
Chapter 146 Competition #

Qi Min sat next to Mimi and thought for more than ten minutes before saying in a very calm tone: "Mimi, do you want to take an extracurricular class or something?"

Qi Mi didn't understand what her mother meant for a while. She raised her head from her rice bowl and asked, "I want to sign up for a class to play table tennis?"

Because she once lost her memory from before she was three or four years old, she remembered that she had been learning table tennis since she could remember. It was Qi Min who taught her at first, but later Qi Min, a half-hearted person, could no longer teach her. Qi Min had been playing table tennis with Mr. Qi Zhiguang since she was in elementary school - he had never been among the top three players in the unit's table tennis competition back then.

But now Qi Mi has also learned Mr. Qi Zhiguang’s skills to a close. Table tennis is inherently very technical. In the final analysis, Mr. Qi Zhiguang's level is just there. After he has taught Qi Mi almost enough, there is nothing left to teach him. However, Qi Mi never thought about taking the table tennis route. After all, her legs and feet were really not suitable for sports development, so she just treated it as a hobby.

"It's not table tennis..." Qi Min found this a bit difficult to say, but still tried to say in a very gentle way, "I mean, like mathematics, physics and chemistry, are you interested in anything? Of course, Chinese and other arts are also fine.”

Qi Mi turned her head and looked into her mother's eyes, but the latter looked away as if she felt a little guilty.

Qi Min does have a guilty conscience. She does not think parents should "force" their children to take extra classes. When she was a child, she relied solely on her interest in learning. Ms. Zhu Shaoqiong and Mr. Qi Zhiguang's educational philosophy was very enlightened, but this led Qi Min to develop the habit of getting stuck in things that didn't matter. Now she doesn't want Mimi to get used to living alone in the future, but she always feels that it is up to her to decide what kind of person she wants to be.

However, Qi Mi didn't have much opinion on this: "Where are the creatures?"

When Qi Min heard the word "biology", his first reaction was to persuade his daughter not to study it. However, before blurting out, he thought about it. It was only five or six years ago that he realized that the biology major was a pitfall. The brain-like body industry is so hot now, and biology, as one of the basic disciplines closest to it, is developing well. In particular, the R\u0026D department of brainoid companies will recruit many people with backgrounds in biology and biomedical engineering in hardware research and development, so employment is actually not a big problem.

But Qi Min still felt it was a bit of a waste to let his daughter study biology. However, just because you studied some biology in junior high school does not mean that you will become a major in the future. Qi Min felt that his daughter’s preferences should be the main priority.

"Biology... is pretty good." Qi Min hesitated, and after a few seconds he added, "Mimi, can you sign up for the school's biology competition class? You should learn these things early. Once you learn it, if you feel it’s not suitable, you can change it to something else.”

"Why do you want to join the competition class?" Qi Mi asked.

"Do you like biology?" Qi Min explained, "The biology teaching in middle school is too simple. The school's competition class is actually just a place for biology enthusiasts to play together."

It was also because of this that she learned to compete in biology. A person like Qi Min who was just messing around at that time was really unlikely to achieve any results in his studies. He was just having fun. Later, it was indeed confirmed that biology competition classes can make people have fun, so much so that Qi Min studied biology at university - looking at it this way, it seemed like something that would lead people into a pit.

But in the end, Mimi's interest still had to prevail, and Qi Mi thought it was okay, so the matter was settled.


Echiyo sat under the "city wall" outside the old city and dozed off, waiting for his boss and his brother to come to him.

He had gone to St. Petersburg with Dobosa before, but he only took Dobosa to the Red Snow Rescue Station. What happened after that was between a group of Russians, and he didn't understand much at all. .

Fortunately, the beautiful girl Dobosha was very generous and invited him to play around in the St. Petersburg area.

Since there are far more Chinese players than Russian players, the number of resident players in Beijing is three to four times that of St. Petersburg. In addition, the entertainment items are not much different. Originally, the two districts are very likely to lose many players because of their very similarity. The St. Petersburg district with a small population will lose many players. In order to increase differentiation, many entertainment projects in St. Petersburg District have been transformed into corresponding steampunk, cyberpunk or science fiction versions in Beijing. The style is more niche, but it also increases the loyalty of players - to As for many people jokingly call it "31_век_Ленинград (31st Century Leningrad)".

However, "31st Century Leningrad" is obviously not the real Leningrad. It costs money to experience the socialist science fiction style, and it is not cheap. Echiyo really felt how rich Dobosha was, and at the same time, she was a little confused about how "ordinary" young people like Qiu Shuang and Kaneda could know a "bourgeois" like Dobosha.

But for Eqianshi, Beijing District seems to be more suitable. He has never left the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in the real world before—not to mention Hebei, he has never even been to Tianjin. Since he is now "dead" and can only "live" in the supercomputer cluster in Beijing, he will obviously have no chance to go anywhere else in the future.

Thinking this way, he even wanted to go somewhere else. It's really abnormal. When he was "alive" before, he just wanted to stay at home, but now he is "dead" and wants to look elsewhere.

Echiyo took out a piece of mint candy from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it. This mint is not a complete replica of the real mint, but a brain-like refreshing agent launched on the black market in St. Petersburg. It is said to be synthesized from the source code leaked from the brain-like company. It is very easy to create this kind of "drug" - refreshing is just a simple feeling, and the constructor does not even need any mathematical tools to replicate this feeling - but its potential harm is not small, and I am afraid that it will make the brain-like body The company's managers are very worried.

However, there are also voices that believe that the source code of mints was deliberately leaked by the brain-like body company in order to increase the user stickiness of brain-like bodies - after eating mint candies, you will not feel overloaded even if you play exciting entertainment projects for a long time. .

The last time I followed Dobosa to the St. Petersburg district, she bought a lot on the black market and gave Echise a pack.

Echiyo has not dared to eat it since she came back, for fear of becoming addicted - that is actually nonsense. This thing does not involve the problem of synapse variability, and is at most psychologically addictive - but I couldn't help but taste a piece yesterday. Son, I found it pretty good.

Chewing mints, he now felt like he was addicted.

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