Break Into Another World

Chapter 2092: where to go


As soon as Jian Yi entered the sea of ​​time, the divine sense swept away frantically, completely covering the layer of "double time flow rate".


As Jian Yi expected, there was no trace of Xu Ming on this floor. After all, twice the flow of time is too slow; since entering the sea of ​​time, it is generally not possible to stay in an area where the flow of time is so slow.

Jian Yi continued to dive into the depths of the sea of ​​time.

Triple time flow rate area.


Ten times the time flow rate area.


Ten thousand times the time flow rate area.


When Jian Yi reached the "million times the flow of time" area, his brows were already wrinkled: "The flow of time here is too fast! I can't bear it anymore..."

In the sea of ​​time, the faster the flow of time and the higher the cultivation base, the greater the oppression from time and space!

At the beginning, when Xu Ming dived to this depth, he also felt a little oppression; but now, Jian Yi has dived to this level, but he is almost unable to bear it - this can also be seen that Jian Yi and Xu Ming gap!

"Under such great oppression, Xu Ming can still cultivate!?" Jian Yi felt incredulous.

"Look further down!" Jian Yi estimates that Xu Ming should be not far below; although he can't bear it anymore, as soon as he gritted his teeth, Jian Yi continued to drill down - he's already here, and he didn't see it. Xu Ming, he is really not reconciled!

In the area of ​​"1.5 million times the flow rate of time", Jian Yi still did not find Xu Ming.

At this time, Jianyi already needs to burn the divine body to resist the oppression of time and space.

"Not yet!?" Jian Yi couldn't believe it. "With Xu Ming's talent, can he still dive deeper than me?"


Jian Yi gritted his teeth and continued to drill down: "Humph! I don't believe I can't see Xu Ming!"

Two million times the time velocity region.

"Pfft!" Jian Yi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of golden blood; even the divine body was damaged a little, and it was a little dim.

"Can't go any further!"

The two million times the time flow area has already made the sword easy to be injured; if you force it down, you will lose your life!

"This Xu Ming, how can he drill so deep!?" Jian Yi thought gloomily as he walked up despondently, "He drilled so deep, and the pressure of time and space is so strong, how can he cultivate!?"

Jian Yi was really depressed.

Originally, he wanted to go to Xu Ming to show off his power - after all, in the inheritance land, except for the "invincible battle platform", other places are not allowed to do it; therefore, Jianyi can only show off his power and show his power. However, Jian Yi never thought that he would go deep into the sea of ​​time, and he didn't even see Xu Ming's face. Instead, he was injured under the oppression of time and space.

For Jian Yi, this is simply a great humiliation!

"Fortunately, no one knows!" Jian Yi secretly said, "Otherwise, this face is really lost!"


Thinking about it, Jian Yi has already jumped out of the sea of ​​time.

However, what Jian Yi didn't expect was that as soon as he jumped out of the sea of ​​time, he saw the sovereign of the sky - obviously, the sovereign of the sky was here to flatter him, so he deliberately waited on the coast beside the sea of ​​time. on. However, Supreme Venerable Grey Sky did not know that his flattery went directly to the horse's hoof; after all, he just happened to see Jian Yi's embarrassing state.

"Brother Jian Yi, you came out of the sea of ​​time so soon!" The Supreme Supreme Hui Tian saw Jian Yi and quickly went up to meet him; but then, Supreme Supreme Hui Tian was startled, "Brother Jian Yi, why are you injured? ?"

In the sea of ​​time, he was injured without even seeing Xu Ming's face. This is Jian Yi's shame! Now, the Supreme Lord of the Grey Sky has spoken out about his shame, how can Jian Yi not be angry?

"Go away!" Jian Yi shouted directly and walked away.

The Supreme Lord of the Sky was stunned, not knowing what he had done wrong, and actually made Jian Yi angry.

The bottom of the sea of ​​time.

Xu Ming naturally didn't know that Jian Yi actually went deep into the sea of ​​time to find him; not to mention, Jian Yi was injured by the oppression of time and space, and ran away in despair - after all, Xu Ming was at the bottom of the sea of ​​time, "ten million times as much. The area of ​​"time flow rate"; and Jianyi, only to reach the "two million times the time flow rate" area, was already injured and could not continue to dive.

Under the sea of ​​time.

A year in the outside world is 10 million years here.

Xu Ming devotes himself to digesting the energy of "the origin of the universe, truth" and "the origin of the universe, imaginary". His true universe and the eight great limits of the virtual universe are constantly growing! Although, compared with the real universe, there is still a big gap; even compared with the universe of the Three Realms, Xu Ming's "self universe" is still very small... But to Xu Ming, it is a real improvement in the level of power!

Three years later... that is, after Xu Ming has experienced "30 million years", he will finally digest all the origin of the universe that he "eats" in Jiaolongtan! And Xu Ming's cultivation has finally broken through!

"The middle ground is supreme!"

It didn't take long for Xu Mingcai to break through from "human supreme" to "earth supreme", and then he broke through from "lower-level supreme" to "middle-level supreme"! The speed of cultivation is simply indescribable with horror!

"My strength..." Xu Ming felt his current strength, "I still haven't reached the level of 'Upper Heavenly Supreme', but still at 'Middle Heavenly Supreme'! And... it seems that the gap is quite big!"

The gap between the "Middle Heaven Supreme" and the "Upper Heaven Supreme" is really not so easy to bridge!


The gap is no problem! Then continue to "eat"! - You must know that Xu Ming has just emptied the treasury of the Qinglong Army, and the treasures harvested are exchanged for level 23 and 24 hanging points, which is not a small amount!

And the 23rd and 24th level hanging points can be exchanged for "Universe Origin·Void" and "Cosmic Origin·True!"


Xu Ming can really eat!

"Little Hang!" Xu Ming shouted.

Immediately, Xiao Hua's heart grasped it, and turned the 23rd and 24th hanging points into a steady stream of "Cosmic Origin·Void" and "Cosmic Origin·True", pouring them into Xu Ming's real universe and virtual universe Eight Great Limits!


Xu Ming was overwhelmed again!

"Continue to digest!"

After eating one meal and digesting it, you can improve your cultivation and strength! I'm afraid... there is really no one who can practice as comfortable as Xu Ming!

However, Xu Ming also had to consider more issues when he was “digging food”—Xu Ming’s self-created “I am for the Universe” exercise only reached the third level; that is, waiting for Xu Ming’s cultivation. After reaching the "Supreme Peak", he can no longer continue to improve his cultivation! Unless... Xu Ming can create the fourth level of "I am the universe"!

"Where should I go on the road to the fourth floor?" Xu Ming was in deep thought.


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