Break Into Another World

Chapter 2088: Old man, what a coincidence!

"Upper Heaven Supreme" is absolutely crushing against "Middle Heaven Supreme"!

The gap between the two is even bigger than the gap between "Heavenly Supreme" and "Earth Supreme", and it is almost insurmountable! Unless it is the top genius in the history of the entire universe, or with the help of a world-shattering magic weapon, can this gap be crossed!

The top genius in the entire history of the universe? - None of these median heavenly supreme beings who have sneaked in are.

World Breaker? —Neither do they!

Therefore, these poor outsiders can only be ruthlessly slaughtered by the local powerhouses of the Three Realms Universe!

In particular, the great powers of the Three Realms Universe are being ignited by Xu Ming's anger, and they are showing no mercy at all! Even the hole cards were thrown out without hesitation!

The outsiders who sneaked in, no one could escape at all, and they fell one after another - some of them may be resurrected by the Great Venerables; but there must be some people who will not be resurrected, that is, they are really fallen. !

Soon, of all the outsiders who sneaked in, only one person was left alive, and that was... Jian Yi!

And the high-ranking Heavenly Sovereign who chased and killed Jian Yi was the Qinglong messenger.

"I didn't expect it!" The Qinglong messenger looked at Jian Yi, who was still struggling and fled, with a look of surprise on his face, "I thought it would be the easiest to clean up a lower heavenly supreme! Unexpectedly, all the other outsiders were If you die, you can still struggle!"

Although Jian Yi's cultivation is "Lower Heavenly Supreme", his strength is top among "Middle Heavenly Supreme"! In addition, there are several life-saving equipment on his body, so he can struggle until now.

Of course, even so, Jian Yi is already at the end of the game.

"Struggle!" The green dragon messenger seemed to be playing with a cat and a mouse, "If a lower-ranking Heavenly Sovereign escaped from my hands, that would be a joke!"

boom! boom! boom! …

Under the pursuit of the Qinglong messenger, Jian Yi finally exhausted his cards and could no longer resist.

"Could it be that he is going to fall here?" Jian Yi was actually not worried that he would fall! After all... He is the top genius in the Eternal Palace; even if he really falls here, the Eternal Palace will definitely resurrect him at any cost!

"No!" Suddenly, Jian Yi's eyes lit up, "Maybe, there is still a glimmer of hope!"

Jian Yi thought of one thing - inheritance order!

After killing Cangjiu, Jianyi also collected Cangjiu's treasure; the inheritance order is among them.

"This inheritance order should be the handwriting of the Great Senior of the Three Realms!" Jian Yi secretly said, "I am urging the inheritance order now, maybe I can escape the disaster!"

Jian Yi is desperate anyway, so he would be a dead horse and a living horse doctor!

Try it!


Jian Yi even took out the inheritance order, without even thinking about it, he directly urged it!


In an instant, a purple light enveloped Jian Yi's body.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

Immediately afterwards, the attack of the Qinglong messenger fell on Jian Yi, but he couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

"What!?" The expression of the Qinglong messenger suddenly changed, "Inheritance order! You actually have an inheritance order in your hand!"

"Huh?" Jian Yi was instantly overjoyed, "Success!"

Although Jianyi is not afraid of falling; but, if he can not fall, it must be the best!

call out-

In the next instant, Jian Yi directly turned into a purple streamer, tore apart the time and space, and disappeared in place. Obviously, it was sent to the place of inheritance by the inheritance order.

In this regard, the Qinglong messenger can only watch, there is no way to do it; after all, the inheritance order is personally made by the Three Realms Great Venerable - the means of the Three Realms Great Venerable, how can the blue dragon messenger interfere?

"Damn!" The Qinglong messenger gritted his teeth, "I failed to kill this Jianyi, but instead gave him some opportunities..."

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, the Qinglong messenger had nothing to do.

Immediately, the company of Qinglong messengers flew back towards the Qinglong army barracks - he had to hurry back to see if he could capture the arrogant madman who attacked the Qinglong army's treasure house.

Capture Xu Ming?

Xu Ming had already left the Qinglong Army barracks at this time and went straight to a dangerous place he knew.

call out-

Xu Ming's figure flew across the sky.

"In that dangerous place, the time and space are extremely chaotic, and it is impossible to detect the cause and effect line inside..." Xu Ming secretly said, "I run into there, change my body and come out again, and no one will want to recognize me! When the time comes, I will look for it again. A chance to kill a genius and go to the place of inheritance!"

If you want to activate the inheritance order, you must first kill a genius whose cultivation base is the supreme of the earth, but his strength is comparable to the supreme of the sky!

Like Jian Yi, he killed Cangjiu, so he could directly activate the inheritance order.

As for Xu Ming, he had not yet killed a genius of this level in the Three Realms Universe.


Xu Ming looked forward.

That's a huge black vortex!

Even if Xu Ming was standing nearby, he could not perceive the situation inside the black vortex at all—this kind of place was just right for Xu Ming to "change his vest"!

"Go in!" Xu Ming planned to go inside the black vortex and use Feng Zhou Ding to turn himself into "another person".

As for whether there is any danger inside this black vortex?

Xu Ming is not worried at all!

How dangerous can it be? It's a big deal to fall into it! - Does Brother Ming look like someone who can't afford to die?

Fallen, as long as you spend a point of 23 hanging points, you can immediately use "Infinite Resurrection" to hang up the resurrection.

call out-

Xu Ming directly shot towards the black vortex.

When entering the black vortex, Xu Ming only felt a strange and unpredictable distortion of time and space.

When the surrounding time and space stabilized, Xu Ming found that he had appeared in a small space—this space was only ten thousand miles in diameter. For today's Xu Ming, this is undoubtedly very narrow.

What surprised Xu Ming even more was that there were actually people here!

It was a gloomy figure.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." As soon as Xu Ming appeared, this gloomy figure gave out a sneer; the smile gradually turned into a big laugh, "The tenth... Finally we have waited! Hahahahaha... "

"The tenth?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled, "What do you mean!?"

"It's normal for you not to know!" The gloomy figure sneered, "After all...the rules of this scorpion vortex will only be known after you come in! - I'll be able to get out of trouble right away, and I'll be in a good mood, so I'll follow you before I kill you. Tell me about the rules here!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming looked at the other party with some embarrassment - where did this silly child get the confidence from?

However, Xu Ming did not interrupt, just listened quietly.

"Here, the famous scorpion devil whirlpool!" The gloomy figure continued, "The strong people who fall into this place will be transported to different spaces according to their cultivation bases; and since you will appear here, it must be the same. Earth Supreme cultivation base!"

"That's right!" Xu Ming said.

"Jie Jie Jie..." The gloomy figure sneered twice and said, "And if you want to leave the scorpion vortex, you must kill ten opponents of the same realm! - I have been waiting here for hundreds of millions of epochs, and finally I have waited. Ten! Yes, you are the tenth!"

"You want to kill me?" Xu Ming laughed, "Are you sure you can kill me?"

"Hahahaha... Of course I'm sure!" The gloomy figure laughed During the endless years of being trapped here, my strength has actually broken through! Although I am still the Earth Supreme cultivation base, my strength is already comparable to the 'Lower Heaven Supreme'! hum! With my strength, I can challenge the members of the Qinglong Great Array; is it not easy to kill you? "

Xu Ming was shocked: "Do you have the strength comparable to the 'Lower Heaven Supreme'?"

"It's natural!" The gloomy figure sneered, "Since you already know my strength, why don't you come here and die?"

The gloomy figure is in control of everything.

However, what he didn't expect was that after Xu Ming heard about his strength, instead of the slightest panic, he looked very surprised.


Just a surprise!

Xu Ming looked at each other in surprise: "Old iron, what a coincidence!"

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