Break Into Another World

Chapter 1658: return

Ancient Relics.

Ancient Temple.

The tower of immortality, blooming with eternal light.

Wu Jun sat cross-legged beside the Immortal Tower - he had already blocked this area! Anything that happened near the Tower of Immortality was not reported, and no one knew.

However, Wu Jun, and Yuan Zun behind him, did not find that the eternally shining Immortal Tower has undergone slight changes!

The Tower of Immortality is no longer in a state of uncontrolled control; when Xu Ming returns, the power of the Tower of Immortality can be mobilized!


With the help of Yuan Zun's power, Wu Jun is only the high-level combat power of the Destruction Realm; he is not qualified at all, let Xu Ming use the power of the Immortal Tower to deal with him!

"Xu Ming escaped into the long river of time, it has been almost a year..." Wu Jun secretly said.

The time flow of the ancient relics is consistent with that of the endless chaos. And the time flow of the last chaotic era that Xu Ming went to, compared to the ancient relics and the endless chaos, it was fast and slow!

In fast times, one year has passed in the ancient relics, and countless epochs have passed since the last chaotic era; in slow times, one year has passed in the ancient relics, and thousands of years have passed since the last chaotic era.

"I don't know... When will Xu Ming come back?" Wu Jun thought to himself.

In Wujun's opinion, Xu Ming is going to come back no matter what! After all, if you stay in the last chaotic era and don't come back through the long river of time, then you will go to annihilation together with the last chaotic era!

"After Xu Ming comes back, his strength will definitely increase a lot!" Wu Jun thought again, "However...he will never dare to break through to the realm of all things, and the highest will only be the peak of the prehistoric realm! Otherwise, he will not be able to enter the realm. Time is running out!"

The long river of time that is on the verge of complete annihilation can only carry the cultivation of the Great Desolate Realm at the highest level!

"Heh! Prehistoric realm? Unbearable!" In Wujun's view, even if Xu Ming returned from the peak of prehistoric realm, he would not be able to struggle in his own hands; Comparable to the high-level of Destruction Realm!

"It's better... Xu Ming's strength can be stronger! Otherwise, it would be too boring!" Wu Jun couldn't help thinking.

"Don't be so shy!" Yuan Zun, who was hidden in the depths of Wujun's heart, couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded loudly.

However, Yuan Zun also believed that even if Xu Ming returned, he would not be Wujun's opponent at all!

"Unless... he can step into the 'imaginary realm'!" Yuan Zun couldn't help thinking, and then shook his head, "Impossible! It is impossible for the cultivation of the prehistoric realm to embark on the path of the 'real self'. Even the most evil genius, at least the cultivation of the realm of all things, can begin to comprehend the 'imaginary realm'!"

It is impossible to comprehend the realm of "imaginary realm" in Chaos Realm, Xuanhuang Realm, and Prehistoric Realm! Impossible! - Countless chaotic realms, endless chaotic eras, there has never been any genius who can comprehend the "imaginary realm" in the prehistoric realm!

not a single one!

At the very least, it is necessary to cultivate the realm of all things before you can start to take the road of "real self" - this is the consensus of all supreme beings!

"As long as Xu Ming comes back, he will never be able to escape from my palm!" Yuan Zun sneered in his heart - in his opinion, Xu Ming is the future supreme powerhouse! Now there is a chance to enslave Xu Ming, of course Yuan Zun will not miss anything!

at this time…

"Huh?" Wu Jun suddenly found that there was movement in the time Changhe.

Someone is about to come out of the river of time!

The first reaction of Wu Jun and Yuan Zun was - is it Xu Ming?


Wu Jun even rushed in the direction of the long river of time, ready to do it the moment the opponent appeared!


An extremely subtle figure rushed out of the long river of time and quickly grew larger.

Wu Jun's eyes suddenly lit up: "It's Xu Ming!"

This time, no matter what you say, Xu Ming can no longer escape into the long river of time!


Wu Jun directly launched the enslavement secret technique and killed Xu Ming.

"Hahahaha...Xu Ming, let's capture it!" Wu Jun screamed in the sky, winning the ticket.



Wu Jun's attack fell on Xu Ming, as if hitting a stone with an egg, as if the stone was sinking into the ocean; Xu Ming didn't even frown - it turns out that Xu Ming started the "attribute modification" link when he rushed out of the river of time, temporarily modifying the combat power. Reached the "Peak of Nirvana Realm"!

If Xu Ming temporarily changed his "cultivation level" to the peak of Nirvana Realm, then his combat power would be comparable to that of the Domain Master Realm! However, in Xu Ming's view, it is enough to just modify the "combat power" without modifying the cultivation base.

Of course, Xu Ming was also trying to leave some trump cards - after all, if he appeared directly with the strength of the Domain Master Realm, it would be too terrifying!



"how is this possible!?"

Feeling that his own attack did not affect Xu Ming at all, Wu Jun couldn't help but change his face.

Even more shocked, it was undoubtedly Yuan Zun who was hiding on Wu Jun.

"Nirvana Realm... Peak!" With Yuan Zun's eyesight, he could see through Xu Ming's combat power at a glance; moreover, he also saw through that Xu Ming's cultivation was only in the Prehistoric Realm!

"How is that possible!" Even Yuan Zun was really shocked - this was the first time he saw that the cultivation of the prehistoric realm could have the combat power of the peak of Nirvana realm!

"The only explanation is...Xu Ming has realized the 'real self'!" Yuan Zun only felt dumbfounded, "I'm afraid...Xu Ming's future achievements are not as simple as ordinary Supreme!"

This made Yuan Zun's heart more and more hot: "If I can enslave Xu Ming..."

But immediately, Yuan Zun realized a problem - right now, it seems that it is not him who is on the stronger side, but Xu Ming!


Sure enough, Xu Ming's divine power condensed his palm, and instantly pinched Wu Jun in his hand - like pinching a chicken.

The high-level combat power of the Destruction In front of the battle power of the peak of Nirvana Realm, there is no strength to struggle!

In Xu Ming's eyes, there was a disdainful sneer: "Forcing me into the long river of time, it turns out that my strength is not enough!"

too weak!

Wu Jun was completely stunned: "What's the situation!?"

This is completely different from what he expected!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming's divine power was exhausted in Wujun's divine body, and he found the "supreme mighty power" of Yuan Zun! Then, Xu Ming directly photographed "Yuan Zun".

"Finally met!" Xu Ming looked at this supreme power - until now, Xu Ming still could not know the true identity of the other party.

But at this time, Yuan Zun actually took the initiative to speak: "Xu Ming? It's not easy! It's not easy! I still underestimate you! - Under the domain master realm, you are the first to be able to make me crumble!"

Continue coding.

(End of this chapter)

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