
Chapter 177 The collapse of order #

The pink-and-purple-haired rescued muttered a long string of words, which were translated through the translation plug-in as follows: "They all... (blank that cannot be translated due to accent)... don't like to be with others. The people traveling with me... (untranslated blank)... I still see them sometimes, but never talk. They should be here usually... (untranslated blank)... About a week ago, I And Sasha - Sasha is one of the volunteers at the Red Snow Rescue Station, that tall and beautiful girl, she is a nice person - when I was chatting with Sasha, I heard her say that she has been unable to do anything for more than a week. Contacted them.”

"What do you think..." Kong Xiangzhi Zhi asked hesitantly, "What do you think about the reason why these people lost contact?"

The other party seemed to have thought for a while before understanding what she meant. It might be that the translation plug-in was not very accurate in translating Chinese to Russian. However, she still replied: "I don't think they are willing. But you still have to ask Sasha about the specific situation."

Since Sasha is a girl, she is definitely not the volunteer she met yesterday. It can be assumed that the volunteers at the Hongxue Rescue Station are on duty in turns. Ji Fusheng asked: "How can we see Sasha?"

"Sasha should be on duty today." The pink-purple haired lady replied.

As soon as the translation plug-in translated this sentence, a loud bang of a grenade explosion suddenly came from outside the transparent wall not far away, startling them even through the soundproof wall. Then a tall girl with short ginger hair ran in carrying two big bags, followed by the volunteer from yesterday carrying a handful of Bobosha 41.

The pink-purple haired woman stood up and greeted them. Even if you didn't understand Russian, you could tell that one of the two people she called was "Sasha". So this girl with short blond hair is Sasha. Ji Fu Sheng and Kong Xiang Zhi Zhi didn't see why she was prettier than the others - most of the player images in the brain-like body are good-looking - but she is really He's very tall, at least 1.9 meters.

Sasha carried the bag and walked to the rescued people, opened one of them, took out many transparent boxes containing high-end dishes and desserts, and distributed them to the poor people, and then opened another bag, which contained beautifully packaged food. of various drinks.

Someone asked her something, and Sasha gave a long list of answers. The translation plug-in did not translate it in time, but fortunately, Jifusheng turned on the speech recognition and converted the recognized Russian text into Chinese. We can roughly understand what she just said: "The administrators of the central block are on strike... The restaurant is closed." Take care of it, let’s bring the food out... You can eat here, it’s best before Hongxue’s administrator finds out..."

Administrators on strike? Qi Mi's heart skipped a beat. Her mother never told her about the Brainoid Company, but she could still hear it a few times at home. The administrator strike in Beijing brought about very difficult problems. .

She still doesn't know the specific connotation of "strike", but according to the social ethics she knows, as an employee, you have to abide by the company's rules when you are paid. Not going to work when you are supposed to work is a violation of the rules. Just like students cannot be absent from school, "strike" is a wrong behavior, even more serious than absenteeism - students are paid by the school to attend classes, while employees are paid by the company to go to work, and not going to work with money is like not paying to buy things. Giving money is the same as it is unethical or even illegal. Moreover, this behavior has brought a lot of trouble to Brainoid Company, making Qi Mi, who thought he would be the heir to one-third of the equity, angry.

Moreover... the administrators' strike means that there is no one in the St. Petersburg District to supervise now. Qi Mi suddenly thought that if the volunteers at Hongxue Rescue Station can bring food from the cafeteria to the rescued people, then correspondingly, without supervision, people from other projects can also bring food that they cannot take out. Take it out. It would be fine if you just brought some things from restaurants and shops, but if someone could take away weapons and ammunition from projects like Hongxue and Old City... the consequences would be simply disastrous!

(There is a serious mistake in Qi Mi’s idea here. To prevent readers from misunderstanding, please note here: The role of the administrator of the brain-like company is similar to that of the police, and management is not micromanaging; the food in the cafeteria cannot be taken out because of the restaurant manager. Under supervision, you can usually take out as long as you have a good relationship with the restaurant manager. It’s just that the Hongxue Rescue Station volunteers stole things from the restaurant while the manager was not at work. At this time, the restaurant manager found out that he would not report it to the district manager. was answered; the materials and zombies spawned in the old city cannot leave the old city. This is determined by the source code and has nothing to do with whether the administrator is at work.)

Even these *** zombies from Hongxue...

Qi Mi couldn't suppress her thoughts. She couldn't help feeling a little anxious as she watched the rescued poor people opening the transparent boxes containing high-end dishes. There is a saying on the Internet that poverty is always related to short-sightedness, just like these people. They only know that after the administrators go on strike, they can get "free" goods through illegal means, but they don't know how bad it will be after the order is lost. Apart from anything else, if the management of the Brainoid Company is really lost, then this transparent wall can also be broken by zombies——

Suddenly, as if in response to her idea, a hole was made in the transparent wall not far away that was hit by zombies. The ordinary player who was resting there screamed because a zombie hand reached out from the outside and grabbed his arm. His companions fired quickly, but in the panic, they hit the player himself who was being dragged.

Everyone was stunned by this unique scene, and no one moved for a few seconds.

Until the walls in other places began to be breached by zombies. The rescued persons, who were usually calm to the point of numbness, were also panicked. However, they never kept guns and only had a few grenades at hand, so it was difficult to break out of the encirclement in the face of a complete collapse.

The zombies that rushed into the central dome grabbed one of the rescued people, and were then shot in half by the male volunteer holding Bobosha. Ji Fusheng screamed out in fright, grabbed Kong Alley Zhi Zhi's wrist and ran in the opposite direction of the zombies.

Zhi Zhi in the empty alley saw that he was still carrying a handful of Bobosha, and quickly grabbed him: "There is no way inside, so we have to rush out!"

"What are you charging for!" Ji Fusheng was so frightened that his voice changed, "How can you charge with so many zombies?!"

"Give me the gun -" Gongxiang Zhizhi snatched Bobosha from his hand, tried to break a zombie's arm, and then said to the volunteer who also held a submachine gun, "While the The wall hasn’t completely collapsed yet, so hurry up and leave!”

Although the volunteer could not understand Chinese, he almost understood what the situation meant. He nodded quickly and asked the rescued persons who did not have guns to follow...

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