Break Into Another World

Chapter 1197: Insider information

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Xu Ming would never have imagined that at this moment, around Pangang, there were hundreds of king-level geniuses—all those geniuses who wanted to help Xu Ming find the karmic stone!

"Big Brother Pangang, the karma stone is too hard to find!"

"Yeah! With so many of us combined, we found only seven or eight karma stones... Most of us have never seen a single karma stone!"



Those geniuses who did not find the karma stone were a little dejected. After all, if the karma stone is not found, it means that the performance is poor; if the performance is poor, then the possibility of being favored by the master of the realm and accepted as a disciple is small!

In fact, they don't know that their performance is normal! - You must know that until now, apart from Xu Ming, tens of thousands of other geniuses have only found a few hundred karma stones! Among their hundreds of kings, they can have seven or eight karma stones, which is already very good!

"Hey..." Pan Gang also shook his head helplessly - he was not worried that he would not be able to worship the Lord as his teacher, after all, he was already a leader in the king class, and there must be a Lord who wanted to accept him as his apprentice; His main concern is that he has collected too few karma stones, which has failed Brother Ming's trust and expectations!

"Everyone, work hard! If you take such a few karma stones and go to Brother Ming, you will be embarrassed!" Pan Gang shouted.

"it is good!"


"Let's stop writing ink here! Hurry up and find the karma stone!"

"But... how can I find it better?"

Hundreds of geniuses got caught up in the discussion.

"How about we all act collectively? Hundreds of people act together, enter a small world, and directly sweep the entire small world; then, enter the next small world!"

"This idea is good! Collective action, carpet search, and safe - we have so many king-level actions together, even if we encounter some emperor-level geniuses, they will not dare to provoke us easily!"

"I think, safety issues, your worries are completely unnecessary!" Immediately, a genius retorted, "I also met an emperor-level genius, but he left without looking at me at all. !—It can be seen that this fate assessment is relatively safe, and the fighting will not be too intense!"

"The fighting won't be too intense? Young man, you are still too naive!" Pan Gang laughed immediately, "Do you know why that emperor-level genius is too lazy to look at you? This is because the fate assessment has just begun. An emperor-level genius probably knows that we, the king-level, can't have a few karma stones at all, or even a single karma stone; so, he naturally doesn't bother to do anything to you! - After a few days, I will find There are more and more geniuses in the karma stone, and we have more karma stones on hand; at that time, you will know that the fighting is not fierce!"

"Uh..." The genius who spoke before thought for a while, "That's right!—Then let's act collectively!"

"Okay! Collective action, it's so safe! Otherwise, if we find the karma stone, but it is robbed by other geniuses, it will be too embarrassing!"

at this time…

call out!

The space in the distance was distorted, and a figure stepped into this small world!

"Huh?" Pan Gang waited for the genius. After seeing the figure of the person who came, he was stunned at first, and then exclaimed, "Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming, did you find us so soon?"

"Huh—" The one who was even more surprised was undoubtedly Xu Ming, "How did you guys... come together?"

You must know that for ordinary geniuses, it is difficult to find the entrance to a small world; even if you enter a small world, I am afraid that you don't know where you are, let alone gather with other geniuses! - And the hundreds of geniuses such as Pangang, who are just a mere king, have almost all gathered here!

How could Xu Ming not be surprised by this?

"How did you do it?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

"Haha!" Seeing Brother Ming was surprised and curious, Pan Gang couldn't help but smile proudly, "Division of labor and cooperation!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming listened.

Pan Gang smiled, and a jade stone lingering with the power of cause and effect appeared in his hand. He explained: "Among us, the genius 'Yu Lian' who is best at karma, refined this karma jade before the fate assessment began; all of our geniuses have one share! Lian is the first time in the main world of Wanjie Island to set up a causal traction formation; there is a causal jade, and as soon as the causal traction formation is deployed, we will know the location of Yu Lian! Then, all of us will All gathered together!"

"It turns out to be like this!" Xu Ming did not expect that there is such a method, which can be used for assembly.

Xu Ming estimated that many other king-level geniuses may have also used this method to gather together. On the other hand, a genius at the God Emperor level has a relatively high probability of breaking through alone.

Pangang continued: "Although the main world of Wanjie Island is huge, but with a clear direction, it is not difficult for us to fly together! - After entering the small world, we will split up to explore the surrounding small worlds. The teleportation channel is also looking for the karma stone at the same time! Now, we have almost figured out the layout of thousands of small worlds around us; I didn't expect that, just after regrouping, you are here, Brother Ming, what a coincidence!"


This is no coincidence! It was Xu Ming who found Pan Gang's location and ran directly towards Pan Gang.

However, Xu Ming also had to sigh - the efficiency of the geniuses such as Pangang is really high!

Although these geniuses are relatively weak, they are only kings. However, under the division of labor and cooperation, they have discovered the layout of the thousands of small worlds around them so quickly! Xu Ming estimated that their next goal should be to really start the search for the karmic stone, right?

"Not bad! Not bad!" Xu Ming couldn't help but praised - it was indeed a good teamwork!

On the other hand, Pangang heard that Brother Ming praised them as "not bad", but said somewhat ashamedly: "Brother Ming, we have only collected eight karma stones so far! This speed is really unmanageable!"

"It's okay!" Xu Ming smiled and said Eight karma stones, that's a lot! Moreover, it can be seen that you are doing things with your heart! "

"Thank you Brother Ming for your praise!" Many geniuses were a little excited to receive praise from Xu Ming, a legendary figure.

Xu Ming continued: "I'm here to find you this time, in fact, I'm here to tell you about the layout of the small world and the distribution of karma stones!"

"What!?" Pan Gang was horrified, "Brother Ming, you actually know all this?—Where did you get the inside information?"

The geniuses couldn't help but listen curiously. At the same time, they also feel more and more that Brother Ming is so hands-on that he can even get such secret inside information!

In this way, each genius feels more and more that it is right to follow Brother Jin Ming! With Ming Ge Tongtian's hands and eyes, he can definitely recommend them to the masters as disciples!

Even outside Wanjie Island, the masters of the Dominion Realm who watched the battle listened intently—yes! Where did Xu Ming get the inside information?

(End of this chapter)

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