Break Into Another World

Chapter 2076: plagiarism

? Rumble…

The vast and majestic power of the origin of the universe began to pour into Xu Ming's "divine universe" and "heart universe" at the same time.

Opening up the eight-big limit is not simply dividing the virtual universe. At the same time of division, it is necessary to expand the virtual universe at the same time; in this way, the stability of the virtual universe can be maintained.

And as the virtual universe grows, the real universe must also grow at the same time.

Therefore, Xu Ming will pour the vast and majestic power of the origin of the universe into his "divine body universe" and "heart universe" at the same time.

I do not know how long it has been…


At the core of Xu Ming's heart universe, a "line" appeared.

Yes, just a "line", a fine line to the extreme. However, this line interprets the ultimate meaning of time and space; it is just a line, but it completely divides the entire heart universe into two parts!

The time and space, cause and effect, etc. of these two parts are completely irrelevant!

"One in two, success!"

At the same moment, Xu Ming felt that his cultivation had skyrocketed to a new level.

"The highest-ranking people are at their peak!" Xu Ming felt his current state.

Although it has skyrocketed by a level, it is not enough for Xu Ming's cultivation to break through to Earth Supreme - this is only a "quantity" breakthrough, not a "quality" breakthrough.


Xu Ming continued to absorb the power of the origin of the universe.

Both the "Divine Body Universe" and "Heart Universe" continue to grow!

When it grows to a certain extent again, the two quadrants of Xu Ming's "Heart Universe" will each appear a "line" that contains the ultimate meaning of time and space.

"Second step, two points and four!"

boom! !

From the outside, Xu Ming has not changed; however, his "heart universe" has actually changed a lot - from two quadrants to four quadrants!

Xu Ming's cultivation has also broken through to the realm of "half-step supreme"!

It is only half a step away from truly breaking through to become the "Supreme Earth"!

"The cultivation direction of "I Am for the Universe" is correct!" Xu Ming could clearly feel that there was no problem with his cultivation direction.

They all say "the way is natural"!

And the practice of "I am the universe", it can be said that the "Dao method is natural" to the extreme - directly cultivate yourself to be exactly the same as the entire real universe!

"The last step of the third layer of "I Am for the Universe"! It is also the most critical step! - Four points and eight, opening up eight big boundaries!"

Xu Ming doesn't know why the real universe is the "real universe" and the "eight quadrants of the virtual universe" instead of the sixteen quadrants and the thirty-two quadrants...

However, there is no need for Xu Ming to figure it out for the time being—whatever he is! Anyway, I am "plagiarism"!



Direct copying of the entire universe!

It can be said that Xu Ming is definitely the most defiant "plagiarist"!

And while Xu Ming was cultivating in the Jiaolongtan... the name "Mandun" had already spread among the Qinglong Army.

A new genius to join the Jiaolong Army!

Subordinate to the Supreme!

In one move, he killed Udian, the holder of the "Eighth Token"!

A piece of news about "Man Dun" spread in the Qinglong Army. Every piece of news proved Man Dun's talent and strength.

"Man Dun has just joined the Flood Dragon Army! After he has been practicing in the Flood Dragon Army for a while, I am afraid he may challenge the 'First Token', or even a member of the 'Blue Dragon Great Array'!"

"Yeah! Man Dun's current cultivation base is only a low-ranking supreme; he has too many talents to develop! The future is really limitless!"

"Wudian is also pitiful! He never imagined that Man Dun, a newcomer who had just joined the Jiaolong Army, would be so powerful!"

And these news naturally spread to the ears of the Heavenly Supremes from the true universe.

Somewhere in a dark, deep valley.

A "Middle Heavenly Sovereign" sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes - he is the "Silver Mosquito Heavenly Sovereign" from the real universe!

After sneaking into the Three Realms Universe, Silver Mosquito Heavenly Supreme has always been extremely cautious, barely touching anyone, and even hiding in deep valleys for a long time-because he knows that if there is a "median Heavenly Supreme" suddenly appear, it will definitely cause the Three Realms Cosmos native The attention of the supreme heaven!

After all, in the Three Realms Universe, there are only so many Heavenly Sovereigns; even fewer have reached the median Heavenly Sovereign!

A "median Heaven Supreme" suddenly appeared, can it not arouse suspicion?


Although Silver Mosquito Heavenly Sovereign did not show up, he still had the means to obtain information from the Three Realms universe—for example, this time, the information about "Mandun" was presented to Silver Mosquito Sky Sovereign for the first time.

"Man Dun? From the barbarian king tribe?"

Silver Mosquito Heavenly Sovereign immediately remembered the fallen Honing Heavenly Sovereign.

"Hengmo Tian Zhizun seems to have fallen in the barbarian king tribe, right?" Yin Mosquito Tian Zhizun couldn't help but fell into contemplation, "And... The reason why Honma Tian Zhizun went to the barbarian king tribe seems to be because he felt in the barbarian king tribe. The causal line of the Moon Demon!"

The causal line of the Moon Demon appeared in the barbarian king tribe.

Honing the Supreme Being, fell to the barbarian king tribe.

Man Dun, from the barbarian king tribe.

These three things are all related to the barbarian king tribe—could it be a coincidence?

Silver Mosquito Heavenly Supreme did not think that this would be a coincidence: "In the universe of the Three Realms, I don't know how many long years, it is possible to appear a super genius who is expected to enter the 'Four Elephants Tianchen Array'; this super genius happens to be Man Dun Besides, it just came out at this time?"

The Silver Mosquito Heavenly Supreme did not think that there would be such a coincidence!

If it's not a coincidence, then..."Man Dun" is very likely to be "Xu Ming"!

After all, Yin Mosquito Sky Supreme and other powerhouses who have sneaked in have already guessed that Xu Ming is likely to have "Feng Zhou Ding" in his hands, and he can disguise himself as any powerhouse at will.

"And... as far as I know, before I entered the Three Realms Universe, Man Dun had a mediocre talent and never showed any talent! But after I entered the Three Realms Universe, the super genius Man Dun suddenly appeared. !"

Thinking about it this way, Yin Mosquito Tian Zhizun felt that "Man Dun is Xu Ming" is more likely!

"It's more than 80% possible!" Yin Mosquito Sky Supreme's eyes narrowed slightly, killing intent pervaded.

The possibility of more than 80% is already worth his shot!

"It's just..." Yin Mosquito Heavenly Sovereign frowned slightly, "This is suspected to be Xu Ming's Man Dun, and now he is in the Jiaolong Army... The Jiaolong Army, but the core of the Qinglong Army! I can't directly attack the Jiaolong Army to deal with the Man. Pause?"

Not to mention that Silver Mosquito Heavenly Supreme is just a "median Heavenly Supreme", even if he is "upper Heavenly Supreme", it is impossible to kill Jiaolong Army.

"We can only wait for the opportunity!" Yin Mosquito Sky Supreme said secretly, "Best, is there any way to force Man Dun out of the Qinglong Army barracks... As long as he stands in front of me, I will definitely have a way to distinguish him. Is it Xu Ming after all?"

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