Break Into Another World

Chapter 2054: Terrifying powerhouse ratio!

"What a powerful time-space suppression!"

As soon as it came, Xu Ming felt that the space-time suppression of the Three Realms universe was even more terrifying than the "real universe"! Here, even the World Lord, I am afraid that there is almost not much strength left to be suppressed! -Xu Ming still doesn't know that people in the Three Realms universe are born in the "realm master realm"!

"I heard that in the Three Realms Universe, the higher the cultivation level, the more dangerous it is?" Before entering the Three Realms Universe, the mysterious female Great Venerable once warned Xu Ming; although Xu Ming didn't know why, he decided to be cautious. Make the camouflage a little lower.

With Feng Zhou Ding in his presence, Xu Ming can pretend to be at will!

Moreover, with Xu Ming's current strength, even in the face of the "superior Heavenly Supreme" powerhouse, he would not be seen through the disguise. Unless a being of the "Great Senior" level stands in front of him, he can see through his true cultivation.

"Just pretend to be an 'ordinary high-ranking supreme'!"

Xu Ming's real cultivation base is "Supreme Supreme"; now he is disguised as "Supreme Ordinary", which is only a slight downgrade. However, there is no need for Xu Ming to drop it even lower, because... although Xu Ming can pretend to be a person at will, the Moon Demon can't!

The Moon Demon looked at Xu Ming in front of her, changing his cultivation at will, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Xu Ming, what is your real cultivation realm?"

Now the Moon Demon can't understand Xu Ming at all! Because Xu Ming's cultivation has changed from time to time.

Xu Ming didn't hide it either: "The next person is supreme!"

"The next person is supreme!?" The Moon Demon couldn't help but exclaimed, "Then your strength..."

The cultivation base of "the supreme being of the lower position" has the strength of "the supreme being of the upper position", which is simply incredible and unheard of! Moreover... Xu Ming had just killed the Supreme Being of Langyatian in seconds.

Moon Demon originally thought that Xu Ming had the cultivation of "Supreme Earth", but he just kept his cultivation hidden.

Looking at Xu Ming, the Moon Demon suddenly knew what a true genius is!

"Xu Ming?" The Moon Demon asked again, "I see... it seems that many Great Seniors have hatred against you? How did you offend so many Great Seniors?"

Moon Demon couldn't imagine how Xu Ming had offended so many great masters; he couldn't even imagine why Xu Ming had offended so many great masters and was still alive and well.

Xu Ming smiled lightly and said, "Do you know... the Great Venerable of the Three Realms?"

"The Great Senior of the Three Realms... Of course I know!" The Moon Demon nodded, "I heard... The Great Senior of the Three Realms fell for unknown reasons after going to the virtual universe!"

Xu Ming grinned and said, "I killed it!"

"Ah?" Moon Demon's eyes widened immediately, ""

Moon Demon didn't know how to describe his shock.

"Let's go!" Xu Ming said indifferently, "First find a place where there are people and learn about the situation in this universe!"

"Okay!" Moon Demon suppressed his shock and walked side by side with Xu Ming.

After a while, Xu Ming felt a wave of time and space fluctuations.

"Someone!" Xu Ming shouted, "And the cultivation base is not weak, it is... the middle person is supreme!"

You must know that even in the "real universe", the median person is not a very weak existence; if it is in a small town like Qinghai City, you can walk sideways! But now, when Xu Ming just arrived in the "Three Realms Universe", he actually met a "Supreme Median", so it can be seen that... the proportion of powerhouses in the Three Realms Universe is probably very high!

call out-

The "Supreme Median" powerhouse had obviously spotted Xu Ming and the Moon Demon, and was flying towards them.

Soon, the Moon Demon saw that a powerful man dressed in animal skins appeared in her field of vision.

"Huh?" The animal skin powerhouse frowned slightly, "Who are you? Why did you appear in the territory of our 'Barbarian King Tribe'?"

Barbarian tribe?


Xu Ming was slightly startled - it seems that the culture of the Three Realms universe is quite primitive! Even the strong "people supreme" have such a strong concept of tribe and territory.

However, when the other party asked this, Xu Ming really didn't know how to answer for a while. After all, both Xu Ming and Moon Demon had just arrived in the Three Realms Universe, and they didn't know anything about the situation here.

Xu Ming and Moon Demon couldn't help but look at each other. From each other's eyes, they saw bad intentions, as if they were saying, "How about... beat up and ask about the situation in this universe?"

The Moon Demon was still very relieved about Xu Ming's strength. After all, Xu Ming has even killed the "Supreme Heaven"; what is the problem with dealing with a "Supreme Median"?

Even, Xu Ming has secretly clenched his fists, ready to knock the animal skin powerhouse down first.

But at this time, the animal skin powerhouse suddenly said again: "You came from the north, was the tribe attacked by the 'Xuanwu Army'? So you fled to the territory of our barbarian king tribe?"

Xu Ming, who was about to start, couldn't help but let go of his clenched fist - this old iron from another world is really caring! Xu Ming didn't know what to say, so he directly helped himself figure out what to say.

Since the other party is so "cooperative", Xu Ming is really embarrassed to do it.

"That's right!" Xu Ming followed the other party's words and nodded again and again.

"If that's the case, why don't you come with me!" The animal skin powerhouse said again, "Anyway, you no longer have a clan, so join our barbarian king clan!"

Xu Ming hesitated for a moment: "Okay!"

Anyway, my eyes are darkened now, and I don't know where to go, let alone where the treasure left by the Great Senior of the Three Realms is located; it's better to go to the barbarian king tribe first and learn about the specific situation of this universe.

Moreover, Xu Ming was not worried about whether there would be any danger. After all, it's just a "tribe", how strong can it be? Can it still threaten Xu Ming?

As for the animal skin powerhouse in front of him, Xu Ming is even more afraid of what waves he can make - just a "median person supreme"! Don't talk about Xu Even the Moon Demon should be able to get rid of it!

Moreover, on the way to the barbarian king clan, Xu Ming was just able to learn some information from the other party.

"I, Mandun!" said the animal skin powerhouse, "Come with me... Although the cultivation of the two of you is a little weak, our barbarian king tribe should still be able to accept you!"


Neither Xu Ming nor Moon Demon couldn't help but be slightly surprised - if an ordinary high-ranking supreme being in the "real universe", although it is not very strong, it can't be said to be "weak", right? Like some generals in Qinghai City, that's all!

However, listening to Man Dun's meaning, he thinks that their cultivation base is weak, and even the barbarian king tribe may not necessarily accept them?

Xu Ming couldn't help but be surprised!

"The Three Realms Universe is just a small universe. The total number of strong people should not be too much! But... the proportion of strong people, how terrifying is it!?"

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