
Chapter 190 Tired

Qi Min did not expect that Yelena could quarrel with Anton. However, she did not realize at the time how much Yelena and Anton disagreed with each other, but she just felt that this unnecessary misunderstanding was caused by her wasting time in the laboratory.

And later Anton also expressed his dissatisfaction with her spending more than twelve hours in the laboratory every day.

Especially when Qi Min came back late at night and opened the door while half asleep, Anton couldn't help but feel distressed and sad when he saw her look. But the most terrible thing about Qi Min was not that she spent a long time in the laboratory, but that she was exploited by her boss in the laboratory. When she got home, she collapsed on the sofa and clamored for Anton to massage her cervical spine.

Once or twice was fine, but after too many times, Anton himself was very tired from work and really had no energy to serve her.

This time Qi Min didn't even come home until midnight. He opened the door and entered the house, took off his coat and threw it aside. He lay down on the sofa and turned on the TV.

Anton couldn't wait for her to go to sleep first. He quickly got up when he heard the noise outside. He was planning to call Qi Min to the bathroom to wash up and then go to bed quickly. Unexpectedly, when he asked her, he said: "Please let me take it easy." …I haven’t had dinner yet.”

Although he was wondering why Qi Min didn't have dinner in the school cafeteria, the current situation was that she hadn't had dinner after midnight, and no matter what, she couldn't really be hungry all night. So Anton had to cook noodles, while Qi Min was still shouting: "The eggs must be soft!"

The noodles were cooked, and Qi Min even praised them a few times while eating them, but the time had already passed after one o'clock.

"Min, do you have to stay so late in the laboratory?" Anton watched her sucking the noodles and couldn't help but said, "I go to work at nine in the morning, but I delay it until after ten in the evening. Isn't this tiring? "

"I'm tired. I'm almost exhausted." Qi Min waved to him, "Come over and rub my shoulders."

"You can press it yourself." Although Anton replied, he still went around behind her and rubbed her neck and shoulders. "You work more than twelve hours a day, which is against the labor law."

"I 'volunteer' to work overtime, as are all migrant workers in scientific research." Qi Min said with some pain, "We are not employees employed by the school, and labor laws do not apply to us."

"Life is so difficult." Anton sighed, but he still had to say, "But this won't work... Min, as a Bolshevik, you should have the awareness to safeguard your rights."

Qi Min turned to look at him: "What do you mean? Are you refusing to work overtime? In that case, what will happen to the progress of my experiment?"

"Experiment progress?" Anton asked back, "Your experiment is progressing quickly. Can it make you money? What results have you produced? Do the intellectual property rights belong to you? This is the rule of capitalist society. Min, how could you Are you getting caught up in this?"

After listening to these two questions he raised, Qi Min suddenly "awakened".

When she was an undergraduate, she denounced 996 in various ways. Why couldn't she react when 996 happened to her?

996 has never been a truly forced 996. "Voluntary overtime" is nominally "voluntary" and is not essentially different from her current liver experiment. But in fact, what can 996 bring to workers? As an ordinary proletarian, only by letting yourself go can you be freed.

Qi Min picked up the bowl and took a sip of soup, falling into contemplation about his career.

But she still got out of bed and went to the laboratory the next morning, and stayed up until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

Ultimately, this is because Qi Min broke up with her undergraduate boyfriend because she was too stubborn and was called "LOSER" by others. Although using insulting words to describe one's target is an act of restraint, Qi Min still feels his self-esteem was hurt by this incident, and subconsciously does not want to become a so-called "LOSER" in the new school. .

Her only consolation is that Anton is a man who would never engage in anything resembling proletarian infighting.

In fact, in the area where Qi Min's doctoral school is located, because the income level is not high, there are not many decent middle class people, so it is quite common for young couples to have one of them work to support the other's education. Take the laboratory she works in as an example. Gary, who is one year ahead of Qi Min and Yelena, relies on his girlfriend for support.

It's just that under this strategy, the one who makes money usually has higher requirements for the future of the one who pursues further education. After all, a graduate student's salary is just that little, so it's clear that he wants to take advantage of him. According to ordinary people's logic, if you sacrifice yourself for others at this stage, you will definitely have to get some rewards in the future.

But for Anton, he really doesn't care whether Qi Min can become famous by studying for a Ph.D. On the one hand, it is because from a probability perspective, even if a biology student graduates with a Ph.D., he will not be very competitive in making money. On the other hand, as a proletarian with a clear class consciousness, he, like Qi Min, has always disdained such involution. .

People are alive anyway, so why not live happily if you want to live.


But sometimes, the way Qi Min lets himself go for his own happiness can also make Anton feel unhappy.

During the previous period, Qi Min stayed in the laboratory until ten, eleven or even twelve o'clock every day, mainly to help finish the previous project in the laboratory. After the article on that topic was published, the first co-author treated everyone to a meal. After that, Qi Min's workload in the laboratory returned to normal.

During the winter vacation, she went back to China. When she came back, she brought a bunch of posters of idol girls from girl groups and put them up everywhere in her house.

Every day when Qi Min came home, he would admire the posters of young ladies on the wall for a long time, and would also pull Anton to comment on their appearance and temperament.

Anton thought the young lady was quite pretty at first, but no one could stand Qi Min being like this every day.

What's even worse is that Qi Min sometimes uses the TV screen at home to play animations on weekends, and it's still the kind of cute and light show that a group of girls have. It’s not that Anton has any discrimination against the art form of animation, but the girls in the light series are drawn so much like young girls that people can’t help but think they are related to pedophilia.

However, if this is an AGC-related hobby, it is not unacceptable. But what Anton couldn't bear was that when he searched Qi Min's computer for an article analyzing Soviet factions during the Stalin period using "faction" as the keyword, he actually found "Girls' Faction".

When he saw this kind of thing in his partner's computer, Anton was shocked: "Are you... crazy? Child pornography is illegal!"

Qi Min was chewing an apple at the time. He glanced at the screen and said calmly: "These paintings are all high school students, not children. Don't you think American high school students do a lot of fooling around?"

"Can it be the same?" Anton closed the laptop screen and could not tolerate such evil and illegal images appearing where he lived again. "You draw a group of children and then say they are high school students?"

"Hey, this is not a painting by me!" Qi Min also felt incredible. How many years has "Girls' Faction" been around? She has never heard of such a painting that can be considered a child. "This is the style of other people's paintings. I just wanted to watch the plot."

"What's the plot of this kind of comic? If you code it all, what plot will be left?" Anton asked, "Delete it quickly, lest the FBI trouble you."

Qi Min frowned and stared at him for a while. She wanted to get angry, but seeing Anton's pretty face, she thought it was better to forget it.

"Okay, okay, delete it, delete it." Qi Min took his notebook and hid the entire folder from an angle where Anton couldn't see it.

She was "fearful of well ropes for ten years" because she was persecuted by Yankee child pornography when she was a child. This situation is completely understandable to her. But you still have to read normal comics. After all, Qi Min claims to be a normal person and thinks that he has no interest in minors.

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