Break Into Another World

Chapter 1730: Are you also worthy of talking about strength?

The Qinglei Battle Platform is a pillar that is more than a million worlds tall.

Above the Tianzhu is the Qinglei Battle Platform; and the clouds floating around the battle platform are the seats for watching the battle.

Xu Ming saw that there were countless powerhouses sitting above many clouds; obviously, the battle that took place on the Qinglei Battle Platform at this time was very attractive.

Wu Yuan led Xu Ming and flew directly to the largest cloud; at the same time, Wu Yuan introduced: "There are only ten places to go to Jiuzhongtian! Among them, three places have been set; the remaining seven places, It will be decided on this thunder battle platform!"

call out! call out!

Xu Ming and Wu Yuan flew into the biggest cloud, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Wu Yuan? He's back?"

"Wu Yuan dares to fight, for so many epochs, he has been roaming the border of disorder!"

"Yeah! I'm also in the realm of 'Second Rank', so I don't dare to go to the border of disorder! - Although there are many opportunities there, it is too dangerous! I don't know when, I will die!"

"The one who came with Wu Yuan is Xu Ming from the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, right?"

Many strong people are talking about it.

At this time, on the Qinglei Battle Stage, the two powerhouses fighting against each other were in the realm of "Second-Order True Self".

Xu Ming and Wu Yuan found a place to sit down. Wu Yuan introduced: "The two sides in the battle are 'Yu Slayer' and 'Tianming Swordsman'! The difference in strength between the two sides is not big, and they are both in the top ten in the Nirvana Realm of Qinglei Holy Land!"

Having said this, Wu Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

Xu Ming couldn't help but look at Wu Yuan in doubt - what's so funny?

Wu Yuan continued: "In our Qinglei Holy Land, there is a holy list of Qinglei, which is full of Nirvana realm powerhouses. On the holy list, there is a huge gap between the eleventh and the tenth; and the tenth and the ninth are almost the same. The ninth and the eighth, the gap is a little bigger!"

Hearing this, Xu Ming vaguely guessed something.

Wu Yuan added: "Originally, the ten places to go to Jiuzhongtian do not need to be decided on the Qinglei Battle Stage, and they are directly given to the top ten powerhouses on the holy list, and no one else will have any opinion! But! ...After you come, there are only nine places left to go to Jiuzhongtian!"

"Nine places, ten people want to go! So..." Wu Yuan continued, "So, Qinglei World Master directly let them decide on the battle stage! Moreover, at the same time, he also gave it to the geniuses who ranked behind the holy list. some opportunities."

Wu Yuan pointed to the battle platform and said: "Yu Shi, the ninth in the holy list; Tianming swordsman, the tenth in the holy list! Originally, both of them could go to Jiuzhongtian; but now, it should be one of the two! "

The reason why Wu Yuan laughed was because of these two, one of them was destined to be unable to go to Jiuzhongtian!

In this regard, Xu Ming has no guilt - although Xu Ming deprived one of them of the opportunity to go to Jiuzhongtian; but you must know that in this world, everything depends on strength! If the strength is not good, it is no wonder that Xu Ming took away a spot!

Suddenly, Xu Ming looked at Wu Yuan with a smile: "You didn't go to the battle stage, the quota for going to Jiuzhongtian has already been set?"

"Yes!" Wu Yuan's tone was somewhat proud.

"Where do you rank on the holy list?" Xu Ming asked.

"Second!" Wu Yuan said, "Me and Yu Shentian, who is ranked first, are not on the same level as the other top ten in the holy list! Therefore, Yu Shentian and I don't need to compete with them, we just decided quota!"

When Wu Yuan spoke, he couldn't help looking at a strong man on another cloud.

Xu Ming also followed his gaze - Yu Shentian, a genius of the "real third-order"! I am afraid it is also the only "real self third-order" currently in the Qinglei world!

As for Wu Yuan, he was only the "Second-Order Real Self", but it was also very close to the "Third-Order Real Self".

Yu Shentian sensed Wu Yuan's gaze, looked at him, and snorted softly—obviously, Yu Shentian and Wu Yuan, the two geniuses who were number one and number two on the holy list, were not quite right. .

boom! boom! boom! …

At this time, the battle on the Qinglei Battle Platform was also drawing to a close!

For the two on the battlefield, Tianming Swordsman's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, while Yu Shi is gradually showing his defeat.


Finally, Yu Shi, who couldn't resist, was smashed out of the battle stage with one move.

Heavenly Swordsman, win!

The powerhouses watching the battle were in an uproar.

"It was actually the Tianming Swordsman who won?"

"Tianming Swordsman, ranked tenth on the holy list! And Yu Shi, ranked ninth! Logically speaking, Yu Shi should have a bigger chance of winning!"

"It seems... Tianming Swordsman has made a big breakthrough in this era!"

"I..." Yu Shi still couldn't accept the reality of his defeat, "I lost?"

If it is other times, if you lose, you will lose, and the big deal will drop by one place! But this time, it's time to decide on the place to go to Jiuzhongtian!

Losing, it means that Yu Shi missed Jiuzhongtian!

Perhaps, in the future, I can still go to Jiuzhongtian! However, it must be after the Endless Era; at that time, the gap between Yu Shi and Tianming Swordsman will definitely widen!

"I'm not reconciled!" Yu Shi's eyes were red, and he chose someone to devour.

"Hahaha..." At this moment, Wu Yuan's loud laughter resounded around the entire Qinglei Battle Stage, "Interesting! Interesting!—Yu Shi, a genius like you from a noble background, at a critical time, it's better to step by step than us. A genius who climbed up from the bottom!"

Wu Yuan and Tianming Swordsman obviously all rose slowly from the weak.

As for Yu Shi and Yu Shentian, they were from noble backgrounds, and they were cultivated with various resources from the moment they were born.

It can be said that Wu Yuan and Yu Shentian represent their respective forces! -Wu Yuan represents the geniuses who have risen from the weak, while Yu Shentian represents the geniuses of noble birth.

Now, Wu Yuan was very proud of seeing the Heavenly Underworld Swordsman of his own power, overpowering Yu Shi, and winning the place to go to Jiuzhongtian. And his laughter, falling in Yushentian's is naturally extremely harsh.

"Shut up!" Yu Shentian shouted coldly.

You know, Yu Shi is Yu Shentian's younger brother. Seeing that his younger brother has no chance to go to Jiuzhongtian, it is no wonder that Yu Shentian is in a good mood!

"Hahaha..." Wu Yuan was not frightened by the other party's cold shout, and laughed even more proudly.

"Wu Yuan! You really have the ability, you and me go up and fight!" Yu Shentian shouted.

"I don't have the ability for the time being!" Wu Yuan laughed and said, "You can only overwhelm me by relying on a higher realm than me! When I reach the 'real me' third tier', do you dare to challenge me? "

"Humph! If you don't dare to fight, you won't dare to fight! Talking so much nonsense!" Yu Shentian snorted coldly.

Immediately, Yu Shentian's eyes fell on Xu Ming - if it weren't for Xu Ming, his younger brother Yu Shi would not be able to go to Jiuzhongtian?

Seeing Xu Ming now, Yu Shentian's anger suddenly rose up: "Xu Ming! You are not from my Qinglei world, why are you standing here?"

Why are you standing here?

Xu Ming said lightly: "By strength!"

Yes, by strength!

Xu Ming also wanted to use this answer to tell Yu Shentian - the reason why Yu Shi couldn't go to Jiuzhongtian, although it had something to do with him, was more because of Yu Shi's own strength!

After all, if Yu Shi was strong enough, why would he be robbed by Tianming Swordsman?

"Strength!?" Yushentian laughed, "In front of me, are you also worthy of talking about strength? - Xu Ming! You and I are both in the realm of the 'third-order real self', how dare you set foot on the battlefield and show off male and female!? "

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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