Break Into Another World

Chapter 1220: The Darkness of the Ming Xiu Plank Road

"finally come…"

Deep in the eyes of the Fire Snake Lord, there is cunning and joy.

The moment he saw this figure in white, the Fire Snake Lord knew that he was about to die! However, instead of panicking, the Fire Snake Lord was very satisfied.

"Death, why should you be afraid?" The momentum dominated by the fire snake gradually became crazy, "It is my supreme glory to be able to die for the master!"

On the surface, the Fire Snake Master pretended to be very puzzled and said, "Sage Misty, why are you here?"

There are several saints in the divine domain, but other saints either retreat for a long time, or enter the endless chaos to find opportunities; only the misty saint, his task is to... monitor the entire divine domain!

Once there is an abnormality in any of the masters of the gods, the misty saint will appear.

And now, the misty saint has appeared, and it is obviously aimed at the master of the fire snake.

"Little Fire Snake!" The ethereal saint sighed, "You have disappointed me!"

The Lord of Fire Snake pretended not to know, and said in surprise: "Sage Misty, what are you talking about? Why did I disappoint you?"

"Ha!" The misty saint sneered, "I hand over the Yanyan Continent to you, how did you manage it?"

"I..." The Fire Snake Lord was about to say something when he was interrupted.

"At the beginning, God Emperor Baili brought the statue of the Holy Master to attack the Yanyan Mountain... You don't know about it, right?" The misty saint said indifferently, and looked at Lu Qing again, "As far as I know, this little girl, But I have reported this matter to you! But what about you? What have you done? - The statue of the Holy Lord! You have suppressed such a big thing; and you, in turn, forced this little girl to give Are you a concubine?"

The Miao Miao sage also only later learned about the Emperor Baili's attack on the Yanyan Sacred Mountain.

After all, although Saint Misty monitors the entire Divine Realm, it is impossible to monitor the existence of "below the Lord"; in that case, it would be too tiring, and it would be impossible to monitor it.

Therefore, when God Emperor Baili attacked Yanyan Sacred Mountain at the beginning of the "trivial matter", the Miao Miao sage naturally didn't know about it! It was only later that he listened to others talking about the statue of the Holy Lord, and then he paid attention to the matter, and secretly investigated it.

"Little Fire Snake, should I say that you are stubborn? Or should I say that you have bad intentions?" The Misty Saint asked, "The Holy Master tried his best to erect the statue of the Holy Master on this Burning Heaven Peak. ; You don't know what it means, do you?"

The saints and masters all know that once the statue of the Lord is erected in the "correct position", then the Lord can control this continent!

This is a very scary thing!

You must know that the Holy Master is cultivating a school of faith, and it is also a very evil "fanaticism" among the schools of faith!

What is a "fanatic flow"?

To put it simply, once you have faith in the Lord, then this belief will be extremely fanatical, and you will be absolutely loyal to the Lord; even everything about the Lord is more important than your own life!

And the Holy Master is absolutely invincible on the continent he controls! If the Holy Master successfully controls the Yanyan Continent, what will be the consequences? - Very simple, the consequence is that every creature on the Yanyan Continent will become the most loyal believer of the Holy Lord!

A fanatical believer who has lost his ego and lost his mind!

At that time, the strength of the Holy Master will greatly increase, and he will try his best to occupy the third continent! Then there is the fourth seat, the fifth seat... Finally, spread the faith all over the Divine Realm!

In the end, the Holy Master will use this method to control the Divine Realm and become a "star master" level existence!

This is the way of preaching for the Holy Master to cultivate the school of faith!

Once the Holy Master succeeds, every creature in the God Realm will become a fanatical believer of the saint; other saints will not be able to stay in the God Realm, and can only leave their homes and wander endless chaos!


God Emperor Baili brought the statue of the Holy Lord to attack the Burning Heaven Peak, how important this is, it goes without saying!

And the Lord of Fire Snake is obviously deliberately hiding this news, so that the misty saint will not know it for the first time!

"Huo Snake, how dare you say that you are not from the Holy Master?" While speaking, the misty saint had already come to the Fire Snake Master's side, "I am afraid that you are not here for someone, but for someone to come to Yanyan Divine Mountain this time. Came towards the Burning Heaven Peak, right? - You should also have a statue of the Holy Master on your body, right?"

"What!?" Xu Ming and Lu Qing were both horrified—of course they didn't expect that the appearance of the Fire Snake Master would hide such a big conspiracy!

However, after knowing this, Xu Ming was a little depressed - why did the ethereal saint appear?

If the ethereal saint does not appear, Xu Ming will definitely hang the "life and death book" and kill the fiery snake master in seconds; then, when the spoils are collected, won't he get a statue of the saint again? - For Xu Ming, the statue of the Holy Master is the primordial liquid of chaos, and it is the hanging point!

"It's a pity..." Xu Ming sighed secretly. Now that the Miao Miao sage is here, even if the statue of the Holy Lord is "exploded", I am afraid it has nothing to do with Xu Ming; the Miao Miao sage will definitely take it away.

"Hahahaha..." The Fire Snake Master laughed loudly, "As expected of an ethereal saint, I didn't expect that you already knew so much! - That's right! I am a faithful believer of the great saint!"

Xu Ming and Lu Qing both glanced at the Fire Snake Lord with some pity - the Fire Snake Lord has lost his ego and his senses, he is just a walking dead controlled by the Holy Master!

"But..." The Master of Fire Snake suddenly smiled strangely, "Sage Misty, there is one more thing you guessed wrong!"

"What's the matter?" The ethereal saint asked with interest.

"That is..." The smile of the fire snake master became more and more sinister and strange, "I don't have a statue of the Holy Lord on my body at all!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming felt a hint of coldness, as if something big was about to happen.

"What!?" A strong sense of unhappiness rose in the mind of the ethereal saint - there is no statue of the Lord on the Lord of the Fire Serpent? What did the fiery snake master come to Yanyan Mountain? To die?

That's right!

Just to die!

"Could it be..." A look of shock appeared in the eyes of the misty Has the Holy Master found other 'correct positions'? "

Of course, the misty saint does not think that the holy master will be idle and have nothing to do, and deliberately sacrifice a "quasi-holy" servant of believers. The only explanation is that the Holy Master is in... Mingxiu's plank road is dark!

Deliberately let the Fire Snake dominate to die, but the real target is other continents!

"Not good!" The heart of the misty saint sank to the bottom of the valley all of a sudden.

Something big is about to happen!

God's Domain is about to have a big event!

In an instant, the misty sage had many guesses: "Which continent is the real goal of the Holy Master? - Thunder Continent? Impossible! The 'correct location' of Thunder Continent has been discovered long ago, and we have set up numerous agencies to protect it. , even if the Holy Master attacks by force, he will never attempt to attack! The 'correct location' of other continents has never been discovered; which continent will it be?

The ethereal saint has no clue.

"Hahaha... Guess it! Misty child! Just guess! Hahaha... You can't guess it!" The fanatical fiery snake master directly detonated his divine body; the divine body was like boiling hot water. Boiling, and the Lord of Fire Snake is still shouting, "Glory of the Holy Lord, endless glory!"


Even an ethereal saint can hardly stop a quasi-sage from self-destructing.

However, the misty saint took action and suppressed all the power of self-destruction.

The fiery snake master is dead, but the ethereal saint still has no clue! —Which continent is the real goal of the Holy Master?

"Not good!" Suddenly, Xu Ming's Tian Dao Liu clone changed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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