Break Into Another World

Chapter 2086: arrogant door

This is the direction of the treasure house of the Qinglong Army!

The corner of Xu Ming's mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile: "It's been a long time since I did my old job!"

Empty the treasury!

Do not blow or black! Xu Ming's cultivation path has come all the way, and there are really many forces that have been emptied of the treasure house by him!

And now... the high-ranking Heavenly Sovereigns of the Qinglong Army have come out in full force! In the entire Azure Dragon Army, the strongest is only the Heavenly Supreme Being, which is undoubtedly the best time to evacuate the Azure Dragon Army treasury!

"My own strength has reached the mid-level Heavenly Sovereign; if I use the Boundary-Breaking Spear, I can fully exert the combat power of the upper-level Heavenly Sovereign!" Xu Ming secretly said, "And now, in the entire Qinglong Army, there is no high-ranking. Heaven is supreme! - As long as I move faster, no one can stop me!"

Although, a group of middle-ranked heavenly supremes formed a battle formation, they can also exert the combat power of the upper-ranked heavenly supremes! However, it will take time for the Supreme Beings to gather and form a battle formation; during that time, Xu Ming emptied the treasure house and left!

Or, take 10,000 steps back and say... even if Xu Ming was unable to escape after rushing into the treasure house; then, the big deal is death!

Does Brother Ming seem like someone who is afraid of death?

If you die, immediately use "Infinite Resurrection" to hang up the resurrection!

Moreover, there is another important reason why Xu Ming took aim at the treasure house of the Qinglong Army, and that is the inheritance order!

Xu Ming didn't know where to get the inheritance order; but, if nothing else, there would definitely be an inheritance order in the treasury of the Qinglong Army! So... Xu Ming rushed directly into the Qinglong Army's treasury to get it!

How easy!

And evacuating the treasury of the Qinglong Army is actually just a matter of convenience when taking the inheritance order—you said that I have already rushed into the treasury, and it seems impossible to say that if the treasury is not emptied, right?

"When the treasure house of the Qinglong Army is evacuated, I will immediately escape! I will rush into a desperate situation, and then commit suicide in it, then resurrect and change my identity..." Xu Ming had already figured out all the escape routes for himself, "So Thinking about it, Jian Yi and the others who sneaked in, not only did they fail to cause me any trouble, they actually helped me a lot!"

Xu Ming simply wanted to say: Good man!

"Good people live a safe life!" Xu Ming silently "blessed", "I hope... you can survive under the pursuit of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns!"

Of course, Xu Ming felt that most of them had no chance to survive!

The upper heavenly supreme and the middle heavenly supreme are like a chasm every other day! The upper heavenly supreme deliberately shot, to hunt down the middle heavenly supreme; then, the latter has almost no chance of survival!

Moreover, looking at the formation of the Qinglong Army, Xu Ming felt that not only the high-ranking Heavenly Sovereigns of the Qinglong Army were dispatched, but the other three major armies were probably also dispatched! Obviously, he just wanted to kill Jianyi and other Heavenly Sovereigns in the Three Realms Universe, and not a single one remained!

"But... now is not the time for me to do it!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Now, those high-ranking Heavenly Sovereigns have just left the Qinglong Army barracks, and they have not gone far! If Xu Ming made a move now, the opponent would definitely kill the carbine immediately!

No matter what, you have to wait a while before you start!

However, Xu Ming's gaze couldn't help but look at the treasure house of the Qinglong Army a few more times.

"Boy, what are you looking at!?" The gate of the Qinglong Army's treasury is actually a "Supreme Heavenly Weapon" with a spirit. At this time, the door obviously noticed Xu Ming's fiery gaze, so he shouted, "I'm just a lowly ordinary soldier, who is worthy of looking at me with this kind of gaze? - Noble like me, you've never had one in your life. Qualified to enter!"

Ouch I'm going!

Xu Ming couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "A door is so arrogant!?—Humph! Let's see how I can stab you with a spear later!"

The arrogant person, Xu Ming has seen a lot; the arrogant door, Xu Ming is really the first time to see.

Xu Ming wants to see how long this door can be arrogant!

"Still watching!?"

Xu Ming withdrew his gaze - his current identity is just an ordinary soldier, it is not suitable for him to be too arrogant!

Besides... with a door, what's there to be angry about? Just wait and smash it directly!

It didn't take long for Xu Ming to see that a supreme genius of the Azure Dragon Formation was walking towards the treasure house. And the door to the treasure house immediately greeted it with a smile, looking very despicable.

"I'm going..." Xu Ming was speechless, "These days, even the door is so snobbish!"

As for the genius of the Azure Dragon Great Array, he glanced around in a cold and contemptuous manner before entering the treasury.

Xu Ming was too lazy to think about it, he closed his eyes and sat quietly, and began to adjust his state. After all, after a while, Xu Ming is going to rob him of the biggest treasure trove "since his debut", and of course the most dangerous one!

If there is no "infinite resurrection" hanging, Xu Ming may not dare to attack the treasure house of the Qinglong Army.

A barren swamp.

Jian Yi hid under the swamp and restrained his breath very well.

"That Man isn't Xu Ming?"

Jian Yi always felt that something was wrong. After all, according to various indications, Man Dun is too much like Xu Ming; if not, it would be impossible for them all the Heavenly Supremes who sneaked in to contain Man Dun.

However, Jian Yi couldn't tell what was wrong. After all, he saw with his own eyes that Man Dun was already dead; and if it was Xu Ming, he would never have fallen so easily!

"Could it be that... Mandun is a servant controlled by Xu Ming?" Jian Yi thought again, "But it doesn't matter, when we made the move, a great formation had already been set up to block time and space; even if he was really Xu Ming's servant, it would be impossible. Send our message out! So, no matter what, our causal line can't be exposed!"

In Jian Yi's view, as long as their causal lines are not exposed, then they will have no trouble in the Three Realms universe.

But at this moment-


An extremely tyrannical spiritual thought instantly enveloped Jian Yi.

The power of the divine sense made Jian Yi unable to raise the idea of ​​resistance.

Jian Yi's expression suddenly changed: "High Heaven Supreme!"

In the Three Realms Universe, there will be no foreign superiors! Therefore, this divine sense of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate must be the aboriginal power of the Three Realms Universe!

"I'm exposed!"

Jian Yi reacted instantly—if it wasn't exposed, how could the Supreme Heavenly Supreme be dispatched directly to deal with him?


In the face of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, Jian Yi did not have the slightest idea of ​​confrontation, and ran straight away.

almost at the same time.

Qinglong Army Barracks.

Xu Ming suddenly opened his eyes: "It should be almost time! It's time to start!"

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