Break Into Another World

Chapter 1679: virtual

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "The first and second floors, Wei Hai should be able to pass easily! Even the third floor, I am afraid there is hope!" Hosted the assessment The elder Li said lightly.

Even when Elder Li was talking, he couldn't help but feel his love for talent.

"I've been working on the trivial matters of the sect for decades, and it's time to accept a disciple and pass on my mantle!" Elder Li pondered in his heart, if Wei Hai's talent is extraordinary, should he accept him as a direct disciple and pass on his own mantle and mantle? .

The other disciples who participated in the assessment were somewhat envious when they heard Elder Li's evaluation of Wei Hai. However, they were convinced of Wei Hai's strength - after all, Wei Hai was one of the few innate middle-terms in this assessment; only, Wei Hai was still very young, only seventeen years old.

Sure enough, on the first floor of the Five Aggregates Pagoda, Wei Hai just said lightly, "Break it for me!"

He made a sword with his two fingers, and the sword light swept across. Suddenly, he easily defeated the opponent who was at the peak of the inner training, and went directly to the second floor.

"too strong!"

Because Wei Hai made public his battle scene, the scene where he beat his opponent with his gestures and understatement naturally fell into the eyes of other geniuses.

"It's just a two-fingered sword! Just relying on the extroverted innate energy to defeat the peak of internal training - worthy of being a master in the middle of the innate!"

"It's really powerful, I can't match it! Wei Hai's random blow is probably comparable to my full-strength blow!" said a genius in the early days of innate, with emotion.

"This year's first disciple of Naxin should be Wei Hai!"

"With Wei Hai's talent, after entering the sect, he will definitely shine soon! In the future, maybe he will become a senior sect; I must have a good relationship with him first!"

Seeing that Wei Hai easily passed the first floor, many geniuses were shocked, and they were thinking about how to have a good relationship with Wei Hai.

After all, it is very important for a disciple of average strength to have a strong backer in the sect.

After the shock, the eyes of the audience focused on Wei Hai again.

At this time, Wei Hai had already climbed to the second floor of the Wuyun Pagoda. There was a faint smirk on the corner of his mouth; obviously, the battle against the second floor was in his hands.

However, what Wei Hai didn't know was that outside the Wuyun Tower, Xu Ming also had a faint smirk on the corner of his mouth.


As soon as he stepped on the second floor, Wei Hai showed a bronze-colored sword in his hand. After all, the opponent on the second floor is also in the innate realm; although Wei Hai is confident, he doesn't dare to be too big - he still wants to save some physical strength and go to the third floor!

"How many tricks does Wei Hai need to defeat this second floor?"

"It's just an opponent in the early days of the innate, it shouldn't be difficult!"

"I guess, it should be more than 30 strokes - Wei Hai will definitely not burst out with all his strength, but must save his physical strength and go to the third floor!"

Just as the geniuses watching the battle were discussing, Wei Hai came out with a sword.

Above the sword peak, a powerful innate energy erupted, and the momentum was very turbulent.

I don't know why...

The geniuses and masters who fought outside the Wuyun Tower always felt that something was wrong with Wei Hai's sword. It seems... a bit false!

That's right, it's the feeling of "empty".

Elder Li also frowned slightly: "Why is Wei Hai's sword so imposing?"

Elder Li does not understand!

In his opinion, Wei Hai should be more than that strong!

Only Wei Hai himself did not have this "empty" feeling; he thought that his sword must be extremely powerful and domineering.


The sword qi was reckless, and it came to the opponent in the early days of the innate.

The opponent who was transformed by the Five Aggregates Pagoda also used a sword. When Wei Hai's sword qi slashed, he also slashed out with one sword.


The two swords collided, and both sides retreated in unison.

But what made people startled was that Wei Hai took seven steps back, while his opponent only took three steps back!

This shows what?

It shows that Wei Hai's strength is not as good as that of his opponent in the early innate stage!

"how is this possible!?"

Outside the Five Aggregates Pagoda, everyone raised their seats in shock.

The mid-congenital and early-congenital collisions, not only did they not gain an advantage, but were they still at a disadvantage?

"Wei Hai must have been careless!"

"Yes! It must be too underestimated!"

The geniuses and masters outside the Five Aggregates Pagoda all thought about it.

"How could it be possible..." The one who was most shocked was undoubtedly Wei Hai himself—he knew how much strength he used for this sword! Although it hasn't reached the level of "doing my best", it has also used seven points of strength; logically speaking, it should be able to easily push back the opponent! How did you get pushed back by your opponent?

"Hehe!" Xu Ming secretly laughed twice in his heart - when Wei Hai used the sword, the power of the sword was weakened by him! Moreover, Xu Ming also deliberately let outsiders see that Wei Hai was fake; only Wei Hai himself didn't know what was going on.

"Come again!" Of course Wei Hai didn't think that he would be inferior to a Congenital Early Stage; he suppressed his shocked and attacked his opponent again.


With this sword, Wei Hai has already used 90% of his strength!

However... in the eyes of Elder Li, Hong Lingge, Jiang Bi and others, Wei Hai's sword is still very false.


Sure enough, in this collision, Wei Hai directly took a dozen steps back before he could stabilize his body; while his opponent only retreated three steps.

"Sure enough!" There was a hint of doubt in Elder Li's voice, "Could it be that... Wei Hai was eager for quick success, eager for success, and he forcibly broke through to the middle stage of the innate, so that the foundation was unstable?"

From Elder Li's point of view, only this explanation can explain why Wei Hai is clearly a mid-Xiantian cultivation base, but he can't even defeat ordinary opponents in the early-Xiantian stage.

"Alas... it's a pity that it's a piece of rough jade!" Elder Li shook his head and sighed.

You must know that on the road of cultivation, an unstable foundation is a taboo! If you want to re-polish the foundation, it takes ten times or twenty times the time, and you may not be able to do it well!

An unstable foundation ruins a life!

At this time, Elder Li had already given up the idea of ​​taking Wei Hai as a direct disciple! After all, with the strength Wei Hai has shown now, he is not qualified to be his direct disciple at all.

Wei Hai certainly doesn't feel that he has an unstable foundation; after all, he definitely cultivated steadily to the middle stage of the innate!

In Wei Hai's view, since it's not his own problem, it must be the opponent's problem!

"The opponent on the second floor is too strong!" Wei Hai couldn't help sighing.

too strong?

Wei Hai's sigh naturally aroused Elder Li's sneer - obviously he is just a very ordinary opponent of the early stage of the innate, how could he be too strong?

"It's not that the opponent is too strong, it's that you are too weak!" Elder Li's voice sounded faintly.

Of course, Wei Hai was in the assessment process and couldn't hear Elder Li's words.

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