Break Into Another World

Chapter 2108: no need to compare

Under the leadership of Fang Ping, Xu Ming and others walked towards the center of the thunderstorm together.

The endless thunder naturally separates a passage to accommodate everyone.

Walking on this passage, Xu Ming could fully feel the terrifying power coming from the densely packed thunder and lightning around him, and he couldn't help being secretly startled: "As expected of the ancient divine thunder that existed since the beginning of the universe! Such power, even with My strength, if I carry it hard, I am afraid it will be wiped out in an instant! No wonder Lei Mie Pavilion dares to say that even if it is the existence of the Great Senior level, it will not dare to trespass!"

Lei Mie Pavilion guards this old nest, and as long as it does not kill itself, as long as there is no civil strife, it will hardly be destroyed. It is no wonder that, from the first universe era to the present, after such a long time, Lei Mie Pavilion is still standing, and it still maintains a strong power.

Thinking about it, Xu Ming had already walked through the Thunder Passage and entered the interior of Lei Mie Pavilion.

As soon as he entered the Lei Mie Pavilion, Xu Ming felt a heavy sense of time coming to his face - Lei Mie Pavilion has gone through five cosmic eras, experienced rise and fall, and its sense of time is almost condensed into substance.

"Is this the Lei Mie Pavilion?" Xu Ming was secretly shocked.

Suddenly, Xu Ming felt that he should have underestimated Lei Mie Pavilion!

Yes, underestimate Lei Mie Pavilion!

Previously, in Xu Ming's view, Lei Mie Pavilion was just a top-level force without a great master. But now, Xu Ming thought about it carefully - is Lei Mie Pavilion really that simple?

If Lei Mie Pavilion is really so simple, how can it still stand in the real universe?

"Lei Mie Pavilion, there should be no Great Venerable! After all, if there is a Great Venerable in Lei Mie Pavilion, it is impossible for the Three Realms Great Venerable to not know about it!" Xu Ming secretly said, "But...even though there is no Great Venerable, Lei Mie does not have a Great Venerable. The power of the pavilion at the level of 'high-level heavenly supreme' is definitely not weak, or even strong! Maybe, there are many high-level heavenly supreme beings hidden in the thunderbolt pavilion; only in this way can the thunderbolt pavilion occupy a large place in the thunderbolt domain. territory and power!"

Thinking of this, Xu Ming suddenly looked down on Lei Miege a lot less.

"And... Lei Miege dared to attack the Kunpeng clan, which also shows that Lei Miege's power is not weak!" Xu Ming thought again.

Although the Kunpeng clan is now in decline, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse! What's more, in the Kunpeng clan, there are strong people with great respect! - If Lei Mie Pavilion does not have enough strength, how dare to attack the Kunpeng clan?

However, Xu Ming was not afraid of Lei Mie Pavilion.

What Xu Ming is afraid of is the Great Venerable and the strong; as long as there is no Great Venerable in the Lei Mie Pavilion, Xu Ming is not worried even if there are more "High Heaven Supreme". Anyway, Xu Ming has "infinite resurrection" hanging on, and disguised his identity, it can be said that he is not worried at all.

Walking into the door of Lei Mie Pavilion, Xu Ming saw that there were five piles of people, each gathered together.

Xu Ming didn't care, but the gazes of Fang Ping, Yu Wutian Supreme and others were swept across the five groups of people - these five groups of people were the forces assembled by the other five direct disciples.

Looking around, Fang Ping's face suddenly became very ugly. Because, they saw that although there were only ten people beside one of the direct disciples, but all of these ten people were actually the median heavenly supreme!

Ten Median Heavenly Supremes!

And what about Fang Ping's side? -Xu Ming was regarded by them as the next Heavenly Supreme Being, so Fang Ping and others thought that the power on his side was three middle Heavenly Supreme Beings and eleven lower Heavenly Supreme Beings. Such a force is obviously far inferior to the other's ten median Heavenly Supremes.

"How could..." Fang Ping couldn't believe it, "Isn't my power the strongest among the ten direct disciples? How come ten median Heavenly Supremes suddenly appeared?"

There are ten direct disciples with the help of the median Heavenly Supreme being "Ke Feng"!

Fang Ping looked at Ke Feng and still couldn't believe it: "This Ke Feng, didn't he have only three lower Heaven Supremes before? However, there are quite a lot of Earth Supremes! - Even, he knew that his power was not as good as mine, and he even dispatched The Supreme Earth came to assassinate me; if it hadn’t happened to be rescued by the Supreme Wolong Heaven, I’d probably have died under his assassination…”

Before, Fang Ping always thought that Ke Feng's power was not strong, so he didn't take Ke Feng seriously. As for the assassination... Fang Ping didn't hold any revenge. Because the direct disciple of Lei Mie Pavilion, even if he falls, will be resurrected by Lei Mie Pavilion; therefore, the assassination will not really kill Fang Ping, but just eliminate him from the assessment.

At this moment, Fang Ping could only say: "It's hidden so deeply!"

Hidden too deep!

If a power as large as Ke Feng was hidden deep enough, it would be discovered during the assessment process; then, it would definitely attract the siege of other direct disciples. After all, it is impossible for other direct disciples to watch Ke Feng win the test.

Obviously, Ke Feng used assassination to hide people's eyes and ears - to make others think that his power is not strong, and he can only rely on assassination to find a chance to win.

"I lost!" Seeing the disparity in power, Fang Ping could only sigh.

As for Yu Wutian Supreme, he looked at the ten median Heavenly Supremes beside Ke Feng: "Yinshan Ten Demons... I didn't expect them to be involved!"

The Ten Demons of Yinshan Mountain are also quite prestigious forces in the Thunder Destruction Domain. The ten median Heavenly Supremes joined forces, and they could even compete with the upper Heavenly Supremes a little!

Recognizing that they are the Ten Demons of the Yin Mountain, the Supreme Desire of Yu Wutian has no desire to fight for glory at all - just relying on him, the gap with the Ten Demons of the Yin Mountain is too great, and it is not on the same level at all!

"It's a waste of time!" Yu Wutian Supreme thought depressedly.

At the same time, Supreme Yuwutian couldn't help looking at Xu Ming, and snorted coldly, "If it wasn't for you to meddle in your own business, how could we have been busy for so long!"

"Huh?" Fang Ping couldn't help but change his face slightly - of course he understood the meaning of Yu Wutian Supreme's words.

Xu Ming also understood the meaning of the other party's words.

The meaning of Yu Wutian Supreme is: If Xu Ming hadn't rescued Fang Ping at the beginning, Fang Ping would have been eliminated from the assessment long ago, and they naturally wouldn't have been busy for so long!

"Are you busy working in vain?" Xu Ming doesn't think so - the cultivation level he is showing now is actually the Supreme Heavenly Supreme, but other people have never discovered it, thinking that he is the lower Heavenly Supreme.

At this time, Xu Ming saw that Ke Feng was walking in their direction alone.

Ke Feng first came to Fang Ping with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Three middle-ranked Heavenly Supremes and eleven lower-ranked Heavenly Supremes? Oh, very good forces!"

Fang Ping was speechless and could only endure it aggrievedly.

Immediately afterward, Ke Feng passed Fang Ping directly, walked over to Xu Ming, and sneered, "You are Wolongtian Supreme?"

Without waiting for Xu Ming to answer, he snorted again: "Humph! I don't know where something came out of, but a mere low-ranking Heavenly Supreme dared to interfere in my affairs, and even killed the three of us strong!"

The three Supreme Beings killed by Xu Ming before were the subordinates of the Ten Demons of Yin Mountain. However, these ordinary Earth Supremes could not be resurrected without the treatment of Lei Mie Pavilion's direct disciples; if they died, they really died!

"After the assessment, think about how to pay for our three strong men!" After saying that, Ke Feng walked away.

Immediately, Sovereign Yuwutian, Sovereign Leng Youtian, etc., all cast pity on Xu Ming - this is meddling and causing trouble!

Seeing that Xu Ming was still very calm, the Supreme Being Yu Wutian even sneered: "When death is imminent, you can still be a bit daring!"

Xu Ming just shook his head and chuckled.

Not long after, several other direct disciples who had not yet arrived also brought their forces back to Lei Mie Pavilion one after another. All direct disciples only brought powerhouses at the level of Heavenly Supreme, not Earth Supreme. After all, the Earth Supreme can hardly affect the outcome of the assessment; even a hundred high-rank Earth Supremes are not as good as a lower-rank Heavenly Supreme!

And like Ke, he didn't even bring the lower-ranked Heavenly Supremes, only the ten middle-ranked Heavenly Supremes, the Yinshan Ten Demons! Because he is sure that with the Yinshan Ten Demons, his power has been able to crush the audience!

The direct disciples who arrived later also saw the power of Ke Feng; apart from being shocked that Ke Feng was hiding so well, the rest were helpless—obviously, the nine direct disciples other than Ke Feng had already given up. This test is over!


At this moment, an almighty divine sense enveloped the ten direct disciples and their influence—this divine sense was obviously the supreme heavenly supreme in the Lei Mie Pavilion.

"Are they all here?"

The aloof spirit did not show up, just said lightly.

"Oh?" Immediately after, this spiritual sense exclaimed again, "Originally, according to the rules, the forces brought by the ten direct disciples will have to compete to determine the winner! But now, it seems that There is no need to compare…”

Hearing this sentence, Ke Feng couldn't help but look bright, as if he was enjoying the victory.

As for the other nine direct disciples, they could only shake their heads and smile bitterly, tacitly acquiescing to this decision - Ke Feng has even attracted the Ten Demons of Yin Mountain, what a shit!

"Then I'll announce the results directly!" said the aloof spiritual sense, "I announce that the winner of this personal disciple assessment is...Fang Ping!"


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