
Chapter 156 Bring enough money #

"How long ago was that?" Kongxiang Zhizhi asked.

Qiu Shuo turned his head and raised his eyebrows, as if thinking for a second or two before saying: "Five or six years ago?" Then he continued, "Not long after the old city came online, I was number one all year round. Later No, after more people play, it’s no longer enough to just rely on some skills. You still have to increase your online time. There’s no way, there are just too many Liver Emperors.”

Kongxiang Zhizhi and Ji Fusheng have never heard of the term "Gan Emperor", but they can probably understand what it means from the context. Ji Lian really wanted to complain, saying that other players were the "Liver King", but Qiu Shuo himself was online for a long time. Apart from those who worked for black market merchants to gain points, how many people in the Old City could be more "Liver" than Qiu Harvest God?

"You two are still too young." Qiu Shuo sank into the water from his shoulders down, leaving only his head on the water. He said leisurely, "I don't know what happened to the empty alley. I wish I could have been there three or two years earlier. If you enter the old city, you can probably reach the top ten in the standings at that time. Of course, you can’t do that now, there are too many people trying to earn points now.”

Hearing this, Ji Lian couldn't help but start to wonder: If there weren't so many points earners three or two years ago, doesn't it mean that black market merchants have only settled in the old city in the past two years?

"Your Excellency Qiu Shuang, when did you see someone getting points?" Ji Fusheng asked.

“Old City’s points exchange for money was only launched the year before last. It can be said to be a relatively useless function.” Qiu Shuo said, “But even though it is useless, a group of people who exchange points for money have appeared since then.”

"What about those who advertise on the black market?" Ji Fusheng asked quickly.

"That, I've never heard of it before." Qiu Shuang replied.

In this way, there is no way to distinguish the time when the black market enters the market. Kifusheng is a little disappointed. Now it seems that the only route left is Eqianse. And if he wants to go to St. Petersburg, he doesn't know what will happen.

"Your Excellency Autumn Harvest, have you been to St. Petersburg?" Ji Fusheng asked again.

"I've wandered around Lao Maozi's territory for a while. It's similar to Beijing, not very interesting." Qiu Shuang asked, "Why, you have to go abroad to investigate the black market?"

"Didn't mints come from the St. Petersburg area?" Kongxiang Zhizhi said.

"That's true." Qiu Shu straightened up and said in a more serious tone, "Maozi's side has always been a little more chaotic than back home. If you want to go, it's best to keep your account balance at a relatively low level, so as not to Got cheated.”

"If the account balance is low, wouldn't it be enough to cover the transportation expenses back to Beijing?" Ji Fusheng was a little surprised.

"If it's not enough, it's not enough. Even if you run out of money in the brain-like body, you will be forced to quit." Qiu Shou said with a smile, "If you go with a lot of money, if you are cheated, won't you have to come back to eat dirt? Oh, you students No, after all, there are still parents who take care of everything.”

Can this be called discrimination against students? Zhi Zhi in Kongxiang was a little unhappy: "I understand, don't bring too much money."

"Hey, I don't mean anything else." Qiu Shou said with rare sincerity, "I also envy students who have parents who take care of everything. It's just that we are all ordinary people, so we should take it easy when it comes to money."

Ji Fusheng glanced at Zhi Zhi in the empty alley, thinking that this young lady was really not short of money. If money can really play a decisive role in the St. Petersburg District and even do whatever it wants, this may be a good thing for them.

"Our budget... is quite large." Gong Xiangzhi Zhi asked, "So if you bring enough money, can you find the original mint candy seller in St. Petersburg?"

After hearing this, Qiu Shuo laughed out loud: "Have you brought enough money? Do you know what 'enough' means? I'm not throwing cold water on you. Just the few steel dices your parents gave you, even if you find someone to make mints, They won't sell it to you. The manufacturers only do wholesale, not retail. If you want to get some mint candies for research, just ask Echishi and get two pieces."

Ji Lian couldn't help but want to say that the young lady he was "assisting" might not have much else in her family, but she definitely had a lot of money. But it's taboo to advertise one's family's wealth outside. Although Qiu Shuang seems to be a normal person, he doesn't know the details at all, and obviously can't tell Qi Mi's situation to anyone.

Instead, Zhi Zhi asked, "How much is 'enough'?"

This question seemed to stop Qiu Shuang. After five or six seconds, the other party replied hesitantly: "Don't even think about wholesale if it doesn't cost more than a hundred thousand, but for retail... you should be able to buy a batch with at least one or two thousand." Then he added. Asked, "Why, you don't want to smuggle, do you?"

"How is that possible!" Ji Fusheng said quickly, "We are just investigating. We will never bring drugs back home."

"Just to investigate, you have to spend several thousand. I'm afraid all the New Year's money will be used for this?" Qiu Shu chuckled, "As a student, you really have nothing to do. Why don't you just have some fun? We have to investigate the black market. Why don’t we leave the task of cracking down on crime to professionals?”

It is true that as a student, I have to go to St. Petersburg to investigate the origin of brain-like drugs, which is actually a bit unprofessional. If something goes wrong, it's probably going to have to be left to the parents to handle it. It's just that Qi Mi probably has no problem there. Ji Lian thought that if his account was "specially paid attention" by the administrator of the Brainoid Company, and even ended up being banned, his mother and stepfather probably wouldn't be willing to save it. How much money and effort is spent on this.

But if there are no risks, how can there be gains?

Kifusheng said: "You are stereotyping students."

"Well, that's up to you." Qiu Shuang returned to the most common posture of folding his arms, "You can do whatever you want when you are a student. When you are a student, don't get involved in the professional affairs. When the time comes, you can do whatever you want." There are plenty of bad things to do after you graduate. Now if you go to St. Petersburg and get scammed out of thousands, your parents will take care of it. When you graduate, even if your investment is scammed and you lose tens of millions, you will still have to endure it and pay it back slowly. "

"There is no need to persuade us." Gong Alley Zhizhi said unhappily, "If you can make suggestions, do so. If you can't, don't change the subject."

This guy is really rude. Qiu Shuo tilted his head and asked: "Oh, so you have made up your mind to get involved in this matter? Then I really don't say anything. If you want to find something, you can go to Eqian Shi. But, 'Don't listen to the old man' "You're going to suffer a loss right in front of you. If you find something wrong when you get there, you'll know why I told you two students to stop getting involved."

After saying this, Qiu Shou leaned against the pool, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and stopped talking.

However, Ji Lian recalled the content of the conversation again, and it seemed certain that a few thousand dollars should be enough to afford the price of "retail" mints, and Echishi seemed to be able to provide some information. Then they would have confidence that if Qiu Shuang didn't help, there would still be Eqianse. Just don’t let Echiyo guess that they are middle school students next time.

In order to heal the trauma caused by "Strawberry", I joined "The Holy Virgin" again (am I seeking death?) And this setting is also a bit... love (?) The relationship is still "senior year in high school ×" Sophomore in high school" and "sophomore in high school × freshman in high school" are passed down from generation to generation. Is this the rhythm of sophomores becoming "shared girlfriends"?

However, the appearance of the heroine Zi Zi in "The Holy Mother" is really cute, and I still agree with the fact that Zi Zi will not have any ambiguity with her friends. Although the protagonist can be loved by everyone, friendship and ambiguity must be separated... For example, the "friend = spare tire" setting in "Strawberry" makes Yuqing and Yeye beg for help without being very sad. However, if the heroine returns to Yuqing I will probably be even sadder (although Shizuma is really a scumbag, but I am the face control, and Etoile-sama is handsome [Also: Just by looking at her face, I know that Yu Qing will not be able to embrace the heroine, and her appearance in the anime has already been spoiled) ending])

After watching "The Holy Mother", I feel that "Strawberry" is even more sad... The main plot of "Strawberry" is probably a magical adaptation of the sub-plot of "The Holy Mother". Shizuma is like a replica of the saint, with a love heart + charm + a lost ex-girlfriend, but What prevents Shizuma and Kaori from getting together is death. Shizuma has nothing to do about it, and there will be no possibility of meeting each other again in the future... (And just like Miyuki for Shizuma, Shizuo also has true love for Sheng, but Childhood sweethearts are still no match for the Heavenly Fall series)

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