Break Into Another World

Chapter 1275: Navigate Chaos

After cleaning up, he said goodbye to friends such as "Yuan Han"; in this ancient cultivator's holy place, there is nothing else worthy of Xu Ming's memory.

"Ready to go?" Gui Suo Zhunsheng had nothing to clean up, so he was waiting at Xu Ming's residence; when he saw Xu Ming coming back, he asked.

"Okay!" Xu Ming finally glanced at the gathering place of Lei Tingyi, and said with emotion, "I don't know, when will the next time I come here! But... When I come here again, I will definitely be in the **** realm. !"

"Haha!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng laughed, "With your talent, it's really not difficult to break through to the Domination Realm!"

"Let's go!" Xu Ming said.

"Okay!" Gui Suo Quansheng's momentum gradually rose, and the powerful force of chaos was condensed in his fist.

Immediately afterwards, Gui Suo Zhunsheng was seen "slowly" punching into the void in front of him. The space shattered, and a layer of incomparably tough world membrane wall was directly torn apart.

In the depths of the space crack, there is a surging chaotic airflow.

"Outside, there is endless chaos!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng said, directly wrapped Xu Ming with divine power, and led Xu Ming into the depths of the space crack.


Two figures, roaming side by side in the endless chaos.

"Is this the endless chaos?"

Xu Ming looked around curiously. However, no matter which direction he looked at, all he saw was the surging chaotic airflow; other than that, he couldn't see anything else.

Moreover, Xu Ming was horrified to find that in this endless chaos, he could not mobilize the slightest power of heaven and order; the only thing he could use was the power of his own divine body!

"Are you curious, why can't you mobilize the power of the outside world?" Gui Suo Zhunsheng laughed.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded.

"This is normal!" Guisuo Quansheng said, "In the endless chaos, there is only the power of chaos, and there is no power of heaven and order at all! If you want to use the power of the outside world in the endless chaos, you must first touch the ' Chaos to Dao's fur, directly invoke the power of chaos!"

"Oh!" Xu Ming was stunned - he has not touched the fur of Chaos Supreme Dao, and he is not even the master, so naturally he cannot use the power of chaos!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but secretly vigilant: "Before breaking through to the Domination Realm, I can't just fight with other great powers in chaos!"

Xu Ming couldn't use the power of chaos. If there was a battle in the endless chaos, he would definitely suffer a lot.

Of course, with Xu Ming's current strength, he couldn't roam the chaos alone. Because, he has not touched the ultimate way of chaos; swimming in chaos is like sailing against the current, and it is almost impossible to move forward.

"Are we flying to the Divine Realm?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking - he could vaguely feel that in front of him, there was an ethereal and vast invisible force that seemed to be pulling him.

"Yes!" Guisuo Quan Shengdao said, "The position we are in now is the edge of endless chaos; here, we can also judge our approximate position according to the gravity of God's Domain! And once we leave the edge area, Entering the depths of endless chaos, we will no longer be able to feel the pull of God’s Domain, and we will lose our bearings in an instant, wandering in endless chaos, unable to find a way back; only the existence of saints can You can roam the endless chaos at will! - Therefore, Xu Ming, you must remember; when you become the master in the future, you can roam in the chaos, but don't go into the depths of the chaos, at most you can only be on the edge travel!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming also felt the magic of endless chaos and did not dare to mess around.

More than ten days passed.

Suddenly, Xu Ming felt that the power of chaos ahead seemed a little chaotic and unstable.

"What's the situation?" Xu Ming was alert.

Gui Suo Quansheng smiled and said, "God's Domain, it's here!"


While Xu Ming was wondering, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

I saw one after another, hundreds of millions of paths, and infinite power of chaos, which are being decomposed into the power of heaven and order. Some are decomposed into gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, some are decomposed into wind, thunder, yin and yang, and some are decomposed into time and space, cause and effect, fate, and reincarnation; it seems to be an incomparably huge spinning machine, woven into the entire domain of the gods.

The majestic scene is shocking!

"Is this 'Chaos gives birth to myriad ways'?" Xu Ming looked at him in horror.

At the same time, Xu Ming also felt that in the realm of the gods, there will be countless powers of heaven and order at every moment, returning to chaos.

Chaos gives birth to ten thousand things, and ten thousand things return to chaos;

"The means by which heaven and earth are created is really unimaginable!" Xu Ming just glanced at the ancient cultivator's avatar here.


"It's amazing!"

Xu Ming and Gui Suo Zhunsheng continued to fly towards the Divine Realm.

Soon, the two of them traveled through the area covered by countless dust worlds—here, the periphery of the entire God's Domain.

Xu Ming looked far into the distance, but he couldn't see the "Endless Continent".

In fact, I have also considered whether to send Yin Ran directly back to the Endless Continent, or even into an independent space. After all, in an independent space, it is absolutely safe; even if a saint is in person, he will not be able to break into Xu Ming's independent space.

But after thinking about it, Xu Ming dismissed the idea.

For some reason, he didn't want Gu Hanmo to know that Yin Ran already...has.


How could Xu Ming think that Gu Hanmo already knew about it!

The entire Divine Realm, and even the "edge of chaos" outside the Divine Realm; there is nothing that can be hidden from Gu Hanmo!

"By the way, Xu Ming, which continent are you going to?" Gui Suo Quansheng asked.

Sanctuary and Thunder Continent are definitely not allowed to go! These two continents have already fallen and become the domain of the Holy Master. Even if a saint breaks in, there is a danger of life and death; if a saint dares to enter, he will almost certainly die!

Without hesitation, Xu Ming said, "Go to Yanyan Continent!"

Yanyan is Xu Ming's hometown in God's Domain!

Moreover, Xu Ming's Heavenly Dao Liu clone was located in the Yanyan Mountain.

"What a coincidence! I happen to be going to the Yanyan Continent!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng laughed.

After arriving in Yanyan Continent, Xu Ming parted ways with Gui Suo Quansheng.

With Xu Ming's current strength, it would not take much time to travel through the Yanyan Continent. Not long after, Xu Ming appeared above the Yanyan Mountain.

"Huh?" Lu Qing, who was in control of the entire Yanyan Sacred Mountain, suddenly frowned, "There is a great power coming to my Yanyan Sacred Mountain!"

However, when Lu Qing saw that it was Xu Ming, he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised: "Xu Ming, your avatar is back!"

"I'm back, and also..." Xu Ming released Yin Ran from the world ring and smiled meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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