Break Into Another World

Chapter 1703: giant tree is dead

"Xu Ming!"

Xu Ming's announcement of the name, apparently agreed with the other party's alliance.

After all, Xu Ming was the first to enter the realm of disorder, and he was not familiar with the various situations here. Moreover, although Xu Ming has returned to the shattered era of chaos, he has never entered this shattered virtual universe; Xu Ming has no idea what dangers there will be inside.

In this case, it is not bad that someone takes the initiative to form an alliance.

"How are the treasures distributed?" Xu Ming asked.

Yunlin said through a voice transmission: "Everyone depends on their ability! Whoever gets it is whoever gets it!"

"it is good!"

After a few words of voice transmission, Xu Ming and Yunlin had completed their alliance; the two of them were obviously getting closer, but they still kept some distance. After all, it's just a temporary alliance between two strangers, and of course they will be on guard against each other.

"Brother Xu Ming, what experience do you have in exploring the shattered virtual universe?" Yunlin said, "We can communicate with each other!"

"No!" Xu Ming said directly, "This is the first time I have encountered such a virtual universe!"

"This is the first time..." Yun Lin looked at Xu Ming and didn't say much; but in the depths of his eyes, a meaningful smile passed over imperceptibly.

However, on the surface, Yun Lin did not show any strangeness, but said: "It's okay! I have explored two shattered virtual universes, and I have some experience; after entering, you and me can go together!"

"Thanks a lot then!" Xu Ming said with a smile without doubting him.

Of course, with Xu Ming's strength, he doesn't need to be on guard too much! Looking at the Nirvana Realm, it is really difficult to have an opponent, which can make Xu Ming feel jealous.

months later


The chaotic space-time membrane wall of the virtual universe finally mutated.

I saw the endless chaotic energy gradually converging into a vortex of "elephant invisible" on the huge space-time membrane wall.

The center of the vortex is afraid that there are billions of miles; but on the entire space-time membrane wall, it seems to be smaller than the tip of a needle!

"Finally, a peaceful area appears!" Yunlin's eyes lit up, and he continued, "Brother Xu Ming, hurry up and enter the virtual universe!"

As Yun Lin spoke, the tens of thousands of powerhouses around the virtual universe had already started rushing towards the center of the vortex.

The one who takes the lead is naturally the domain master Yi Tao! His speed is obviously much faster than the other domain masters and Nirvana realms; the first one, he got into the center of the time-space vortex and entered the virtual universe.

Xu Ming was not in a hurry, and flew to the center of the whirlpool slowly and leisurely.

While flying, Xu Ming carefully observed the space-time membrane wall of the entire virtual universe; he quickly determined that, according to the energy flow on the space-time membrane wall, this vortex center was probably the only entrance and exit of the entire virtual universe.

Soon, Xu Ming and Yun Lin also entered the center of the whirlpool.

When traveling through the space-time membrane wall, Yunlin observed it and said secretly: "Fortunately, the center of this vortex is fairly stable! As long as the flow of time in the virtual universe is not too fast, there should be enough time for us to explore the virtual universe. !"

In the shattered virtual universe, the flow of time will also become extremely chaotic.

After some virtual universes are destroyed, the internal time flow rate will accelerate hundreds of times, thousands of times, while in some virtual universes, time will slow down!

If it is the kind of virtual universe with a fast flow of time, the great powers who enter, dare not explore for too long, and must leave. After all, no one knows when the stable area on the space-time membrane wall will disappear! Moreover, once the stable area disappears, it is impossible to know when it will reappear; it is even possible that it will never reappear!

If it never reappears, then the powerhouses who enter will fall along with the virtual universe in the final great destruction of the virtual universe.

The first time they passed through the space-time membrane wall, Xu Ming and Yun Lin's first reaction was to feel the flow of time.

"That's great!" Yunlin said in surprise, "The flow of time in this virtual universe is very slow! Ten thousand years have passed here, and only one year has passed outside, so you should be able to find a lot of treasures!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

The slow flow of time means that more treasures can be found in this virtual universe.

Immediately, Xu Ming felt that the time and space in the entire virtual universe were constantly being torn apart. Terrifying space cracks are almost everywhere in the virtual universe.

As far as Xu Ming could see, the width of some spatial cracks was even larger than that of a top-grade chaotic world! The length is even more across the world, and it is extremely ferocious and terrifying!

And what Xu Ming can see is only a very small part of the entire virtual universe! In the center of the virtual universe, the destruction of time and space must be even more terrifying!

Xu Ming saw that many of the great powers who came in before him had already drilled directly into the space crack. Obviously, the space crack formed by the natural tearing of space does not pose much threat to the Nirvana realm powerhouse. It can be used as a transmission channel completely.

Hurrying through the cracks in space is definitely much faster than flying slowly or looking for the chaos teleportation formation!

"Let's find a space crack to go in too!" Yun Lin said.

It was the first time that Xu Ming came to this shattered virtual universe. Naturally, he would not have any comments, and followed Yunlin directly.

The two found a space crack that is not very large. Usually, the smaller the natural space crack, the shorter the internal transmission channel.

When the figures of the two crossed time and space, and passed through a chaotic world; Xu Ming found that in this chaotic world, there was no life left, whether it was star masters, gods, or mortals, all turned into corpses. Even the flowers and don't look any different on the surface, but they have completely lost their vitality.

In the entire chaotic world, there is not a single living being.

Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder: "This chaotic world has not been affected by the cracks in space, why are all the creatures above dead?"

"You don't even know this?" Yunlin glanced at Xu Ming unexpectedly, and said, "Don't you know that the virtual universe is destroyed, and almost all of the creatures inside will die?"

Xu Ming shook his head lightly, he really didn't know.

Yunlin explained: "The virtual universe is like a giant tree! And the creatures inside are like the leaves on the giant tree! The giant tree is dead, how can the leaves live?"

Xu Ming understood: "Then... in the entire virtual universe, no one strong can survive?"

"That won't happen!" Yun Lin said, "If you have comprehended the 'real self', or if you have any special means; if you can rush to the 'heavenly land' as soon as possible when the virtual universe is destroyed, there is hope to survive. !"

Xu Ming understands that a strong person who understands the "real self" is like the vigorous leaves on a giant tree; even if the giant tree dies, these leaves may take root and sprout elsewhere.

However, Xu Ming still felt a deep sense of sadness!

A whole virtual universe!

Countless billions of chaotic worlds!

Countless billions of creatures in every chaotic world!

Almost all of them died with the virtual universe at the moment when the virtual universe was destroyed.

"I don't know... How did the master of this virtual universe fall? How did the virtual universe collapse?" Xu Ming thought to himself.

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