Break Into Another World

Chapter 2070: 9th token

Qinglong Army.

The strong are in billions.

Approaching the barracks, Xu Ming saw that there were constantly soldiers wearing blue dragon armors flying in and out.

And those who did not wear the Azure Dragon armor, that is, those who had not yet joined the Azure Dragon Army, could only line up outside the barracks to grow dragons and wait for the assessment—even those who were waiting for the assessment had reached the realm of "Earth Supreme".

"As expected of a place where nearly a quarter of the powerhouses of the Three Realms are gathered! It really is like a cloud of powerhouses!" Xu Ming couldn't help but secretly said.

You must know that even in the real universe, the Supreme Being can barely be regarded as a master! And in the Qinglong Army, even the weakest ordinary soldier is the supreme cultivation base!

Although Xu Ming did not need to be assessed, he could directly enter the "Jiaolong Army" in the Qinglong Army; but, after all, it was the first time for him to come to the Qinglong Army. Naturally, he couldn't swagger to enter directly. Instead, he landed and lined up behind the long dragon outside the barracks. Team up.

"Hi! What's your brother's name? Which tribe?"

Xu Ming had just reached the end of the line when the burly man standing in front of him turned around and asked with a smile.

Xu Ming glanced at the other party.

This burly man is also a "low-level supreme", but he has a arrogance in his aura; obviously, he should be the best among the "lower-level supreme", so he has such a confident aura .

"Barbarian King Tribe, Barbarian!" Xu Ming reported his name.

"The Barbarian King Tribe?" Hearing this, the burly man sneered and said, "Your Barbarian King Tribe is not a weak tribe, but compared with our Demon Sea Tribe, it is far worse—I, Demon Sea Tribe, Pinghai!"

The burly man also reported his identity.

Demon sea tribe?

Xu Ming had never heard of it.

After all, Xu Ming's understanding of the Three Realms Universe was very limited, and he had never heard of several tribes.

However, looking at the appearance of this burly man, it seems that the Demon Sea Tribe should be an extremely powerful tribe.

At this time, Ping Hai continued to say proudly: "Our Demon Sea Tribe, but many strong people have joined the Qinglong Army! Man Dun, right? After entering the Qinglong Army, you can follow me! It is definitely better than you in Qinglong alone. The military is much stronger!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was stunned for a moment - he didn't expect that as soon as he arrived in the Qinglong Army, he would be accepted as a younger brother?

Xu Ming couldn't help but think: Do I look so weak?

"Oh! You really don't be convinced!" Ping Hai couldn't help laughing when he saw the stunned look on Xu Ming's face, "The competition in the Qinglong Army is much fiercer than you think! There is no strength and no backer. , you will soon be screened from the fierce competition!"

"Okay..." Xu Ming didn't bother to argue.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Ping Hai couldn't help but say, "It seems that you are still not convinced? Or, when we enter the Qinglong Army, we will make a gesture?"

at this time-

call out!

A stalwart figure flew out of the Qinglong Army and flew directly towards Xu Ming.

Ping Hai wanted to say a few more words to Xu Ming, but when he saw this stalwart figure, he immediately closed his mouth; the expression on his face also became respectful: "Heaven Supreme Powerhouse!"

Sovereign Earth and Sovereign Heaven are like vast differences!

In the universe of the Three Realms, there are so many Earth Supreme Beings that they are not worth mentioning! However, Tian Zhizun is rare!

In Ping Hai's heart, the concept of "respect for the strong" is deeply ingrained; therefore, as soon as he saw Tian Zhizun, he immediately let go of his arrogance and became extremely respectful.

At the same time, Ping Hai still had some doubts: "This Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse seems to be flying towards me? - Did he fly towards me? Or was he just passing by?"

But in Ping Hai's view, there seems to be nothing on his side that can attract a Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse, right?

Just when Ping Hai was puzzled, the gaze of this Heavenly Supreme powerhouse fell on Xu Ming, and he said, "Mandun!"


Ping Hai was stunned for a moment - isn't the one behind him called Man Dun?

"I have seen the Supreme Being!" Xu Ming said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Yeah!" The Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse directly wrapped Xu Ming with divine power and said, "The Azure Dragon messenger has already told me about your affairs! Come with me and enter the Flood Dragon Army directly!"

Having said that, the Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse took Xu Ming directly and entered the Qinglong Army barracks.

Ping Hai and the others stood there with a confused expression.

"Go directly into the Flood Dragon Army?" Ping Hai looked incredulous - you must know that the Flood Dragon Army, to put it bluntly, is the absolute elite of the Qinglong Army! Ping Hai's goal is to become a member of the Jiaolong Army!

"This Man Dun can actually enter the Flood Dragon Army directly? And it was ordered by the Azure Dragon messenger himself?" Ping Hai couldn't believe it, "How incredible is his talent?"

Ping Hai remembered again, he seemed to want to accept Mandun as his younger brother just now... Thinking of this, Ping Hai almost even had the heart to hit the wall!

What is ignorance?

He is stupid!

The Jiaolong Army is located at the core of the Qinglong Army barracks.

In the Qinglong Army, every palace is home to many soldiers; but in the Flood Dragon Army, every soldier can have a palace—from this, we can also see the high status of the Flood Dragon Army .

Xu Ming saw that the Jiaolong Army barracks and palaces of different sizes were arranged in the shape of a Jiaolong.

"Mandun!" said the Heavenly Supreme powerhouse who was cited, "The messenger has an order, you will live in the ninth palace!"

Saying that, Tian Zhizun, who received the lead, turned his hand, and a token appeared with the word "ninth" written on it.

"The Ninth Palace?" Xu Ming took the "Ninth Token", slightly puzzled.

At this time, Tian Zhizun, who received the lead, said again: "To be honest, I don't really understand why the messenger is giving you the ninth You know, in the dragon army, you want to get the ninth palace. There are not a few palaces; however, the messenger did not give the ninth palace to anyone! So... although you got the ninth palace, whether you can keep it or not depends on your own ability!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming listened to the other party's meaning, it seems that the ninth palace is a hot potato?

At this time, Tian Zhizun, who received the lead, handed Xu Ming another jade slip: "In this jade slip, the rules of the Jiaolong Army are recorded! After you read it, you will naturally understand!"

After finishing speaking, the Tian Zhizun who received the lead left directly - he is Tian Zhizun after all! With his arrogance, he wouldn't be with Xu Ming all the time; once he took Xu Ming to a place, it was time to leave.

As for Xu Ming, he flew directly towards the ninth palace.

"The palaces in the Flood Dragon Army vary in size! This ninth palace seems to be the ninth largest!" Xu Ming suddenly understood - I am afraid that in the Flood Dragon Army, the bigger the palace, the higher the status!

The ninth palace, the ninth token—this is probably the highest ranking in the Dragon Army!

"I'm afraid... there will be a lot of strong people who want to get the ninth palace, right?" Xu Ming secretly said, "No wonder Tian Zhizun said before that, whether I can keep the ninth palace depends on my own ability! "

Thinking about it, Xu Ming took out the jade slip again and read the rules of the Jiaolong Army.


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