Break Into Another World

Chapter 1279: shameless

"There is only one treasure I want to deploy; this treasure has a huge impact on the situation of the battle, so I have to deploy it! That is—" The python commander narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xu Ming, "Zhuxin Arrow!"

what! ?

When the surrounding rulers and **** emperors heard the words, they were all secretly startled - although the commander of the python dragon was under the banner of "distribution", as long as he was not a fool, he could see what the commander of the python dragon was planning!

As soon as you come up, you will be greedy for Xu Ming's treasure, "Zhuxin Arrow"! The appetite of this python leader is really big enough!

Xu Ming was also slightly stunned - he had just come to the World of Myriad Tribulations, and he was being targeted!

It really fits the sentence: every man is innocent and guilty!

"Xu Ming!" The commander of the python dragon looked sane, "Please also obey the deployment and hand over the Heart Punishing Arrow!"

Next to the python dragon commander, there are also several masters who echoed:

"Xu Ming, please put the overall situation first and cooperate with the commander's arrangement!"

"Yes! Xu Ming, please hand over the Heart Punishing Arrow!"

Big picture?

Hand over the heart-throwing arrow?

Xu Ming couldn't help sneering: "What does the big picture have to do with my Heart Punishing Arrow?"

The python commander seemed to have long expected that Xu Ming would ask this question and said with a smile: "Xu Ming, I know, you must have also cultivated a mental power; that's why you can obtain the inheritance of the Sage of No Difficulty and get the Heart Punishing Arrow!"

Xu Ming smiled noncommittally.

"However..." The python commander said again, "As far as I know, your cultivation in the field of mental strength is still too weak after all! If the Heart Punishing Arrow is placed on you, it won't work at all! And I... "

When the commander of the python dragon said this, he paused for a moment and said: "And I... coincidentally, I am also a mind cultivator! Moreover, I have reached the sub-sage level in terms of mind power; Arrow, then, in the World of Myriad Tribulations, it will definitely play a greater role!—You think so?”

The Dragon Commander is majoring in the Heavenly Dao School, but at the same time he also trains in the Mind Power School, and has no weak attainments!

It is precisely because he has reached the level of "sub-sage" in terms of mental power, so the strength of the python dragon commander is able to overwhelm cloud masters, ghosts and quasi-sages and other great powers, known as "the first person under the saint"!

Even if Yun Zhuzhu and Gui Suo Quansheng join forces, they may not be the opponents of the python commander!

Seeing that Xu Ming didn't speak, the python commander said again: "Xu Ming, don't worry, I'm only temporarily deploying your Heart Punishing Arrow; when you leave the World of Myriad Tribulations, it will be returned immediately!"

After leaving the World of Myriad Tribulations, return it immediately?

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help but laugh.

This kind of mentally retarded lie, even if it deceives a three-year-old child, it may not be able to deceive!

Rather than saying "deployment", it is better to directly say "grabbing"!

"Huh?" The python commander's face suddenly sank, "Xu Ming, what do you mean by this attitude? Could it be that you are questioning my python dragon's character!?"

The character of the python, is this still questionable?


The python has no character at all!

"Xu Ming!" A man with a thick black mustache, with a fierce look, shouted, "Do you want to violate military discipline!?"

"The military discipline is like a mountain, those who defy the military discipline will be killed without mercy!"

boom! boom! boom! …

Immediately, there were more than ten tyrannical auras that locked Xu Ming; the meaning of threat was self-evident.

"Huh?" The smile on Xu Ming's face gradually subsided; the depths of his eyes were also cold.

In terms of strength, Xu Ming is naturally inferior to the commander of the python! After all, Xu Ming is only an ordinary sub-sage, while the python dragon commander is "the first person under the saint"; at the quasi-sage level, there is no existence stronger than the python dragon commander!

Not to mention, there are still a lot of great powers under the commander of the python!


Although he couldn't fight, but... escape, Xu Ming still had confidence!

It's just that he was forced to run away just after he came to the World of Myriad Tribulations? This seems too embarrassing, doesn't it?

At this moment, Gui Suo Quansheng took a step and stood in front of Xu Ming. He looked directly at the commander of the python dragon with his piercing eyes, and said coldly, "The python dragon, is it too much?"

"Excessive?" The python commander said disdainfully, "I'm just making a reasonable allocation of treasures, how can I say it too much?"

Gui Suo Zhunsheng sneered: "There are some things that everyone knows, so I don't need to expose them, right?"

"Gui Suo!" The python commander said coldly, "Did you know that there is a sin called 'blood spraying'? - If you dare to slander this commander, this commander will take you down with you!"

boom! boom! boom! …

The python dragon leads this side, and many tyrannical auras are oppressing Guisuo Quansheng. Among these imposing manners, there are quite a few semi-sages, sub-sages, and quasi-sages; Guisuo quasi-sages are alone, appearing to be very weak.

Press people with power!

It's totally overpowering people!

However, Xu Ming and Gui Suo Zhunsheng were not in a better situation than others.

"Xu Ming, do you still dare to resist?" The python commander said indifferently, as if he had completely controlled Xu Ming's fate, "Don't think that with Gui Suo to help you, you can become lawless!"

At this moment, Master Yun stepped forward without hesitation and blocked Xu Ming.

Yun Zhuge took this step and expressed his attitude very clearly; that is, to advance and retreat with Xu Ming.

Xu Ming was a little moved - adversity sees the truth!

Those who are willing to stand up at such a time can definitely be called "the friendship of life and death"!

"Huh!?" The complexion of the commander of the python became more and more ugly. "Master Yun, why, you have to intervene? - Or do you think that you can challenge military discipline by joining forces with Gui Suo?"

The commander of the python dragon is not only shameless, but also shameless and has a high level, which is directly related to "military discipline"!


Master Yun was about to say something, but was interrupted by Xu Ming's voice transmission.

"Master Yun, Guisuo Quansheng!" Xu Ming said, "There is no need to argue with him, I have my own way to escape!"

"Oh?" Master Yun and Gui Suo Quan Sacred Heart were slightly startled, but on the surface they didn't reveal any abnormality.

Xu Ming continued his voice transmission and said, "In this world of ten thousand calamities, I won't roam with you, I'll leave first!"

"How are you going?" Yun Zhuzhu and Gui Suo Zhunsheng couldn't help but ask Xu Ming smiled mysteriously, but did not speak.

"Humph!" The python commander's roar resounded throughout the world, "Xu Ming, it seems that you must be stubborn! In this case, I will fulfill you! - Also, Master Yun, Ghost Suo, if you dare to block my execution of military discipline, don’t blame my men for being merciless!”


The commander of the python dragon directly blocked the time and space, and the ferocious arms and claws of the python, like a dragon, enlarged infinitely, and captured Xu Ming.

"Accept the trial of military discipline!" Commander Python Long sneered.

At this time, Xu Ming did not panic at all, instead he showed a playful and disdainful smile: "Commander of the python dragon, I remember it!"


In the next instant, Xu Ming actually disappeared from the spot!

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