Break Into Another World

Chapter 2047: few people know

? City Lord Shenyu just flew out not too far, but suddenly turned around.


Xu Ming immediately became vigilant and was ready to take action at any time.

"Haha! Don't be nervous!" Shenyu City Lord smiled, "I have no other intentions, I just want to remind you a word!"

"What?" Xu Ming asked.

"Remind you... Be ready for the endless pursuit!" said the Lord of Shenyu City.

"What do you mean?" Xu Ming frowned suddenly.

Shenyu City Lord said again: "Langya Heavenly Sovereign, but the Heavenly Sovereign of the 'Eternal Palace'! Although he is only the 'Lower Heavenly Sovereign', you must know that even the 'Higher Heavenly Sovereign' of other forces would not dare to kill the Eternal Palace. The 'Lower Heaven Supreme'; once killed, he will face the revenge of the Eternal Hall!"

After a pause, City Lord Shenyu continued: "Eternal Palace, I won't tell you who is right and who is wrong! Eternal Palace is right; the enemy of Eternal Palace is wrong! What's more... Lang Yatian Supreme is originally in Eternal Palace. The almighty sent out to kill you, you have killed the Supreme Lord of Langyatian now, how could the Eternal Palace not take revenge? - If I am not mistaken, you are now under the surveillance of Eternal Palace! No matter if you escape to the real universe It is impossible to escape the pursuit of the Eternal Hall!"

The Eternal Hall is the strongest force in the entire universe!

none of them!

So... in the rules of the Eternal Hall, there is no "who is right and who is wrong", only "whoever goes against me will perish"!

And now, Xu Ming is the person who goes against the Eternal Palace!

Shenyu City Lord said again: "Don't look at you have a breaking gun in your hand, you can kill Lang Yatian Supreme with one shot; but in the eyes of the real almighty in the Eternal Palace, you are nothing at all! The Eternal Palace only needs to send out a Being a 'higher heavenly supreme' can easily kill you!"

Xu Ming couldn't help frowning deeper.

He knew that what City Lord Shenyu said was the truth! With his current strength, it is impossible to compete with the "High Heaven Supreme"!

Once the "High Heaven Supreme" arrives, Xu Ming will be killed without any resistance!

"Could it be that... it can only be exposed that the 'Infinite Resurrection' hangs up?" Xu Ming never expected that killing a Langyatian Supreme would lead to so much trouble; if he had known earlier, Xu Ming might not have used the Boundary Breaker, Will choose to expose the "infinite resurrection" hanging!

After all, exposing only one hole card is better than exposing two hole cards at the same time, right?

"And..." City Lord Shenyu said again, "Your troubles are not just from the Eternal Hall!"


"Do you know the origin of the Boundary Breaker Spear?" asked Shenyu City Lord.

Xu Ming shook his head.

The Lord of Shenyu City said: "The Boundary-Breaking Spear is the weapon used by the Great Venerable Kunpeng! The Kunpeng family has always regarded the Boundary-breaking Spear as a treasure of the clan! I am afraid that soon, the Kunpeng Clan will know that the Boundary-breaking Spear is in your hands. , and will come after you! - So, it's not just the Eternal Palace that is chasing you, but also the Kunpeng family! But..."

The Lord of Shenyu City sneered: "But... the pursuit of the Kunpeng clan, you don't have to care too much!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming wondered, "Why?"

"Haha! It's very simple - because the pursuit of the Eternal Palace will definitely come before the Kunpeng family! And you, it is impossible for you to survive the pursuit of the Eternal Palace!" Shenyu City Lord smiled, "In that case, the Kunpeng family What does it have to do with you? Of course you can ignore it!"

Shenyu City Lord said, turned and left, his voice drifted in time and space: "Then I wish you... can live for a while longer!"

Xu Ming fell into deep thought: "It seems that there is indeed trouble!"

Before, Xu Ming did not expect that just killing a Langyatian Supreme would be equivalent to stabbing a hornet's nest.

"Take a step and see a step! Soldiers are coming to block the water and cover the soil!" Xu Ming sighed and said secretly, "If there is really no way, we have to expose the 'infinite resurrection' and hang it!"

"Infinite Resurrection" is already Xu Ming's last trump card!

Xu Ming really didn't want to easily expose this last trump card!

Immediately, Xu Ming's eyes turned to Yue Qun - even if he continued, Xu Ming had to face the pursuit of the Eternal Hall; but before that, the grievances between him and Yue Qun had to be resolved first!

Eternal Temple.

An eternal existence suddenly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, it seems to reflect the entire universe! In one eye, is the real universe; in the other eye, is the virtual universe!


This timeless and eternal existence is murderous in vain.

"Someone dares to kill the Heavenly Sovereign of my Eternal Hall!?"

It has been a long time, endless years, and the Heavenly Sovereign who has no Eternal Hall has fallen!


Looking at the real universe, no one dares to kill the Heavenly Sovereign of the Eternal Hall!

Even the "Great Venerable" powerhouses of other forces would not dare to casually kill the Heavenly Sovereign of the Eternal Hall! - You must know that if the Eternal Hall is really willing to pay the price, it even has the ability to kill the "Great Senior"!

Of course, the status of the Eternal Hall is extremely detached, and it is almost impossible to have any conflict with the great masters of other forces.

"The one who fell... is the Supreme Lord of Langyatian!" The eternal existence of the ancient times, his expression softened a little, "Fortunately, it is only the 'Lower Heaven Supreme', if you pay a big price, there may be hope of resurrection!"


The Eternal Hall even has the means to revive the "Lower Heavenly Sovereign"!

Of course, this kind of method that is almost contrary to the "rules of the real universe" is undoubtedly extremely expensive, and it may not be successful! Even, because the price is too high, the Eternal Palace may not be willing to resurrect the Supreme Being of Langyatian!

"Humph! Let me see, who is so daring to kill the Heavenly Sovereign of my Eternal Hall!"

This eternal existence doesn't care who is right and who is wrong at all; he only needs to know who killed the Supreme Being of Langyatian and then sent someone to take revenge, that's all!


Eternal existence waved. In front of him, a mechanical ball with an extremely complex secret pattern appeared.

Every secret pattern on the mechanical ball seems to be the rules of the true universe!

This... is a world-shattering magic weapon!

Moreover, among the world-breaking gods, it is also the top treasure! Compared to the Boundary Breaker Spear in Xu Ming's hands, I'm afraid it won't be much weaker!

The eternal existence drives the mechanical sphere.

Soon, the picture of Xu Ming killing the Supreme Being of Lang Yatian was reflected in the eyes of this eternal existence.


Eternal existence soon figured out how Langyatian Supreme died.

"This person is..." The Eternal Existence was slightly shocked, "Xu Ming!?—He actually came to the real universe?"

The name "Xu Ming" may not have much fame in the real universe, and few people know it. Like "Jian Yi", if he hadn't had a grudge against Xu Ming before, he wouldn't have known the name "Xu Ming" at all.


Almost all of the "rare people" who know the name "Xu Ming" are Da Zun!


Almost all of them are great!

Don't forget... It was Xu Ming who killed the Great Senior of the Three Realms!

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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