Break Into Another World

Chapter 2058: Endure humiliation?

?Man Dun launched a life-and-death battle against Man Mo! "

"Man Dun has just come back, so he dares to challenge Man Mo? Is it because he has broken through to the 'superior supreme', he thinks it is possible to live forever?"

"It's really hitting a stone with an egg and seeking death!"

"Actually, Man Dun didn't want to kill himself, but was forced to help him. He just brought back a stunning female cultivator, and Man Mo came to grab it! In my opinion, Man Dun should not be able to swallow this breath, so he initiated life and death. war!"

"Beautiful face is a disaster!"

"Challenge me? Put it out there and say that I'm quite a challenge!"

Barbarian Mo's challenge quickly spread to the entire barbarian king tribe.

Within the tribe, countless clansmen are looking forward to this battle - even if they are as strong as the barbarian king tribe, the "superior supreme" is already a strong one; the life-and-death battle between the two "superior supreme" naturally caused a Small sensation.

Even the high-level tribal leaders of the "Earth Supreme" cultivation base paid attention to this life-and-death battle between the two.

half a month later.

Barbarian king tribe, life and death battle platform.

Xu Ming and Man Mo are facing each other from a distance.

"Man Dun?" Man Mo sneered disdainfully, "I really don't know, where did you get the courage to start a life-and-death battle against me!"

"You'll know right away!" Xu Ming said lightly.

As soon as Xu Ming said these words, there was an uproar around the battlefield.

"Man Dun is so arrogant!"

"They are all dying, and they dare to speak madly!"

"Before you die, just do something weird!"

No one thought that Man Dun would be Man Mo's opponent.

After all, even in the entire barbarian king tribe, barbarian ink is the undisputed strongest at the level of "human supremacy"! And Man Dun, he should have just broken through to the Supreme Being, is it possible that he can be stronger than Man Mo?

No one feels that way!

Of course Manmo didn't think so either: "Mandun, if you have any last words, just say it now! When I take action, you won't have a chance to speak!"

Xu Ming smiled: "No, it's up to you!"

"Huh!" Manmo sneered disdainfully.

Around the battle platform, the strong men of the Barbarian King tribe sneered again, sneering at "Mandun" for not knowing whether to live or die.

Manmo sneered and shot directly: "Since you don't cherish the opportunity, then you should never talk!"

boom! !

In an instant, Man Dun's figure appeared in front of Xu Ming. The speed is so fast that even some high-ranking people in the tribe can't see clearly.

"So fast!"

"very scary!"

"Barbarian Mo is worthy of being the most powerful person in our barbarian king tribe!"

"With Manmo's strength, in the future, he will break through to the supreme cultivation level and enter the Azure Dragon Army. I am afraid that he will also be the elite and the leader of the Azure Dragon Army!"

"That's natural!"

Around the battle stage, the only person who didn't think "Mandun" would lose was the Moon Demon—the Moon Demon was very relieved about Xu Ming's strength! After all, Xu Ming even killed the "Heavenly Supreme"!

The entire barbarian king tribe has not been able to threaten Xu Ming's existence! This arrogant man in front of him was even more unlikely to threaten Xu Ming.

"Die! - Killing you, I don't even bother to use the second move!" At this moment, Man Mo's expression was extremely hideous, as if he had seen Xu Ming fall in front of him.

At this time, Xu Ming finally moved: "Too weak!"


too weak!

Xu Ming's opponents are the Supreme Earth and Supreme Heaven. Now there is a weak chicken with "the Supreme Being". Can Xu Ming not feel weak? —If he hadn’t wanted to use Manmo as a stepping stone and walked into the eyes of the senior members of the Manwang tribe, Xu Ming would not even bother to fight him!


call out-

A ghostly light flashed.

Manmo's divine body was instantly divided into two. Moreover, these two parts of the gods are no longer alive.

Only one move, pretty ink dead!

It's just a "human supreme", Xu Ming naturally doesn't need to make a second move.


The two parts of Manmo's divine body fell heavily on the battlefield.

And Xu Ming had already walked off the stage with his hands behind his back.

There was a dead silence around the battlefield.

After a long time, a trembling voice sounded:


"Manmo... dead?"

"With one move, Man Dun killed Man Mo?"

No one thought that Man Dun could win this life-and-death battle! Even when Manmo said that he wanted to kill Mandun in one move, everyone thought it was a matter of course—with Manmo's strength, he could indeed kill Mandun in one move!

No one expected that the result would be completely reversed!

It was Man Dun's one move to kill Man Mo!

"Manmo's strength is definitely the pinnacle of the 'high-ranking supreme', and it is even close to the 'lower-ranking supreme'! - Man Dun can kill him with one move, how strong should he be?"

"Could it be... Mandun's strength has reached the level of the Supreme Being?"

"The cultivation base of the supreme human being has reached the strength of the supreme being of the earth? - Our barbarian king clan has also appeared such a super genius who is fighting beyond the ranks!?"

In the tribe, there are already many strong people, pondering how to curry favor with "Man Dun". After all, the strength that Man Dun is showing now is already the strength that the elders in the tribe can have!

Moreover, Mandun is still only a "Supreme Human" cultivation base; when he breaks through to "Supreme Earth" in the future, his strength will definitely be even more terrifying, and his future achievements will be limitless - if you don't try to curry favor now, when will you wait?

As for Man Mo's former dog-legs, let alone how much regret and panic - they used to bully Man Dun a lot, but now Man Dun counterattacks, what will happen to them?

Xu Ming ignored the reactions of the others in the tribe.

At this time, Xu Ming had just received a voice transmission, it was the "Barbarian King", the patriarch of the Barbarian King Tribe.

"Man Dun, I'm the Barbarian King! Come and see me!"

"Oh! I didn't expect that it would attract the attention of the high-level clan so soon!" Xu Ming thought to himself - he originally thought that the high-level clan would summon him again in a few days; he did not expect that the patriarch "Barbarian King" was so anxious to see him.

This is exactly what Xu Ming intended.

"Moon Demon, wait for me, I'll go see the barbarian king's patriarch!" Xu Ming said through a voice transmission.

"You have to be careful!" Moon Demon said.

"Don't worry!" Xu Ming said with a The patriarch of the barbarian king wants to see me, it shouldn't be a bad thing! Moreover, with the strength of the barbarian king tribe, it still cannot threaten me! "

After Xu Ming finished speaking, he went straight to the patriarch's palace.

"Man Dun, sit down!" As soon as Xu Ming entered the patriarch's palace, the sturdy "Barbarian King" patriarch smiled kindly.

In Man Dun's memory, the barbarian patriarch was very serious and cold; Xu Ming had never seen such a kind smile from the "Barbarian" patriarch in Mandun's memory.

"Sure enough! No matter where he is, strength will always be king!" Xu Ming naturally knew that the reason why the barbarian patriarch smiled so kindly must be because of his strength - as long as he was strong enough! Even if Manmo was beheaded, the patriarch would not blame him, but instead smiled.

Wait until Xu Ming sits down.

"Man Dun!" There was admiration in the king's eyes, "You should have endured humiliation for a long time, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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