much..." Xing Tianyun's face was ashen, and he wanted to say something to Xu Ming; at this moment, he suddenly received a message.

Seeing this message from his father, the Taoist Lord of Lake Heart Island, Xing Tianyun's eyes lit up again and again: "Ah? Is that so? So what is my father's purpose? - It's not too early. Tell me! When I was shot at by the muzzle just now, it scared me to death!"

After reading the communication, Xing Tianyun suddenly seemed to be a different person, his face was no longer blue, but instead became radiant.

As for the cannon facing him, Xing Tianyun is no longer afraid! -Because, his father had been on him for a long time, secretly keeping a life-saving means.

"Quack, my father is really scheming!" Xing Tianyun was deeply impressed.

"Huh?" Xu Ming felt that something was wrong - how did the state of Xing Tianyun's whole person become different?

At this moment, Xu Ming suddenly received a strange message.

"Master, is that you?"

This is a very respectful voice, Xu Ming can feel a kind of loyalty from the soul in this voice.

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