Break Into Another World

Chapter 2072: Can you line up?

?? Ninth Palace.

Xu Ming already knew about the situation of the Jiaolong Army.

"The Flood Dragon Army is really a place where the weak eat the strong! Only with enough strength can you keep the ninth token! Otherwise, you can only enjoy resources for a period of time; then, the ranking in the Flood Dragon Army will continue to decline until Fall out of the Flood Dragon Army!"

Of course, Xu Ming would not worry about this. After all, he has enough strength.

"However...for me, just keeping the ninth token is not enough!" Xu Ming thought again, "I must become a member of the Azure Dragon Formation!"

Xu Ming has just learned that only a member of the "Four Elephants Tianchen Array" is qualified to go to the sacred place of inheritance of the Great Master of the Three Realms!

"Inheritance Holy Land?"

Xu Ming had a hunch.

If the treasure of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms is really hidden in the Three Realms universe, then it is very likely that it is in the Holy Land of Inheritance.

Therefore, to inherit the Holy Land, Xu Ming must go!

And if he wants to go to the Holy Land of Inheritance, Xu Ming must first make himself a member of the Qinglong Great Array!

And if you want to become a member of the Azure Dragon Array, you must challenge the original members of the Azure Dragon Array! -Only with the "First Token" can you be qualified to challenge the members of the Azure Dragon Array!

Xu Ming already understands what he needs to do in the Flood Dragon Army - that is to challenge the "First Token"!

"However... I am not qualified to challenge the first token yet!"

The first token, not everyone is eligible to challenge! Otherwise, wouldn't the powerhouse holding the first token have to be busy?

To challenge the first token, you must have enough records! And Xu Ming, who has just entered the Flood Dragon Army, what record can he achieve?

"Enough records, it's not difficult! After all... Although I just came to the Jiaolong Army, there are already quite a few people who challenge me!" As soon as Xu Ming entered the Jiaolong Army, he got the ninth token, which naturally caused a lot of confusion. The dissatisfaction of the members of the Shaojiaolong Army!

So far, Xu Ming has received more than ten battle letters!

Of course, those who issued the battle letter to Xu Ming were all members of the Jiaolong Army who were ranked behind Xu Ming.

"Don't be in a hurry!" Xu Ming secretly said. After all, he is not here to play with other members of the Jiaolong Army; for him, even challenging the first token is easy, "I will enter Jiaolongtan to practice first! After the practice is completed, I will accompany those challengers. Have fun! Then, challenge the first token and challenge the members of the Azure Dragon Formation!"

There are many books. However, Brother Ming disdains the challenge!

Moreover, Xu Ming has one more thing, and that is - lead the snake out of the hole!

Don't forget, those Heavenly Supremes who sneaked in from the real universe are still trying their best to find Xu Ming!

"Once I show some strength and successfully challenge the members of the Qinglong Great Array, then it will definitely arouse suspicion!" Xu Ming secretly said, "At that time, those Heavenly Supremes who have sneaked in from the real universe will definitely doubt 'Mandun'. It's Xu Ming! In that case, I'll be busy!"

Therefore, while he is not busy now, Xu Ming must improve his strength!


That's where Xu Ming improves his strength!

boom! boom! boom! …

At this moment, Xu Ming felt that the guard formation of the ninth palace was shaking; obviously, someone was smashing the formation.

"Here again..." As Xu Ming walked out of the palace, he shook his head secretly—he thought about it with his toes, and knew what was going on outside!

Someone must have sent the war book again!

Sure enough, when he walked to the gate of the palace, Xu Ming saw that there were two strong men in black robes, looking at him with a resolute expression.

"Man Dun?" The two black-robed powerhouses said directly when they saw Xu Ming, "We, on behalf of Senior Brother Long Sheng, are here to issue a battle letter to you!"

Long Sheng?

Xu Ming had a slight impression of this name, and seemed to be one of the holders of the "Tenth Token".

"Oh!" Xu Ming replied indifferently - as expected, he issued the gauntlet again.

"Man Dun! Do you dare to accept this war book!?" The two black-robed powerhouses shouted again.

"Bring it here!" Xu Ming said lightly.

"It's a bit courageous!" The two black-robed powerhouses shot the gauntlet directly at Xu Ming.

Xu Ming took the gauntlet and threw it into the world ring without looking at it.

"Huh?" The two black-robed powerhouses suddenly looked cold, "Man Dun, you haven't opened the war book yet! You didn't say when to fight!"

Xu Ming said lightly: "When I want to fight, I will naturally open the gauntlet!"

The two black-robed powerhouses said coldly: "Man Dun! Are you afraid to fight, so you deliberately didn't open the gauntlet? - Hmph! If you dare not fight, then you just give up the 'Ninth Token'. What does it mean when you take over the gauntlet and don't take it apart?"

"Who doesn't dare to fight?" Xu Ming said indifferently.

"Then why don't you open the gauntlet?" The two black-robed powerhouses sneered, "Although you took the gauntlet, if you put it in your hand, the Hundred Million Era will not be opened; Books, what's the difference?"

"Don't worry, I will dismantle it soon!" Xu Ming said.

"When will it be soon? Why don't you just set a time?" The two black-robed powerhouses were aggressive—they were ordered by Long Sheng to come to the battle book; He was punished by Long Sheng.

So, no matter what, the two of them had to force Xu Ming to open the gauntlet and set a time!

"I said, don't worry!" Xu Ming said impatiently.

"Man Dun, aren't you afraid?" The two black-robed powerhouses sneered, "It's normal to be afraid! After all, you're just entering the Jiaolong Army for the first time; you're afraid of Senior Brother Long Sheng's reputation, there's nothing to be ashamed of. !—If you are afraid, you should just give up the ninth token! There is nothing to be ashamed of if you admit defeat to Senior Long Sheng; and if you admit defeat, you will still get the hand of Senior Long Sheng. What about 'Tenth Token'..."

"Are you annoying?" Xu Ming couldn't help interrupting, "I said don't worry, don't worry!"

Without waiting for the other party to say more, Xu Ming raised his hand, and more than ten battle books appeared in his hand.

"You're not the only ones here to send the gauntlet! There are so many more gauntlets in my hand, okay? Here, besides Long Sheng, there are nine challengers with the 'tenth token'!" Xu Ming sneered, "Even if you want me to take on the challenge, let's talk about first-come-first-arrival, can you line up?"

"Uh..." The two black-robed powerhouses were stunned—that is to say, not only Long Sheng, but all the other powerhouses holding the "Tenth Token" have all pledged their battle to "Man Dun"!

"I've got the war book! You guys go back first!" Xu Ming waved his hand, "As for when I will fight—don't worry! Line up first!"

After sending away Long Sheng's two scumbags... Xu Ming was about to go to Jiaolongtan to practice when suddenly, his "ninth token" vibrated.

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