Break Into Another World

Chapter 2096: The lamp is broken?

With that said, Xu Ming walked directly towards the Invincible Battle Stage.

Immediately, around the invincible battle platform, all the powerhouses were shocked.


"Does he really dare to go to the battlefield and challenge Jian Yi?"

"Even the Heavenly Supreme, who is the median, dare not set foot on the battlefield; the Supreme Being of the Barbarian District, dare to challenge Jianyi?"

"Looking for death, is this?"

Even the Supreme Venerable Hui Tian couldn't help but persuade him through voice transmission: "Barbarian, although you are a rotten wood that cannot be carved, it is better to die than live, there is no need to die..."

However, Xu Ming ignored the surrounding voices and walked straight to the invincible stage. As for these voices of doubt and ridicule, when Xu Ming steps on the stage, they will naturally disappear!


Xu Ming took a step and jumped directly to the invincible battle platform.


Just as Xu Ming was about to step onto the battle stage, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared around the invincible battle stage, rebounding Xu Ming back.

"Huh? What's the situation?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, "This invincible battle platform, won't let me go up?"

Jian Yi, Supreme Hui Tian Tian, ​​and other powerhouses were also stunned; immediately, everyone reacted, and the mockery was even louder.

"Haha! Let me just say, how dare this savage, with a mere supreme cultivation base, dare to set foot on the battlefield; it seems... he already knew that he would not be able to enter the battlefield!"

"If you want to set foot on the Invincible Battle Stage, you must first accept the inheritance in the Three Realms Pagoda and bloom with golden light! This savage has never even been to the Three Realms Pagoda, so how can he be qualified to set foot on the Invincible Battle Stage?"

"Yeah! How did we forget about this! The savage must know that he can't get on the battlefield, so he deliberately pretended to be there!"

"That's right!"

"Hahahaha..." On the invincible stage, Jian Yi smiled unceremoniously, "Xu Ming!"

Jian Yi called the name "Xu Ming" directly.

"Did you know for a long time that you are not qualified to challenge me, so you pretended to challenge me?" Jian Yi sneered.

Not qualified?


Xu Ming couldn't help but smile: "You wait!"

Saying that, Xu Ming turned around and left, heading straight for the Three Realms Pagoda.

"He wants to..." The powerhouses in the land of inheritance looked at Xu Ming curiously.

"He's going to the Three Realms Pagoda?"

"Joke! Does he really think that the inheritance of the Three Realms Pagoda is so easy to accept?"

"That's right! Jianyi only needs to stay on the invincible battle platform for 10,000 years at most! - Not to mention 10,000 years, even if it is given to the barbarian for 100,000 years, I am afraid that his 'inheritance' will not be able to make the Three Realms Tower bloom with golden light. !"

"Haha! It seems to be pretending again! It's quite similar!"

The strong men sneered.

Jian Yi did not sneer, but looked at Xu Ming with a sneer - he knew that with Xu Ming's talent, it would be easy for the Three Realms Pagoda to bloom with golden light!

"I hope... Xu Ming really wants to fight me!" Jian Yi sneered in his heart, "In that case, I happened to be on this invincible battle platform and solved him! I'm afraid... Xu Ming is not true. Want to fight with me!"

After all, in Jian Yi's view, Xu Ming is only a supreme cultivation base, and I am afraid he will not dare to fight him!

dare not?

It can only be said that Jian Yi is still too ignorant and arrogant - Xu Ming is about to kill Jian Yi on the invincible battle platform!

Just when the powerhouses were thinking about each other, Xu Ming had already stepped into the Three Realms Pagoda.

"Look, the savages are in!"

"The first time I entered the Three Realms Pagoda, I would definitely not be able to accept much inheritance, and I'm afraid I will be kicked out soon!"

"That's right! After all, it's almost impossible for someone like Jian Yi to enter the Three Realms Pagoda for the first time to reach the second layer of inheritance! At's impossible to appear on the Supreme Being of the Barbarian Ghost!"

"Challenge Jianyi? Ridiculous! He is not even qualified to be on the invincible stage!"

However, the voices of the people did not fall—


The Three Realms Pagoda directly burst into an extremely dazzling golden light!




Everyone was shocked!

Everyone looked dumbfounded: "What's the situation!?"

"Three Realms Pagoda... golden light?"

The golden light was extremely dazzling, but none of the powerhouses could believe their own eyes.

"This is the first time the barbarian ghost has entered the Three Realms Pagoda! Does this mean that as soon as he enters, he directly reaches the second layer of inheritance?"

"When did it become so easy to reach the second level of inheritance?"

"You must know... There are still many people among our Heavenly Supremes who have not yet reached the second level of inheritance!"

Some people even couldn't help but think: Are we pigs?

If it wasn't for pigs, why haven't they achieved such a simple second-level inheritance?

Even Jian Yi's expression changed at this time - although he had long expected that with Xu Ming's talent, it would be extremely easy to reach the second level of inheritance! However, he never imagined that Xu Ming had just entered the Three Realms Pagoda and reached the second level of inheritance!

"Xu Ming's talent is really so terrifying!?"

Jian Yi refuses to accept!

After all, no matter what, Jian Yi is also a super genius cultivated by the Eternal Hall; in the entire "real universe", he is definitely the top genius! How can he be willing to admit that he is far inferior to Xu Ming?

But... it's useful if you don't accept it! ?




The light from the Three Realms Pagoda turned directly from gold to red!


"This is…"

"how is this possible!"

"The third level of inheritance!?"

Xu Ming entered the Three Realms Pagoda, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the second level of inheritance; in the blink of an eye, he reached the third level!

And... when Jian Yi first stimulated the red light, it only lasted for a moment and then dissipated immediately; however, Xu Ming's red light was brilliant! - In such a comparison, a judgment is made!

"I..." Jian Yi felt extremely aggrieved, feeling like he was trampled on the ground by Xu Ming.

However, not long after-

The Three Realms Pagoda directly burst into purple light!

Inherit the fourth floor!

Xu Ming went all the way with sparks and Not long after entering the Three Realms Pagoda, he directly reached the fourth floor of inheritance!

Jian Yi and the others were already shocked to the point of being stunned!

Many strong people couldn't help but think: Is the lamp of the Three Realms Pagoda broken?

After all, if it wasn't for the lights being broken, how could it be possible to jump from the golden light to the purple light in a short period of time!

However, the Three Realms Pagoda is the inheritance tower left by the Great Senior, how could it be broken?

However, just when the powerhouses suspected that "the light is broken"...


The entire Three Realms Pagoda burst into colorful light!

Moreover, this colorful light is much more dazzling than the colorful light before Jianyi!

The entire heritage land is silent!

Shocked to silence!

How can you play like this?

Do you know that this will make other strong people doubt life?

In fact, the powerhouses in the land of inheritance, including Jian Yi, have been shocked to the point of doubting their lives!


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