Break Into Another World

Chapter 1255: timid rat

In "The Five Forms of Reincarnation", Xu Ming created an emperor-level secret skill shortly after he came to God's Domain. Apex Novel is the fastest update

Five powerful marksmanship, each has its own strengths.

The sky collapses, the power is crushed!

Take a photo, only fast and not broken!

Residual blood, fierce killer move!

Grinding, the strongest defense!

Life and death, the ultimate move! Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred!

The five styles of marksmanship complement each other, making Xu Ming's secret marksmanship almost impeccable.

Among the many emperor-level secret skills, "Reincarnation Five Forms" is definitely the top!

But later, Xu Ming's energy was mainly focused on the improvement of strength, and some ignored the improvement of skills.

Over the past 100 years, Xu Ming's marksmanship has hardly improved. For Xu Ming, marksmanship was a major advantage in battle; now, it has become Xu Ming's weakness. The opponents Xu Ming now faces are all above the Dominion Realm; On the holy level! Only the emperor-level "Five Forms of Reincarnation" is indeed not enough to watch.

But now, Xu Ming's cultivation base has improved and his strength has become stronger. When researching secret skills, he is naturally "building a high house". Recently, after a little comprehension in the Holy Land, I found a breakthrough for the improvement of secret skills.

"Shut down!"

"Be sure to raise "Reincarnation Five Forms" to the master level!"

Although the master-level secret skill is not very powerful, at least it can make Xu Ming not suffer from the battle secret skill in the process of fighting with others.

After Xu Ming's message and Gui Suo Zhunsheng talked about it, he went directly into a closed state.

As for those gossips that smear him out there, Brother Ming has no time for you!




Close the room.

Xu Ming used the four types of marksmanship, Tianbeng, taking pictures, residual blood, and grinding discs over and over again. The "Birth and Destruction" is actually a combination of the four-style marksmanship; the four-style marksmanship has broken through, and the birth-and-death style will naturally follow.


Countless gun shadows were disillusioned around Xu Ming.

If you observe carefully, you can find that every time Xu Ming shoots, there are subtle differences. These subtle differences have never been the same, indicating that Xu Ming's marksmanship is slowly improving!

In Xu Ming's eyes, the colors of "doubt" and "enlightenment" constantly alternated.

"Chaos creates ten thousand things, ten thousand things return to chaos..."

Xu Ming kept comprehending the mystery of "Chaos to Dao". However, he did not dare to really touch the Chaos Supreme Dao because, if he touched the fur of the Chaos Supreme Dao, he would break through to the realm of domination!

As for Xu Ming, he had to suppress his cultivation for the time being, so he couldn't truly break through to the Dominion Realm. After all, Saint Tianyao warned him not to break through to the Domination Realm. Although Xu Ming didn't know why, he still chose to believe.

"Master-level secret skills need to contain a sense of 'chaos to the Tao'!"


Just "feel"! Not really "chaotic to the Tao"!

After all, Xu Ming has not touched or understood the real "chaos to the Tao"; therefore, he can only combine the nine heavenly Taos and the four major orders to create the feeling of chaos to the Tao. The master-level secret skills are undoubtedly more difficult than the master-level secret skills directly created by the masters with Chaos Supreme Dao!


Brother Ming just likes to take the harder road!

Xu Ming devoted himself to the creation of "The Five Forms of Reincarnation".

"Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth... These five heavenly ways represent the five elements! Chaos is the ultimate way, and when it evolves into the five-element heavenly way, it is absolutely balanced; none of the five heavenly ways is more or less! "

Xu Ming thought about it for a while, and stabbed it out, pouring in the power of the five elements in an extremely balanced manner.

"Wind and thunder yin and yang..." Xu Ming continued to comprehend and improve.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

After another ten days of "borrowing from the east and gathering the west", Zhunsheng Beihan finally found a treasure worth about fifty drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

"It's worth fifty drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid... I have never had so many treasures in my body!" Although Quansheng Beihan knew that these treasures were not his own, he still had a feeling of being "rich and powerful".

"Now, I think Xu Ming has any excuse to avoid the war!" Quansheng Beihan smiled coldly and said, "Mujian, how are your preparations going?"

"Don't worry!" Master Eye Sword also sneered, "Now, the entire ancient holy city already knows that Xu Ming deliberately made excuses to avoid the battle because he was afraid of me! If I bring enough treasures to challenge Xu Ming again, And if Xu Ming doesn't fight again, he will definitely be humiliated and thrown all over the Holy Land! As long as Xu Ming still has a little sense of dignity, he can't stand such humiliation, and he will definitely fight! As long as he fights... hehe!"

Quansheng Beihan also said: "It depends on whether Xu Ming is greedy for life and fear of death! If he really doesn't want any dignity and is willing to be a tortoise, then there is nothing we can do!"

"No!" Master Eye Sword said with certainty, "Xu Ming must still have some dignity. If he is greedy for life and fears death to the point where he has no dignity at all, then Zhu Xinjian will not recognize him as the master! After all, the spirit of the Chaos Divine Weapon requires dignity, and it is impossible to be willing to be controlled by a shrunken tortoise!"

"Yes!" Quansheng Beihan said with a smile, "Then I will congratulate you in advance on obtaining the Heart Punishing Arrow!"

"I still want to thank Beihan Quansheng for his accomplishment!" Eye Sword Master said.

"Just remember your promise!" Quansheng Beihan said, "When the World of Myriad Tribulations opens, all the treasures you get in it will belong to me!"

"It's natural!" Eye Sword Master smiled and said Then let's go now... Let's go find Xu Ming! "Beijing dominated the road.

"Okay!" Eye Sword Master said impatiently. At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to the **** emperors and kings under the quasi-sage Beihan, and asked them to quickly spread the news, saying that the battle between himself and Xu Ming was about to start!


call out!

call out!

The two figures flashed across the sky like lightning, and soon, they came to the gathering place of Lei Tingyi.

"Xu Ming! Come out and fight!"

Eye Sword Master Lingkong stood proudly, looking down at Xu Ming's residence, the sound was like the tolling of hundreds of millions of bronze bells.

"The cowardly rat Xu Ming! I, Eye Sword, officially challenge you; I wonder if you have the guts to fight me on the 'Ancient Xiu Battle Stage'!?"

The ancient cultivator battle platform is the only place in the holy land of ancient cultivators where they can't help but fight.

If you do it in other places, you will be suppressed by the spirit of the city-guarding formation. You must know that the spirit of the city-guarding formation can borrow the source power of the entire ancient cultivator Holy Land!

The power of the power of the source, how terrifying!

It was like when he was in the Endless Continent. At that time, Yehenalalke broke into the Divine Kingdom of the Human Race with unstoppable power; as a result, he was beaten by the Supreme Heaven Palace Master, who only had a demigod cultivation level, with the help of the power of the source. go out.

And the power of the source of the ancient cultivator's holy land is much stronger than the power of the human kingdom of God! Even if a saint breaks in, he may be killed, which is why the Holy Master dare not break into the holy land of ancient cultivators.


In the ancient holy city, no one dared to violate the "no fighting" rule. After all, the spirit of the formation is extremely rigid; violating the rules will be suppressed or even killed without mercy.

"Xu Ming! Why don't you dare to come out? Are you so frightened that you don't even have the courage to show up? Hahahaha... The cowardly rat! Sure enough, the cowardly rat!"

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