Blue Sword

Chapter 872 Extra Part 1

"This is Eleanor." Ask introduced his mother.

"Xiao Ai, right?" the old lady said with a smile.

Eleanor:? ? ?

Although I understand the meaning, I always feel that there is something wrong with this title.

The first meal the two of them had when they met their parents was at Nora's residence in the Licinius Building, where the saintly lady personally cooked and prepared the meal. The reason why I didn't go to Hearthfire Island was because the demiplane thing like Hearthfire Island was too difficult for the elderly to understand.

Ask's mother was full of praise for Nora's superb cooking skills. Eleanor was a little nervous here. She wanted to help Nora cook to show her virtuousness, so she ran to the kitchen.

While the two daughters-in-law went to the kitchen, the old lady turned around and asked Aske seriously:

"Tell me, son. Which of these two wives do you prefer?"

Asker:? ? ?

"Is there anything I like more..." He was about to say that I treat them all equally, when he saw his mother glare and say, "Then if they quarrel in the future, who will you help?"

"They have a good relationship and won't quarrel," Aske said.

"There is nothing wrong with quarreling. Husbands and wives will still quarrel!" So his mother said to him seriously, I think these two girls are very good at life, and I don't think they are the types that you can control at the same time.

After all, they all have children now, so let’s live like this for the time being. But if something goes wrong in the future, by then you won’t be able to keep one, and that one will run away, leaving you alone as a divorced middle-aged man with two children!

Asik said what is all this? If you don't understand our situation, then stop talking nonsense.

Mother said I am not doing this for your own good. If you really like a girl more, tell your mom and see if she can help you keep in touch with her as much as possible. Although this may be a pity to the other girl, there is nothing that can be done... If the two of them really quarrel and each can't stand the other's existence, it is better to have one of them left than none.

Ask was speechless and could only tell the truth that I don't particularly like them. I love them both. You can figure out what to do.

In the kitchen next door, Eleanor is helping wash the dishes, and the fog of will has captured the conversation between mother and son outside.

She raised her head and saw Nora closing the pot lid and looking at her with a smile.

"It's pretty damn cute," Eleanor said. "I was worried we might have a fight."

"Quarrels are always inevitable." Nora also answered with a smile.

"Well, but it seems that we have never had a huge quarrel." Eleanor suddenly thought, "If this happens, who do you think my dear will help?"

"It should be me." Nora said thoughtfully, "After all, I am relatively weak, and it seems like I am being bullied by you."

"No, no, no, I think it's more likely to be me." Eleanor said firmly, "You are much smarter than me, so I should be the one being bullied by you."

"How about we make a bet?" Nora suggested.

"What are you betting on?" Eleanor asked, "pretending to quarrel?"

"Then let's see how he reacts." Nora said with a smile.

"His mother is still here. Let's wait until the old man leaves." Eleanor shook her head.

She continued to wash the vegetables, while Nora turned down the heat and started seasoning.

After a while, Nora put the lid on the pot again and said:

"Actually, he may really not be able to help anyone."

Eleanor was silent for a moment.

"Indeed, he must have been passive and pretending to be stupid again."

"You're an old man." Nora sighed.

Soon the dishes were all ready, and the two of them came out of the kitchen and sat down. Two-year-old little Mike and little Missy were laughing and laughing while looking at the dishes on the table in the distance.

The old lady here couldn't bear to eat. She took the vegetables and got up to feed her two grandchildren. Asik, on the other hand, was very happy with his chopsticks and ate happily. Elinor sat at his right hand, still thinking about the question she had heard in the kitchen.

"Dear." She suddenly hugged Asker's arm and asked in a low voice, "If Nora and I quarrel, who will you help?"

"Ah?" Ask was stunned for a moment, "Why are you quarreling?"

"For example, there was a dispute over time allocation." Eleanor gave an example casually.

"Didn't we agree to allocate this?" Asker said, "The first half of the month will be in Solomon City, and the second half of the month will be in Aachen."

"I'm just giving you an example." Eleanor refused to give up. "If we have a quarrel, and it's the kind of disagreement, you can only choose to help one of us?"

"This..." Asik was speechless, and his left arm was hugged by Nora.

"My dear, I also want to know this question." Lady Saint said softly, "Don't you think that if we quarrel, there is a high probability that Eleanor will bully me? After all, she is so good at fighting, and I can only stay behind. Use some auxiliary skills. If you don't help me, maybe she will hit me."

"No, no, no." Eleanor hugged his arm tighter, "Dear, don't forget who threatened me with an excommunication order at our wedding last time? In terms of status and power, Nora is much higher than me, don’t you think you should be on my side?”

"The excommunication order was not issued in the end." Nora said quietly, "On the other hand, Ellie, you used the excuse of children to trick my dear and me into going to Aachen Hospital. I still remember what happened at the beginning. "

"First of all, it's not a lie, but I'm really asking you for help." Eleanor said seriously, "Secondly, after my dear and I got married, you forced him to get on the plane and take him away in the name of a private meeting. , isn’t it?”

"Why don't you let Ask's mother make the decision?" Nora said to her heart: I saved your child, but you still treat me like this now? This is too much!

"Okay, let's judge what's right." Eleanor thought to herself that I was the first one to marry Asker. Can his mother still stand on your side?

So the two of them got up and went to find the old lady. Asike didn't dare to let them go, so he quickly grabbed them one by one and pulled them back to their seats.

"Don't argue." Asik tried to show his responsibility as a man, "Let the past go by. If it doesn't work, just consider it my fault."

"Are you still protecting her?" Eleanor immediately felt sad and angry.

"I'm protecting you." Nora did her duty.

Well, both of them think it's the other's fault. Now that I'm taking responsibility for the mistake, they both feel like I'm protecting the other.

Asik, who knew he had made a mistake, quickly activated his survival instinct and his thoughts started racing in his mind.

Great way to change the subject! Quick, think of a topic that will divert your attention.

He suddenly had an idea and asked:

"How are we going to sleep tonight? Together?"

The old lady finished feeding her two grandchildren and turned around to continue getting the food. She saw her two daughters-in-law looking at her with smiles on their faces. His son sat between the two of them, showing a forced smile.

"What's wrong with you? Keep eating!" The mother said with a smile, "Don't worry about me. I'll feed my grandson first."

"Yes, everyone, let's eat." Asik could only agree with a smile on his face.

Under the table, Eleanor and Nora's hands were on the left and right, pinching the soft flesh of his waist, spinning them vigorously as if to vent their anger.

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