Break Into Another World

Chapter 1736: Enter the 1st Heaven

"If you can escape, I can call you Dad!"

Yuan Zun was simply complacent.

In fact, it is normal for Yuan Zun to be so arrogant! After all, he exists in the Supreme Realm, and Xu Ming, who looks at the Realm of Everything, naturally looks down with an absolutely downward gaze, and he does have the qualifications to be arrogant.

As for why Yuan Zun no longer paid any attention to Xu Ming? - The existence of the dignified Supreme Realm, in order to deal with the mere Xu Ming, the real body has already come, is it not enough attention?

Pay a little more attention?

Impossible at all!

"Huh?" Yuan Zun was smiling. Suddenly, he felt that the time and space around Xu Ming was a little weird.

"Huh!?" Yuan Zun was shocked, waved his hand, and slashed towards Xu Ming's position.


This palm, as if smashed a mirror. The entire void is covered with mirror-like cracks.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Zun's face changed greatly in an instant: "Time is suspended! Time is suspended!"

Of course, Yuan Zun has discovered that what he smashed was not the space, but the area where time was suspended!

"How could Xu Ming have such a means!?" Yuan Zun couldn't believe it. You must know that even if he is the supreme, he cannot use such means as time suspension!

"Where's Xu Mingren!?"

Although the time suspension area was broken open, Xu Ming, who was originally here, has long since disappeared! -Xu Ming only paused the time around him, but did not "pause" himself; his own time flow rate was normal. Therefore, Xu Ming relied on the time suspension area to confuse Yuan Zun, and he had already taken the opportunity to slip away!

"Yuan Zun!" Suddenly, a shout came from behind Yuan Zun. It was Xu Ming. At this time, Xu Ming's entire body had not entered the entrance of Jiuzhongtian; even Yuan Zun had already taken Xu Ming. no solution anymore!

"I'm escaping, right?" Fengshui took turns, and now it was Xu Ming's turn to look at Yuan Zun jokingly, "Didn't you say that as long as I can escape, you can call me Dad? !—It’s not bad to have a supreme son!”

"You..." Yuan Zun was furious. As a Supreme Being, why has he been humiliated like this?

And Xu Ming, it was a humiliation!

"Why, you don't want to be called Dad?" Xu Ming sneered, "It's okay if you don't want to. When Dad comes back from Jiuzhongtian, you will be allowed to cry!"

If Yuan Zun is not called Dad, then, when Xu Ming's strength reaches the Supreme Realm, he will fight until he is called Dad!

Xu Ming's figure gradually disappeared into the entrance of Jiuzhongtian. His voice was still echoing: "Yuan Zun, my son, wait for Dad to come back!"

And Yuan Zun, in addition to being extremely angry, is more unbelievable: "How could... How could Xu Ming use the means of suspending time!? Could it be... behind him, there is a 'superior supreme' standing!"

Only when you reach the Supreme Supreme can you perform "Time Pause".

And Yuan Zun is just a very ordinary "lower supreme"; the gap with the upper supreme is not so big!

Even, Yuan Zun felt a little scared in his heart - if there is really a high-ranking Supreme behind Xu Ming; then, it would be easy for that high-ranking Supreme to take care of him!

"Damn it!" Yuan Zun really didn't expect that dealing with a realm of all things would involve the invincible existence of "suspected superior supreme".

"Of course, it may also be that I think too much!" Yuan Zun thought again, "And if there is no high-ranking Supreme behind Xu Ming, then... there is definitely an extraordinary treasure on his body!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Zun's eyes flashed with greed again.

"I'll be careful and wait for Xu Ming to come out from Jiuzhongtian!" Yuan Zun prepared to find a place to hide in the heavens, "If he made the 'time pause' with the help of the treasure, then I would really earn Big!"

Naturally, Xu Ming didn't know that when he opened a "time pause" to hang up, Yuan Zun would think so much, and he was both scared and excited.

"It's safe!" Xu Ming felt fortunate for the rest of his life - in fact, the reason why Xu Ming was able to escape by "time suspension" was mainly because Yuan Zun himself was a little careless! After all, Yuan Zun would never have thought that Xu Ming had such a skill!

If Yuan Zun was not careful, even if Xu Ming created a "time suspension area" in the void, he would be easily seen and destroyed by Yuan Zun; in that case, Xu Ming would have no chance to run to the entrance of Jiuzhongtian at all.

"In any case, I have escaped into the Nine Heavens!" Xu Ming gritted his teeth secretly, his heart angrily, "Yuan Zun, this hatred, I remember! Also...Wu Yuan dares to betray me! If you meet again, it will be your death. !"

Xu Ming was trapped by Wu Yuan. Naturally, he had to avenge this revenge!

Immediately, Xu Ming suppressed his anger and carefully felt the changes in time and space around him.

He could faintly feel that the space-time ahead was divided into nine-layer areas; and now, he seems to be being "dragged" to the lowest layer of space.

"This ninth-floor area, the ethereal nothingness, should be the Nine Heavens! The one I'm going to now should be the First Heaven!"

In the first layer of heaven, the highest one can only enter the realm of all things.


Suddenly, Xu Ming felt that the surrounding time and space were changing rapidly.

What Xu Ming didn't know was that at this moment, his position in the entire "Second Quadrant" was also changing rapidly.

Soon, the time and space in front of Xu Ming's eyes became more and more chaotic; until at a certain moment the chaotic time and space turned into endless white light - Xu Ming arrived at the First Heaven!

When the white light dissipated, Xu Ming saw that he was already standing on a fertile ground. A strange wave entered his heart: First Layer!

"It's here!" Xu Ming looked around, but was a little confused - where should he go?

He really has no understanding of the world in "First Layer"!

Moreover, in the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, almost no one understands the "First Layer". After all, with the existence of the realm of all things, it is too difficult to get a place to enter the Jiuzhongtian; even though the Divine Phoenix Realm Master has specially sent several existences of the realm of all things to enter the Jiuzhongtian, unfortunately, none of them can go back!

No one went back, so no one knew what was going on in "First Layer".

And Qinglei Realm, the same is true - no one can bring news back from First Layer!

"Go and ask Zhang Mou first!" Xu Ming flew up, jumped into the void, and flew in a random direction - just ask if you don't understand! Just find someone and ask!

call out-

Xu Ming's figure quickly shuttled through the world of "First Layer".

Fortunately, "Yizhongtian" is not a sparsely populated place; soon, Xu Ming saw several figures. Every figure is the cultivation of the realm of all things, but the strength is not weak.

Moreover, these figures are all rushing in the same direction.

"Everyone, are you going to...?" Xu Minglian asked.

"Don't ask too much, go quickly, there is a good show to watch!" Several figures said.

(End of this chapter)

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