Break Into Another World

Chapter 2106: dismount

Desire without city.

City Lord's Mansion.

Xu Ming, Fang Ping, Yuwutian Supreme, etc., were seated separately.

"Wolongtian Supreme? I'm lucky to meet!" Yuwutian looked at Xu Ming for a while, and found that some people couldn't see through the other party's cultivation. There are two possibilities. One possibility is that his cultivation is not as good as Xu Ming, so he cannot see through it; another possibility is that his cultivation is similar to Xu Ming, but Xu Ming is breaking through the edge, so the cultivation is more difficult to figure out.

"Cultivation is higher than me?" Supreme Yu Wutian shook his head secretly and smiled, "Could it be that Fang Ping can still win the helper of 'High Heaven Supreme'?"

Yu Wutian Supreme is the middle Heaven Supreme; in his opinion, the upper Heaven Supreme, it is impossible to help Fang Ping. After all, the upper-level Heavenly Sovereign level is already qualified to talk to Lei Miege on an equal footing, so how could it be possible to accompany Fang Ping to play the house?

It's just... How could Yu Wutian Supreme have thought that Xu Ming's strength is really at the level of the upper heaven! Moreover, this Wolong Heavenly Sovereign, who Xu Ming is disguising as now, is showing a cultivation base that is also a superior Heavenly Sovereign!

"Since it's not the Supreme Heavenly Supreme, then either the Middle Heavenly Supreme or the Lower Heavenly Supreme!" Yuwutian Supreme thought as a matter of course.

"Nice to meet you!" At this time, Xu Ming also said with a smile.

Of course Xu Ming knew that Yuwutian Supreme was guessing his own strength, but so what? Just let him guess there! He was just a median Heavenly Supreme, and he was not qualified to be regarded by Xu Ming.

"Wolong Tianzun's cultivation base is the median Tianzun?" Yu Wutian couldn't see through it, so he simply asked directly.

"No!" Xu Ming said directly.

The cultivation base he showed was the Supreme Heavenly Supreme, of course not the Middle Heavenly Supreme.

"No?" However, to the Supreme Being of Yuwutian, this answer has another meaning - it is not the Supreme Being of the Middle Heaven, that is the Supreme Being of the Lower Heaven?

Thinking of this, Yu Wutian Supreme's attitude towards Xu Ming was a little colder again.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little cold, Fang Ping couldn't help but secretly anxious, but there was nothing he could do. After all, if he wants to win the assessment, the main thing he relies on is the Supreme Desire!

At this time, Supreme Yuwutian asked again: "Supreme Wolongtian should know that Fang Ping is a direct disciple of Lei Miege, and he is currently being assessed as an 'elder candidate'! You are here now, meaning you want to be together. Will you participate in this assessment?"

Xu Ming nodded: "That's right!"

"If that's the case, then I'm going to be the one who said the ugly!" Yu Wutian said with a smile, "You and I are willing to help Fang Ping, to put it bluntly, the hustle and bustle are all for profit! The picture is not that after winning the assessment, you can Are there any benefits?"

Xu Ming continued to nod.

"But..." Yu Wutian Supreme said again, "Who should get more points, and who should get less points, this depends on the strength! - The stronger ones get more points, and the weaker ones get less points, don't you think?"

As soon as Yu Wutian Supreme's voice fell, a lower Tian Supreme stood up beside him.

"Brother Wolong!" The lower-ranking Heavenly Sovereign laughed, "I, Leng Youtian Sovereign. Brother Wolong came to me for the first time, I have no desire, it is better for you and me to learn from each other; in this way, we can also have an understanding of your strength! "

challenge me?

Xu Ming looked at Leng Youtian Supreme, as if he was looking at a fool - the mere low-ranking Heaven Supreme, dare to challenge him? How ignorant this is!

However... the other party was ignorant, but Xu Ming was too lazy to play with him.

"It's still unnecessary!" Xu Ming shook his head directly.

Immediately, Yu Wutian Supreme, Leng Youtian Supreme and others looked at Xu Ming with more and more disdain; they all thought that Xu Ming was too weak, so they did not dare to fight. However, how could they have thought that Xu Ming was not too weak, but too strong!

Yuwutian Supreme said directly: "Wolongtian Supreme, according to the rules, the stronger the more points, the weaker the less points; if you don't show your strength, you can't distribute it! But..."

"However, it's your credit for saving Fang Ping's life! For the sake of this, after the big event is completed, your allocation will be the same as Leng You and the other three, right?" , Yu Wutian Supreme showed a smile that was not a smile.

Leng You and the other three lower-ranking Heavenly Sovereigns also laughed with deep meaning; the meaning of threat in it, can't be understood any more.

Xu Ming chuckled in his heart: "This is going to give me a slap in the face!"

However, Xu Ming had no interest in the treasures Fang Ping had given him; he just wanted to have an identity and be able to walk in the Thunder Destruction Domain. Therefore, even though he knew that the Supreme Being of Desire Wutian was giving himself up, he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

"Okay, just do as you said!" Xu Ming said lightly.

And Xu Ming's attitude, in the eyes of Yu Wutian Supreme and others, is obviously afraid; therefore, for Xu Ming, they look down on Xu Ming even more.

"Okay!" Yu Wutian Supreme has finalized this matter, and there is a touch of pride in his expression.

Then, Yu Wutian looked at Fang Ping again, and said: "I have contacted several of my friends, and they are all willing to come over. There are two middle Heavenly Supremes and seven lower Heavenly Supremes! Your current power, although Not the strongest; but, when they come, your power will definitely be the strongest among your ten direct disciples!"

"So many powerhouses?" Fang Ping couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes. There are so many strong people to He won the assessment and became the elder candidate of Lei Mie Pavilion. It can be said that it is a sure thing! When he becomes the elder of Lei Mie Pavilion, his power and treasure will be far from what he can compare with now.

three months later.

The few friends that Yu Wutian Supreme said, all rushed to Yu Wucheng.

With the addition of these people, Fang Ping's forces, excluding Xu Ming, already had three middle-ranked Heavenly Supremes and ten lower-ranked Heavenly Supremes! - Such a force is already the undisputed number one among the ten direct disciples who have been assessed.

During this period, several lower Heavenly Supremes challenged Xu Ming; however, Xu Ming did not respond.

As a result, more than a dozen Heavenly Sovereigns in Fang Ping's forces became more and more contemptuous of Xu Ming, a loner, and treated Xu Ming as the weakest lower-ranked Heavenly Sovereign. In their opinion, if it wasn't for Xu Ming's luck, he just saved Fang Ping's life, they would not be eligible to participate in this assessment.

Xu Ming didn't care either - in the eyes of the current Xu Ming, these ordinary Heavenly Supreme Beings and Lower Heavenly Supreme Beings are no longer on the same level as him! Xu Ming will not be bored enough to care about the opinions of these people.

Finally, the end date of the assessment is approaching.

Xu Ming, Fang Ping, and all the Heavenly Sovereigns set off for Lei Mie Pavilion.


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