Break Into Another World

Chapter 1718: The disciple can't do it!

Smell the Taoist House.

The most lively scene in this era appeared.

Almost all the teachers and disciples of Wendao Mansion appeared in Wendao Mansion.

Teachers and disciples who were in retreat in the past have all left the retreat at this time; those who practiced outside have also returned. In order to do so, is the upcoming "Wen Dao House Competition".

"In this Wendao Mansion Grand Competition, I swear to win the first place at the same level!" A second-rank powerhouse of the Xuanhuang Realm with a plain face in azure clothes appeared at the gate of Wendao Mansion, with a bristling fighting intent in his eyes.

"Wen Dao Mansion Grand Competition, here I come! It's time to show my talent to the entire endless chaos!"

"It is said that every time I hear about the Dao Palace Grand Competition, there will be a world master realm master... I really look forward to it!"

Many disciples who have just left the customs or have just returned have naturally heard about Xu Ming's "outrageous remarks" in the Wendao Mansion's freshman assessment. In the face of the teacher, put down the words: He has contracted all the twenty-seven "first" places in the Wendao House Grand Competition!

Those disciples who had just left the customs or had just returned were all stunned.

"He has contracted all the twenty-seven 'first' places?"

"This is too arrogant, right? - Who does this teacher Xu Ming think he is? The realm master? Or the realm master? How dare you say such a thing?"

"Mr. Xu Ming? It's just the cultivation of the realm of all things!"

"The realm of all things? In the entire Wendao Mansion, there is no teacher as low as him, right? - Sitting in the well and watching the sky, no wonder he would say such ignorant words!"

Even those who were not teachers from Wendao Mansion, but who came to Wendao Mansion to observe, could not help but sneer.

"Xu Ming? That Xu Ming from the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm?—Still as arrogant as ever!"

"Haha! However, his arrogance this time is probably going to turn into a joke! In the history of Wendao House, the teacher with the best grades was only in the 'Wendao House Competition'. Eleven 'firsts' only; Xu Ming wants to contract twenty-seven 'firsts'? How can you be confident?"

Before Xu Ming came back, the entire Wendao Mansion was already full of ridicule towards him.

Even some of Xu Ming's disciples were provoked in Wen Dao Mansion.

You must know that Xu Ming's disciples, when they first worshiped Xu Ming as their teachers, although their talents were mediocre, but under the guidance of Xu Ming's "Guide to the Way", they were already invincible at the same level!

These disciples with strong blood and energy have strength, how can they stand up to provocation? As a result, he fell into the trap of other disciples; as soon as he made his move, he was besieged by many other disciples. Most of the disciples were seriously injured under the siege.

In this way, the provocation of Xu Ming's family in Wendao Mansion became even more arrogant!

"So many things happened after I left Wendao Mansion?" Xu Ming's face was ugly.

Xu Ming is the teacher of Wendao Mansion; if his disciple is bullied, isn't it the same as being slapped in the face? - Xu Ming's complexion, it's strange if it looks good!

Take Lin Lan and go back to the residence. The other twenty-six disciples came over with dejected faces to apologize: "Teacher, we are useless, we..."

"You are really useless!" Xu Ming said coldly.

The twenty-six disciples were all stunned by the scolding—they thought they would be comforted by the teacher, but they were scolded directly by the teacher.

Xu Ming glanced at the disciples and asked in a deep voice, "Do you want revenge?"

The disciples looked at each other and said in unison, "Teacher, don't worry! In the Wendao Palace Grand Competition, we vow to win all the 'firsts'!"

These disciples are naturally very clear and confident about their own strength! If they were not besieged by other disciples, they would not have been seriously injured; at the same level, one-on-one, each of them has the belief that they will win.

"Humph!" Xu Ming heard it, but snorted coldly, "That's it?"

"What does the teacher mean...?" The disciples couldn't help but wonder - is this not enough? What else?

"I want you..." Xu Ming paused for a moment, then said, "I want you, not only to win all the 'firsts'! And... to challenge all other opponents of the same level with one enemy and one person!"

With one enemy?

One person to challenge all other opponents of the same level?

The twenty-seven disciples, including Lin Lan, were all silent—the outside world thought that their teacher Xu Ming was already arrogant, but they didn't know that Xu Ming was even more arrogant than they thought!

Even Lin Lan couldn't help but say, "Teacher, disciple...I can't do it!"

Really can't do it!

If it was one-on-one, Lin Lan would definitely win! After the cultivation of the "Supreme Dao Guidance System", the strength of Lin Lan and other disciples is by no means comparable to other geniuses in Wen Dao Mansion!

Even if it is one against two, one against three, Lin Lan thinks it can be tried!

However, with one enemy... you must know that the disciples in Wendao Mansion, Chaos Realm, Xuanhuang Realm, and Great Desolate Realm, have three major levels and twenty-seven minor levels, each of which has thousands of disciples. !

One against the many means "one against all"...

Lin Lan and the other disciples just wanted to say - we haven't been beaten to death yet?

"Can't do it?" Xu Ming glanced at Lin Lan, then sneered, and said, "If the teacher said that you can do it, you can do it!"

Lin Lan and the other disciples looked at each other in and still couldn't believe it - the same level is one enemy, how can they dare to believe it?

Xu Ming said lightly: "As a teacher, I will teach you a secret technique against the sky!"

Heaven-defying secret skill?

The twenty-seven disciples are all looking forward to it, but also doubting—could it be that there is really some secret technique that can make them fight against ten thousand?

Of course, Xu Ming didn't really want to teach them any secret skills against the sky, but planned to open a "wholesale and retail gold finger" and install a "gold finger" on each disciple!

Of course, Xu Ming can't directly say "gold finger" or "plug-in", but a secret skill. Anyway, they urge the golden finger, just like urging the secret skill, it will not cause too much doubt.

"Okay, come here one by one! Old rules!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Immediately, one after another, all the disciples were lining up, and honestly put their heads towards Xu Ming - the old rule is to "touch the head".

Standing in the first place was naturally Lin Lan.

Xu Ming's big hand kindly stroked Lin Lan's head, and at the same time opened the "wholesale and retail gold finger" hanging.

The wholesale and retail gold finger has only three functions: attack surge, defense surge, and speed surge!

Although the functions are few, for the disciples, it is already considered heaven-defying.

"My disciples, can't be looked down upon! These three functions should be enabled for each of them!" Xu Ming seemed to have seen that his own disciples were using plug-ins... oh, no, they were using secret skills , swept the invincible scene in the Wendao House Grand Competition.

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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