Break Into Another World

Chapter 1235: 1 palm flat

"I come!"

Xu Ming walked to the front calmly, his momentum was calm, and he could not see the slightest anger. It was as if Ge Ziyun and other hundreds of masters were just a bunch of ants, and they were not worth his anger at all.


Ge Ziyun had doubts and displeasure on his face: "Who are you? New here? - Your aura makes me very uncomfortable!"

"I've never seen it in the Holy Land, it should be a newcomer!"

The other ancient cultivators around Ge Ziyun also spoke.

"When did the new Thunder and Lightning Cultivators dare to be so arrogant? - Dare to stand up and challenge?"

"Does he think that he has the cultivation of a half-step **** emperor, and none of us can do anything about him?"

"I see, he is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers! He should be well educated and let him know that the sky is high!"

"It's alright, he'll know soon enough - he's humiliating himself!"

The ancient cultivators in Lei Ting's group suddenly saw an unfamiliar face; they were stunned for a while, and then sighed.

"This is... a newcomer? - He behaved in such a high-profile manner when he first came to the Holy Land? In the future, his life in the Holy Land may not be easy!"

"Yeah! With Ge Ziyun's sinister personality, he will definitely focus on 'taking care' of him in the future!"

"Ignorance and fearlessness!"

Yuan Han was also stunned: "Brother Xu Ming... is he too impulsive? Does he think that the ancient cultivators in the Holy Land are as weak as those in the God Realm?"

The Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators is the lair of all Ancient Cultivators!

And the ancient cultivators of the God Realm are just some "scattered soldiers"; how can they be compared with the ancient cultivators in the Holy Land in terms of cultivation techniques, secret skills, and combat power?

When Yuan Han saw Xu Ming stand up, he thought that Xu Ming had just come to the Holy Land and didn't know how strong the ancient cultivators in the Holy Land were, so he dared to stand up "without knowing the heights of the sky".

Yuan Han's eyes couldn't help but show pity: "When Brother Xu Ming knows how powerful the ancient cultivators in the Holy Land are... I'm afraid he won't even be able to cry!"

In the eyes of the ancient cultivators in the Holy Land, Xu Ming, who had just come from God's Domain, must be extremely weak.

Next to Ge Ziyun, a young man in white clothes, an ancient cultivator with the limit of the king stood up directly and said: "The ignorant boy who just came from the realm of the gods, just rely on you, dare to stand up and challenge? - I can't deal with you. If a half-step **** emperor is needed, I, Ximen Hong, are enough!"

Whether it was Ge Ziyun or the ancient cultivators of Lei Ting, they didn't feel Ximen Hong was arrogant at all. In their opinion, to deal with a half-step **** emperor who has just come to the Holy Land, any king's limit is indeed enough.

"You?" Xu Ming glanced at it and said indifferently, "You are not qualified to let me take action!"

not qualified?

There was an uproar.

The reckless man who had beaten Wu Zi earlier laughed disdainfully and said, "You're a kid who just came to the Holy Land, thinking that you're a half-step **** emperor, you're amazing?—Humph! Let me tell you the truth! Among us, just come out. The limit of being a king can easily ravage you!"

"That's it! A self-righteous idiot who has never seen the world!"

Ximen Hong even said angrily: "Boy, if you can defeat me, my name, Ximen Hong, is yours!"

Ge Ziyun even said with a playful laugh: "Boy, if you can defeat Ximenhong, we will immediately make way for you to enter through the main gate; and, from now on, we will no longer embarrass you! If you are not Ximenhong's Opponents, then give each of us three kowtows and shout 'Grandpa' three times one by one, how about that?"

Ge Ziyun was obviously very confident in Ximenhong's strength. After all, even if there are some half-step **** emperors in the Holy Land, they are not necessarily the opponents of Ximen Hong; let alone, Xu Ming, an ignorant boy who has just entered the Holy Land?

Seeing this, Yuan Han even said with a voice transmission: "Brother Xu Ming, don't be impulsive, come back quickly! - This Ximenhong is very strong, even close to the emperor, you are not his opponent!"

However, Xu Ming turned a deaf ear to all the discussions around him; instead, he said coldly, "I said, just him, he is not qualified to let me take action!"

"Extremely arrogant! Extremely ignorant!"

Ximen Hong shouted angrily and wanted to kill Xu Ming. However, he was stopped by Ge Ziyun.

Ge Ziyun narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Xu Ming, as if he wanted to see through Xu Ming: "It looks like you are very confident? You must challenge a master at the half-step **** emperor level?"

"Half-step **** emperor? I don't have the qualifications to let me take action!" Xu Ming said lightly, as if he took it for granted, "How about... you all go together!" all go together!

Xu Ming's calm voice fell, and the audience was silent.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at Xu Ming like an idiot—they have seen arrogance and ignorance! I have never seen such arrogance and ignorance!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

After a brief shock, the audience burst into laughter.

"Where is this idiot? - Do you think that you are doing well in God's Domain, so you dare to arrogantly come to our ancient cultivator's holy land?"

"Oh! Our ancient cultivator's Holy Land, in terms of the number of masters, is indeed far inferior to the realm of the gods; but in terms of fighting alone, just going out to the realm of the gods, we are almost invincible at the same level!"

"It's ignorant to be like this! It's terrifying!"

"I was stunned by his ignorance!"

A group of ants surrounded Xu Ming, chatting non-stop.


Ximen Hong's momentum skyrocketed: "Let me teach him a lesson. In the Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators, they are thundering together, how to hold their tails and be human!"

This time, Ge Ziyun did not stop Ximenhong; he also felt that Ximenhong should teach this ignorant boy a profound lesson.

"Brother Xu Ming..." Yuan Han couldn't help hiding his face, as if he had a premonition of Xu Ming's tragic situation; moreover, he also had a premonition that Xu Ming's future life in the Holy Land would be very "wonderful".


Amidst the countless laughs, Xu Ming sighed softly: "I've said it all, I'm not qualified to shoot; but you have to let me shoot! It doesn't matter..."

Xu Ming's slap lifted "slowly" - it seemed to be very slow, but it was actually a visual disorder; in fact Xu Ming's slap was countless times faster than light!


Xu Ming was so light, and crushed it with a palm.

"Arrogant and ignorant! In the face of my attack, how dare you use a slap to fight it!?" The sword in Ximen Hong's hand was so bright that he wanted to cut off Xu Ming's slap directly.

But at this moment, Ximen Hong discovered that Xu Ming's slap didn't just slap him, but enveloped the more than 400 masters on his side.

"This...this..." Ximen Hong didn't know how to describe Xu Ming's arrogance!

Really indescribable!

A half-step **** emperor who has just entered the realm of the gods dares to slap more than 400 masters; among these more than 400 masters, there are dozens of **** emperors!

"It's really arrogant and shocking!" Everyone thought in their hearts.

However, when Xu Ming's palm grew rapidly, covering more than 400 masters under the palm of his hand; Ge Ziyun and other more than 400 masters suddenly discovered in horror that under the pressure of this huge palm, they He couldn't even mobilize his divine power!

It was extremely difficult to even move around; they could only watch as Xu Ming's giant palm shot down at them.


Ge Ziyun and other more than 400 masters turned pale in an instant.


Just like slapping a bunch of ants, Xu Ming slapped all the more than 400 masters of ancient cultivators on the ground.


The giant palm condensed by divine power gradually dissipated.

The sky is full of smoke.

I don't know when, Xu Ming's figure has stepped into the depths of the smoke, walking towards the main gate of the ancient holy city.

The other ancient cultivators could only look at Xu Ming's back, dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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