Break Into Another World

Chapter 1670: Freshman Assessment

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Xu Ming!"

Yuelu directly called Xu Ming by name, without calling him "Teacher" or showing any respect.

"Are you...?" Xu Ming really didn't recognize Yuelu.

"My teacher, Niu Wuya!" Yue Lu said arrogantly.

As soon as he said this, the expressions of several disciples in Xu Ming's attic changed. Especially Mu Chengyun, was even more panicked.

"Oh..." Xu Ming probably knew why Yuelu came here; however, Xu Ming didn't care.

"Xu Ming!" Yuelu said again, "You have saved my teacher's face, my teacher has a lot of people, so I don't care about you! However, please don't continue to challenge my teacher's majesty! - Got it? "

After Yuelu finished speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Xu Ming to answer. Obviously, in his opinion, only Xu Ming, who is in the realm of all things, would never dare to disobey his teacher's meaning of nothingness!

After all, Niu Wuya is a powerhouse in the Nirvana realm!

"Do you understand?" Xu Ming looked at the back of Yue Lu's departure, as if he was looking at a funny guy, "Understand what?"

"Teacher!" At this time, Mu Chengyun took the initiative to come forward, "I'm the one who caused you trouble! Thank you teacher for cultivating, I think, I should leave Wendao Mansion by myself!"

"Leaving Wendao Mansion? What are you leaving for?" Xu Ming's face sank slightly as he shouted.

"But, there is no cliff..." Mu Chengyun said again.

"Do you remember what I said when I saw you for the first time?" Xu Ming smiled indifferently, "It's nothing worth mentioning!—Hmph! It's dishonest, I don't mind letting him know why my nickname, Xu Ming, is called 'Palm God'!"

"Teacher..." Mu Chengyun was moved. He knew that when his teacher did this, he was going to hold on to the emptiness and protect himself!

"Don't think too much, just prepare for the freshman assessment!" Xu Ming said lightly.

"Yes!" Mu Chengyun's heart, of course, did not want to miss the opportunity to be Xu Ming's disciple! After all, during this period of time, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, which is obvious to all!

Freshman assessment, coming soon.

Those who can participate in the freshman assessment are those who have just joined the teacher or have changed teachers. For example, the five disciples under Xu Ming's sect met the conditions for participation.

Although there are no rewards for the freshman assessment, it is a great stage for the disciples to show their talents and the teachers to show their abilities; therefore, the Wendao House still attaches great importance to this assessment.

Some disciples, after taking the freshman assessment, will be expelled by their teachers because of their mediocre talent. There are also some teachers who are favored by other disciples because of their outstanding performance in the freshman assessment.

And Xu Ming wanted to take advantage of this opportunity for the freshman assessment to recruit twenty-seven disciples.

"If you want to get a place to go to the Nine Heavens, you need a lot of merits!" Xu Ming thought to himself, "But...if I can get all twenty-seven disciples, and all twenty-seven disciples will be in their respective small realms. 'First', then I should be able to have enough merits to go to Jiuzhongtian!"

From the first order of Chaos Realm to the ninth order of the Great Desolate Realm, there are a total of 27 small realms! And this is also the reason why Wendao House only allows each teacher to accept twenty-seven disciples.

In each Wendao House assessment, there are twenty-seven small realms ranging from some Chaos Realm to the ninth rank of the Great Desolate Realm, and each realm will decide a "first" disciple, thus rewarding the teacher with a lot of merit.

With Xu Ming's character, he naturally wanted to contract all the "firsts".

Of course now, Xu Ming still has to keep a low profile. After all, for him, being high-profile is only bad, not good.

"Xu Ming?" Niu Wuya and Yue Lu also came to the evaluation site to watch the battle. When their eyes fell on Xu Ming, their eyes were slightly cold.

"Xu Ming!" Yue Lu said directly through voice transmission, "I have already warned you, but I didn't expect that you still don't know what to do, and you still keep Mu Chengyun! Good! Very good!"

Xu Ming glanced at Yuelu indifferently and did not speak, but he was already a little unhappy in his heart.

To be honest, in the face of Yue Slaughter, Xu Ming has been patient enough! However, the other party kept jumping in front of him again and again.

Then, Xu Ming glanced at Niu Wuya again—Xu Ming thought about it with his toes, and he knew that the reason why Yuelu dared to provoke him again and again must be instigated by Niu Wuya.

After Xu Ming took his seat, many teachers came one after another.

Many teachers sneered with disdain at the corners of their mouths after seeing Xu Ming. Even some disciples were very disdainful of Xu Ming.

"Is he Xu Ming?"

"I just broke through the realm of all things, and I dare to come to Wendao Mansion to be a teacher? I really don't know where the confidence comes from!"

"He also looks down on himself too much! Or, he looks down on our Wendao Mansion too much!"

The five disciples of Xu Ming were filled with righteous indignation; after all, they all knew the strength of the teacher Xu Ming!

On the contrary, Xu Ming himself was very calm, not angry at all - what's there to be angry about? Next, Xu Ming will use practical actions to slap everyone in the face!

According to the practice of freshman assessment, the first to appear is the Chaos Realm disciple.

"Bai Qingqiu, come on!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Bai Qingqiu was naturally talented, and under Xu Ming's guidance, he was almost invincible at the Chaos Realm level of Wen Dao Mansion! Zhao Xu and Qin Jian, who also accepted Xu Ming's instructions, were in the same league as him!

Since it was the first battle of the freshman assessment, Xu Ming of course did his part; he sent Bai Qingqiu, hoping that he could represent himself and be a blockbuster.

"Yes!" Bai Qingqiu was already gearing up, he jumped onto the stage, looked around, arrogantly, "Who is there, would you like to come up and teach me?"

Bai Qingqiu's cultivation base is the ninth order of Chaos Realm; therefore, his opponent's cultivation base must be below the ninth order of Chaos Realm.

Gu Yanying was also present. He saw that Bai Qingqiu was actually the first to appear on stage, and his expression was naturally a little unsightly: "This traitor! — Who wants to fight and quell his arrogance?"

"I'm coming!" One of Gu Yanying's disciples stood out; it was the most satisfied one among Gu Yanying's new disciples - Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan's cultivation base is also the ninth order of Chaos Realm; however, when he first entered Wendao Mansion, his strength was far superior to Bai Qingqiu, so he could become Gu Yanying's most satisfied new disciple.

So now, Ye Xuan dared to step onto the stage with such confidence; because he felt that he would definitely win against Bai Qingqiu.

"Senior Brother Ye!" Bai Qingqiu took the initiative to clasp his fists and said, "Don't come here and be safe!"

"Don't talk nonsense, if you have any skills, just use it!" Ye Xuan said proudly, "Otherwise, you have no chance to make a move..."

boom! !

Before Ye Xuan finished speaking, Bai Qingqiu really punched!

This punch was powerful and heavy, and it didn't seem to contain any skills; but the strange thing was that Ye Xuan couldn't dodge it, so he was directly hit from the front, and punched out of the battle stage!

Just one punch, the outcome is already divided!

(End of this chapter)

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