Break Into Another World

Chapter 1692: Huahongmen

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The moment Xu Ming disappeared from Wuyunzong, he has entered endless chaos.

He glanced back at this chaotic world, and there was a bit of sentimentality in his eyes. This chaotic world was undoubtedly a sad place for him; even if Xu Ming continued to stay here, he could no longer maintain a plain state of mind. Walking in the mundane world is unlikely to be helpful to cultivation.

Fortunately, Xu Ming has stepped into the "imaginary realm"; the journey of ordinary life can also come to an end for the time being.

"The Lin family where Lin Lan belongs is a big family within the sixth-rank power 'Huahong Sect'! Lin Lan returned to Huahong Sect because of an accident at home! Although Lin Lan hasn't asked me for help yet, I will come to the door. Sitting down, it's not a problem!" Xu Ming thought about it, identified the direction of Hong Huamen in the endless chaos, and directly broke through the chaos and left.

Xu Ming galloped all the way in the endless chaos. The speed is so fast, it is definitely the pinnacle level of Nirvana Realm!

You must know that there are not many strong people at the peak of Nirvana Realm in one domain! That is to say, even if Xu Ming doesn't open a lot of plug-ins, if he looks at the Starfall Domain, he is a top-ranking powerhouse; if he uses the plug-ins wildly, it is hard to say whether there are any rivals in the Starfall Domain!

Before you know it, Xu Ming has become the top existence in the endless chaos!

Of course, Xu Ming did not dare to have the slightest pride! After seeing Gu Hanmo again, Xu Ming knew how insignificant the endless chaos, the "Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm", was in the entire universe!

The Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is just one of the countless billions of realms in the "virtual universe".

In Gu Hanmo's words, a small pebble in the "real universe" projected onto the "virtual universe" may be an endless chaos.

Xu Ming is still too small now!

Even the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, in the entire universe, would be extremely insignificant; even, he did not even have the qualifications to enter the real universe! I'm afraid... and only the Supreme Proving Dao is qualified to become a member of the true universe!

"When I become Supreme and enter the real universe, I should be able to help Gu Hanmo!" Xu Ming secretly said.


In fact, for Xu Ming, it may not be too far away!

You must know that Xu Ming has now comprehended the "imaginary realm"; it should not be very far from truly comprehending the "real self realm"! As long as you truly comprehend the realm of your true self, you can break through to become a domain master!

Above the domain master is the world master!

Above the world master is the supreme!

"The road, we have to walk step by step! First try to understand the 'real self'!"

Xu Ming was flying when he suddenly discovered that there was a great chaos teleportation formation not far ahead. Xu Ming couldn't help slowing down, and flew to this Chaos Teleportation Formation to see if this Chaos Teleportation Formation could teleport far; then, Xu Ming could save some time on his way.

However, when Xu Ming flew close, he found that there were many great powers lining up; obviously, this Chaos Teleportation Formation was quite popular. Xu Ming took another look and found that this grand formation didn't seem to be able to teleport very far; the time he waited in line, he could reach the position of the next Chaos Teleportation Formation!

So, Xu Ming turned around and flew away without hesitation.

Chaos teleportation array.

A powerhouse in the realm of all things is boasting with the two masters of the prehistoric realm beside him: "This chaotic teleportation formation is the core teleportation formation of this fifth-grade force! It can be teleported to all fifth-grade and sixth-grade forces. It can even be directly teleported to the initial place of our Starfall Domain! Here, you must be a super strong in the realm of all things to be eligible to queue up to use this Chaos Teleportation Formation!"

The two masters of the prehistoric realm all looked at the master of the realm of all things with admiration.

At this time, Xu Ming swept across the sky outside the Chaos Teleportation Array.

The expert in the realm of all things pointed at Xu Ming who flew away, and said lightly: "Look, that person should be the poorest person in the realm of all things, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to line up! This Chaos Teleportation Formation!"

The two masters of the prehistoric realm couldn't help but admire them even more.

Soon, it was the three of them's turn to use the Chaos Teleportation Formation.

After paying the Chaos Source Crystal, they stepped into the Chaos Teleportation Formation; the surrounding scene shifted, and soon, they were teleported to the next Chaos Teleportation Formation.

"It cost two low-grade Chaos Origin Crystals to get on the road!" The master of the realm of all things said with some distress, but in the words, he was a little proud. Obviously, the main purpose of his words was to talk to two people in the prehistoric realm. Show off your wealth!

At this moment, a figure crossed the sky, as fast as the Chaos God Thunder! This figure is Xu Ming.

The powerhouse of the realm of all things and the two masters of the prehistoric realm who were just sent over subconsciously looked at the figure: "So fast!"

"Which one will it be?" The master of the realm of all things, and the two masters of the prehistoric realm, all looked at Xu Ming subconsciously.

Seeing this all three of them were struck by lightning!

"this is not…"

Isn't this the master they saw in the last Chaos Teleportation Formation?

"How is that possible!?" The three of them were all stunned to know that they had just been teleported here! Doesn't it mean that this great power flying in the sky flies as fast as they teleport?

"Super power! Definitely the top super power in the entire Starfall Domain!" The powerhouse of the realm of all things couldn't help muttering. At the same time, he was secretly afraid to know that just now, he was behind his back and said bad things about this superpower!

Of course Xu Ming didn't care, how much impact his speed had inadvertently brought the three of them.

He was rampaging all the way in the endless chaos, and even if he encountered any dangerous secret realm, he would just hit it directly! With Xu Ming's current strength, there is almost no need to deliberately avoid any danger in the endless chaos.

Finally, after a frantic trek all the way, Xu Ming finally arrived at Huahong Gate.

He restrained his momentum, slowed down, and flew towards Hong Huamen in a low-key manner.

"Stop!" Outside Huahong Gate, the two powerhouses in the realm of all things are extraordinary; after all, they are sixth-rank forces, and even those who watch the gate are at the level of the realm of all things. No!"

These two powerhouses in the realm of all things who watch the gate are also talking about people and talking about ghosts. Seeing that Xu Ming's cultivation was mediocre, they naturally wouldn't have any good feelings towards Xu Ming.

Xu Ming was too lazy to care about the two gatekeepers.

"Wen Daofu, Xu Ming!" Xu Ming reported his name directly. He came to Honghuamen as "Teacher Lin Lan", and he naturally reported to Wendao House, not the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm, "Come to Honghuamen to find Lin Lan of the Lin family!"

"Lin Lan?" The expressions of the two who were looking at the door suddenly became a little weird.

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