Break Into Another World

Chapter 1696: 1 move to kill billions

Temple of Doom.

Although it is a newly emerging force, because of the shadow of a super existence behind it, it is rising rapidly, and the masters in the hall are like clouds.

The guards at the gate of the hall are two great masters of the realm of all things; they are naturally incomparable in the face of the chaotic flying boats from all sides of the Starfall Domain.

At this time, the two masters of the realm of all things were chatting at the entrance of the hall.

"Our hall master, it is said that he single-handedly killed Huahongmen. I don't know if he destroyed Huahongmen!"

"Destroyed... Shouldn't it be enough? No matter what, Huahongmen is also an old sixth-rank force, and there is still some background!"

"Inheritance? In the face of absolute strength, what is the use of foundation? - I bet that even if Honghuamen is not destroyed, it will definitely be severely damaged..."

at this time…


Suddenly, a figure crossed the endless chaos and flew upside down directly towards the gate of the Temple of Despair. In the end, it slammed into the wall beside the gate of the temple heavily and fell to the ground.


"Who dares to run wild in my Temple of Death!"

The two masters of the Myriad Realm guarding the gate of the temple were almost startled and shouted.

But... when they saw the face of the master who fell to the ground, they were completely stunned - this fell like a dog on the ground, isn't it Chu Xie, the master of the Temple of Death?

"This..." The two masters of the realm of all things were stunned, "Who is..."

In their terrified eyes, Xu Ming's figure floated down: "Get up, lead the way in!"

"Yes..." Chu Xie stood up with a promise, and there was no way to look like the hall master, completely like Xu Ming's lackey.

After the two entered the Temple of Despair, and the two guarded the realm of all things at the gate of the temple, they dared to speak.

"Palace... The master of the palace was given to..."

"Am I wrong?"

In the Temple of Death, there is an endless stream of people.

Xu Ming found that those who were in the same direction as him had normal auras on their bodies, while those who were walking in the opposite direction of him had abnormal minions on their bodies.

"It seems... the problem lies ahead!"

Xu Ming's spiritual thoughts shrouded the past, and he had already seen that, hundreds of realms ahead, there was an inheritance pool burning with flames and exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

The inheritance pool is octagonal in shape, surrounded by numerous skeletons stacked together.

A master, after entering the inheritance pool, every particle in his body is infected with a small flame; at the same time, his strength has skyrocketed by several orders, or even a big one!

With the strength of Chu Xie and Xu Ming, they naturally quickly passed through hundreds of realms and came to the inheritance pool.

"Brother Xu, this is where I got my chance!" Although Chu Xie was abused by Xu Ming, he still had to call out "Brother Xu" honestly.

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced suspiciously and asked, "This is it?"

"Yes!" Chu Xie continued, "Brother Xu, as long as you enter this inheritance pool and accept the inheritance, your strength will skyrocket like me! - My strength is so weak, it can skyrocket to the peak of Nirvana; After accepting the inheritance, the strength may be able to step into the domain master level!"

When Chu Xie spoke, a haze flashed in his eyes, and he thought coldly in his heart - when you accept the inheritance, you can't help being dishonest!

"Really?" Xu Ming looked very interested, "In the endless chaos, is there such a magical thing?"

Chu Xie said: "Endless chaos, no wonder!"

"That's true!" Xu Ming nodded and smiled, "But... I don't like it, sharing the inheritance pool with others!"

Hearing the words, Chu Xie hurriedly expelled the masters in the inheritance pool; at the same time, he also threw back the masters who were lining up to accept the inheritance.

"Brother Xu, now, the inheritance pool is yours alone!" Chu Xie squeezed out a hint of flattery.

"No, no, no!" Xu Ming shook his head, "I said it can't be shared, it's not that it can't be shared now, but... the people who have used this inheritance pool before, also can't do it!"

"Huh?" Chu Xie hadn't reacted much, but his expression changed slightly—he could hear something bad from Xu Ming's words.

"How many people have used this inheritance pool without my permission?" Xu Ming seemed extremely domineering. As soon as he waved his hand, immediately, in the space around the inheritance pool, dense golden threads appeared; it is hard to count, there are probably hundreds of millions.

These hundreds of millions of golden threads are literally hundreds of millions of "causal threads"! All the masters who have received inheritance in the inheritance pool, the cause and effect lines are all here.

Every line of cause and effect is extremely slender, connecting to all directions of endless chaos.

The closest and thickest line of cause and effect is naturally Chu Xie's one.

"Brother Xu, are you...?" The unpleasant feeling in Chu Xie's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Using the inheritance pool without my permission? Of course there is a price to pay!" Xu Ming sneered, then waved his hand.


Immediately, Xu Ming's attacks scattered into hundreds of millions of paths, falling on these billions of cause and effect lines; at the same time, they quickly disappeared along the lines of cause and effect.

"You are..." Chu Xie's face suddenly paled. He could see that Xu Ming wanted to use the causal line to kill hundreds of millions of masters who had received inheritance!

You must know that the causal line is relatively "tough" in the same chaotic world; but in the endless chaos, the causal line is extremely slender! It is extremely difficult to kill others through the causal line; after all, the causal line is too thin to transmit many attacks-unless the strength is very different, it can be killed by this method!

And now...

Xu Ming has a strength comparable to the domain master realm, and most of the other ends of the hundreds of millions of causal lines do not even have the cultivation base of the chaos realm; the gap in strength is naturally very, very disparate!

Even if there are a few Chaos Realm and Xuanhuang Realm occasionally, I am afraid that Xu Ming will not escape the slaughter! It is also above the prehistoric realm, it is not so easy to die!

However, there are not many who have entered the Temple of Despair and whose cultivation base has reached the prehistoric realm or above!

In other words... Xu Ming's move will almost kill all the masters who have entered the inheritance pool!

Kill billions in one move!

Chu Xie is really angry and anxious - this is his minion in the entire Starfall Domain! The purpose is to complete the task of the master in the "Border of Chaos"; and now, everything he has done has been erased by Xu Ming with a wave of his hand! The minions of the entire Starfall Domain were almost completely pulled out by Xu Ming.

However, in the face of the absolute strength gap, anger is useless; anxiety is useless!

"Calm down! Calm down!" Chu Xie kept admonishing himself in his heart, "It's not a pity to kill those wastes! As long as Xu Ming can accept the inheritance, then my credit will be greater than anything else!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xie showed a hypocritical smile again: "Brother Xu, now, can you accept the inheritance comfortably? After accepting the inheritance, your strength will definitely skyrocket!"

Chu Xie looked at Xu Ming expectantly - he knew that in the endless chaos, few people could withstand the temptation of "strengthening power"! After all, it is too difficult to improve your strength; many great powers who are stuck in the bottleneck cannot be upgraded to the first rank for hundreds of millions of years!

"Really?" Xu Ming looked at the inheritance pool, "I also want to know, if I accept the inheritance, to what extent my strength will skyrocket!"

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